
Defines functions confCurveFromFam

Documented in confCurveFromFam

#' Confidence bounds on the true/false positives among most significant items
#' @param p.values A vector containing the p-values for all m hypotheses, sorted
#'   increasingly
#' @param refFamily A character value, the reference family to be used. Should
#'   be either "Simes" (or equivalenlty, "Linear"), "Beta", or "Oracle".
#' @param param A numeric value or vector of parameters for the reference family. 
#' @param K For JER control over `1:K`, ie joint control of all
#'   k-FWER, k <= K. Defaults to m.
#' @param what A character vector, the names of the post hoc bounds to be
#'   computed, among:
#' - FP: Upper bound on the number of false positives in the 'x' most significant items
#' - TP: Lower bound on the number of true positives in the 'x' most significant items
#' - FDP: Upper bound on the proportion of false positives in the 'x' most significant items
#' - TP: Lower bound on the proportion of true positives in the 'x' most significant items.
#' Defaults to `c("TP", "FDP")`
#' @details `param` should be a numeric value unless `refFamily ==
#'   "Oracle"`. In the latter case, `param`` should be a boolean vector of
#'   length m indicating whether each null hypothesis is true or false.
#' @return A `data.frame` with `m` rows and 5 columns:
#' - x: Number of most significant items selected
#' - family: Matches input argument `refFamily`
#' - param: Matches argument `param`
#' - procedure: Label for the procedure, typically of the form 'refFamily(param)'
#' - bound: Value of the post hoc bound
#' - stat: Type of post hoc bound, as specified by argument `bound`

#' @author Gilles Blanchard, Pierre Neuvial and Etienne Roquain
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Generate Gaussian data and perform multiple tests
#' sim <- gaussianSamples(m = 502, rho = 0.5, n = 100, pi0 = 0.8, SNR = 3, prob = 0.5)
#' rwt <- rowWelchTests(sim$X, sim$categ, alternative = "greater")
#' # calculate, print, and plot confidence bound
#' cb <- confCurveFromFam(rwt$p.value, refFamily = "Simes", param = 0.1)
#' head(cb)
#' plotConfCurve(cb, xmax = 200) 
confCurveFromFam <- function(p.values, refFamily, param, K = length(p.values), what = c("TP", "FDP")) {
    m <- length(p.values)
    fam0 <- c("Simes", "Beta", "Oracle")
    if (!(refFamily %in% fam0)) {
        stop("Unknown family: ", refFamily, "\n",
             "Only the following reference families are currently supported: ", 
             paste(fam0, collapse = ", "))
    thr <- NULL
    if (refFamily %in% c("Simes", "Linear")) {
        thr <- t_linear(param, seq_len(K), m)
    } else if (refFamily == "Beta") {
        thr <- t_linear(param, seq_len(K), m)
    } else if (refFamily == "Oracle") {
        stopifnot(length(param) == m && all(param %in% c(0,1)))
        thr <- param
    proc <- sprintf("%s(%s)", refFamily, param)
    posthoc_bound(p.values, S = 1:m, thr, lab = proc, what = what, all = TRUE)
pneuvial/sanssouci documentation built on June 29, 2024, 9:49 a.m.