
## Train an elastic net logistic regression classifier for a single cross validation
## run.  A helper function for glmnetLRC()

# These two parameters are only used when estimating the loss
# lambdaVal -- set this to a single value of lambda that will be used for the testing
# and training.
# lambdaVec -- a descending vector of lambdas which contains 'lambdaVal' that will be
# used to more quickly fit the glmnet during training.

single_glmnetLRC <- function(glmnetArgs,
                             lambdaVal = NULL,
                             lambdaVec = NULL) {

  # Check arguments as needed
  Smisc::stopifnotMsg(inherits(glmnetArgs, "glmnetArgs"),
                      "'glmnetArgs' should inherit from class 'glmnetArgs'",
                      # lambdaVal & lambdaVal should both be provided or they should both be NULL
                      sum(is.null(lambdaVal), is.null(lambdaVec)) %in% c(0, 2),
                      "'lambdaVal' and 'lambdaVec' should both be provided or they should both be NULL")
  # Function to train and test over the CV folds
  trainTest <- function(testSet, a = 1, lambdaV = NULL) {

    # testset:  indexes in 1:n of the data set that will be used to test
    # a is alpha
    # lambdaV is a vector of lambda values

    # Find the complement of the testSet
    trainSet <- sort(setdiff(1:n, testSet))

    # Verify that in the training set we have at least 1 observation for each
    # level of the binary response
    tablePreds <- table(glmnetArgs$y[trainSet])

    # Make sure we have 2 levels in the table.  This error should never occur, because
    # we already checked that truthLabels is a factor with 2 levels
    if (length(tablePreds) != 2) {
      stop("Unexpected error:  For the training set containing these observations:\n",
           paste(testSet, collapse = ", "),
           "\nThe length of the table of truthLabels is not 2.  This should not have happened.")
    # Make sure both levels have at least one observation
    if (!all(tablePreds > 0)) {

      # Text message to more easily interpret the table
      tableMsg <- paste("truthLabel level", names(tablePreds), "has", tablePreds, "observations")
      stop("For the training set containing these observations:\n",
           paste(testSet, collapse = ", "),
           "\nThere were no observations for at least one of the levels of 'truthLabels':\n",
           paste(tableMsg, collapse = "\n"))


    # Modify the args to glmnet for the partition
    glmnetArgsTrain <- c(glmnetArgs, list(lambda = lambdaV, alpha = a))
    glmnetArgsTrain$x <- glmnetArgs$x[trainSet,]
    glmnetArgsTrain$y <- glmnetArgs$y[trainSet]

    if ("weights" %in% names(glmnetArgs)) {
      glmnetArgsTrain$weights <- glmnetArgs$weights[trainSet]

    # Train the elastic net regression
    glmnetFit <- do.call(glmnet::glmnet, glmnetArgsTrain)
    # Now test it
    out <- predLoss_glmnetLRC(glmnetFit, glmnetArgs$x[testSet,], glmnetArgs$y[testSet],
                              lossMat, tauVec = tauVec, lossWeight = lossWeight[testSet],
                              lambdaVec = lambdaVal)

  } # trainTest

  # Run the cross validation for a particular alpha
  cvForAlpha <- function(alpha, tFold) {

    # alpha is a scalar
    # tFold is list of training indexes--the output of parseJob()

    if (verbose) {

    # Get the lambdaVec for this particular alpha using all the data.
    if (is.null(lambdaVec)) {

      lambdaVec <- do.call(glmnet::glmnet, c(glmnetArgs, list(alpha = alpha)))$lambda

    # Now train/test over all the cv folds
    testAll <- Smisc::list2df(lapply(tFold, trainTest, a = alpha, lambdaV = lambdaVec))

    # Add in the alpha
    testAll$alpha <- alpha


  } # cvForAlpha

  # Test/train over the vector of alphas
  completeTest <- Smisc::list2df(lapply(alphaVec, function(x) cvForAlpha(x, testFolds)))

  # Now summarize the loss over the cv folds, with a loss value for each
  # alpha, lambda, and tau combination for a given seed
  dfData <- Smisc::list2df(plyr::dlply(completeTest,

    .variables = c("alpha", "lambda", "tau"),

    .fun = function(x) {

       # x = K x K data.frame of values for the K folds with
       # same (alpha, lambda, tau, seed) parameter values.
       Eloss <- sum(x$weightedSumLoss) / sum(x$sumWeights)

       return(list("ExpectedLoss" = Eloss,
                   "alpha" = unique(x$alpha),
                   "tau" = unique(x$tau),
                   "lambda" = unique(x$lambda)))

  # Verify there are no NA's
  if (any(is.na(dfData))) {
    warning("Unexpected NA values are present in the cross validation results")

  # Searching for the minimum by sorting. Smaller expected loss is preferred
  # In the event of a tie, smaller sqErrorTau is preferred (tau closer to 0.5)
  # If still tied, larger values of lambda are prefered because they reduce the
  # number of predictors to create a more parsimonous model with fewer predictors
  dfData$sqErrorTau <- (dfData$tau - 0.5)^2
#  gridMinimum <- Smisc::sortDF(dfData, ~ ExpectedLoss + sqErrorTau - lambda)[1,]
  gridMinimum <- dfData[order(dfData$ExpectedLoss, dfData$sqErrorTau, -dfData$lambda),][1,]

  # Return the optimal lambda, tau, and alpha for this particular seed
  return(gridMinimum[,c("alpha", "lambda", "tau", "ExpectedLoss")])

} # single_glmnetLRC
pnnl/glmnetLRC documentation built on May 25, 2019, 10:22 a.m.