#' srtm
#' @param progress_bar Progress bar if shiny run
#' @param time_interval Time interval
#' @param spatial_extent Spatial extent
#' @param session Session
#' @param path_project Path project
#' @param path_tif Path tif
#' @param srtm_multiple Multiple SRTM
#' @return
#' @export
srtm <- function(session,
srtm_multiple = "9,15,33",
time_interval = NULL,
spatial_extent = NULL,
progress_bar = TRUE) {
# login to NASA/ESA services
apiesa <- read_esa_login()
username <- apiesa[1]
password <- apiesa[2]
getSpatialData::login_earthdata(username = username, password = password)
# spatial extent set AOI
if (is.null(spatial_extent)) {
if (progress_bar) {
title = i18n$t("Spatial_extent is NULL !"),
text = paste(
i18n$t("Please select a gpkg polygon!")
type = "error",
btn_labels = "Ok"
} else {
type = "message",
i18n$t("Spatial_extent is NULL !")
} else {
# Define an area of interest (AOI):
aoi <- spatial_extent %>%
sf::st_geometry() %>%
# Spatial mask of extent in ESPG 4326 (WGS84)
extent_aoi_4326 <- sf::st_bbox(aoi %>% st_transform(4326))
# time interval
# checks on dates
# TODO add checks on format
if (length(time_interval) == 1) {
time_interval <- rep(time_interval, 2)
# split time_interval in case of seasonal download
time_intervals <- if (time_period == "full") {
"start" = strftime(time_interval[1], "%Y-%m-%d"),
"end" = strftime(time_interval[2], "%Y-%m-%d"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
} else if (time_period == "seasonal") {
"start" = strftime(seq(time_interval[1], time_interval[2], by = "year"), "%Y-%m-%d"),
"end" = strftime(rev(seq(time_interval[2], time_interval[1], by = "-1 year")), "%Y-%m-%d"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
if (progress_bar) {
i18n <- Translator$new(translation_json_path = "./inst/translations/translation.json")
# Add a progress bar while importing
withProgress(message = i18n$t("Connect to NASA server..."), value = 0, {
# get records
records <- getSpatialData::get_records(
time_range = c(time_intervals$start, time_intervals$end),
products = c("SRTM_global_1arc_V001")
# Download and georeference the previews for all records:
records <- getSpatialData::get_data(records, dir_out = file.path(path_project))
}) # end withprogress
} else {
# get records
message("Download NASA SRTM...")
records <- getSpatialData::get_records(
time_range = c(time_intervals$start, time_intervals$end),
products = c("SRTM_global_1arc_V001")
# Download and georeference the previews for all records:
records <- getSpatialData::get_data(records, dir_out = file.path(path_project), as_sf = FALSE)
list_zip <- records$dataset_file %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE)
# unzip all files
list_hgt <- NULL
for (f in seq_along(list_zip)) {
lf <- grep("\\.hgt$", unzip(list_zip[f], list = TRUE)$Name, value = TRUE)
unzip(list_zip[f], files = lf, list = FALSE, exdir = dirname(list_zip[f]))
list_hgt <- c(list_hgt, lf)
# list all hgt
list_hgt <- as.vector(outer(dirname(list_zip[f]), list_hgt, paste, sep = "/"))
# build a vrt file
output.vrt <- paste(tempfile(), ".vrt", sep = "")
gdalfile = list_hgt,
output.vrt = output.vrt,
separate = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
overwrite = TRUE)
# read the vrt
s <- stars::read_stars(output.vrt)
# crop
lc <- s[extent_aoi_4326]
names(lc) <- "altitude.tif"
if (progress_bar) {
i18n <- Translator$new(translation_json_path = "./inst/translations/translation.json")
# Add a progress bar while importing
# Altitude
withProgress(message = i18n$t("Write altitude.tif..."), value = 0, {
# write the tif
stars::write_stars(lc, dsn = file.path(path_tif, names(lc)), driver = "GTiff", progress = TRUE, update = FALSE)
out <- "altitude"
# Exposition
withProgress(message = i18n$t("Write exposition.tif..."), value = 0, {
exposition <- gdalUtils::gdaldem(
mode = "aspect",
input_dem = file.path(path_tif, "altitude.tif"),
output = file.path(path_tif, "exposition.tif"),
output_Raster = TRUE,
alg = "ZevenbergenThorne",
b = 1,
compute_edges = TRUE,
zero_for_flat = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
out <- c(out, "exposition")
# Pente
withProgress(message = i18n$t("Write pente.tif..."), value = 0, {
pente <- gdalUtils::gdaldem(
mode = "slope",
input_dem = file.path(path_tif, "altitude.tif"),
output = file.path(path_tif, "pente.tif"),
output_Raster = TRUE,
alg = "ZevenbergenThorne",
compute_edges = TRUE,
b = 1,
s = 1.0,
p = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
out <- c(out, "pente")
# Ombrage
withProgress(message = i18n$t("Write ombrage.tif..."), value = 0, {
ombrage <- gdalUtils::gdaldem(
mode = "hillshade",
input_dem = file.path(path_tif, "altitude.tif"),
output = file.path(path_tif, "ombrage.tif"),
output_Raster = TRUE,
alg = "ZevenbergenThorne",
b = 1,
z = 1.0,
s = 1.0,
alt = 45.0,
verbose = TRUE
out <- c(out, "ombrage")
# Rugosite
withProgress(message = i18n$t("Write rugosite.tif..."), value = 0, {
rugosite <- gdalUtils::gdaldem(
mode = "roughness",
input_dem = file.path(path_tif, "altitude.tif"),
output = file.path(path_tif, "rugosite.tif"),
output_Raster = TRUE,
compute_edges = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
out <- c(out, "rugosite")
withProgress(message = i18n$t("Write tri.tif..."), value = 0, {
tri <- gdalUtils::gdaldem(
mode = "TRI",
input_dem = file.path(path_tif, "altitude.tif"),
output = file.path(path_tif, "tri.tif"),
output_Raster = TRUE,
compute_edges = TRUE,
b = 1,
verbose = TRUE
out <- c(out, "tri")
withProgress(message = i18n$t("Write tpi.tif..."), value = 0, {
tpi <- gdalUtils::gdaldem(
mode = "TPI",
input_dem = file.path(path_tif, "altitude.tif"),
output = file.path(path_tif, "tpi.tif"),
output_Raster = TRUE,
compute_edges = TRUE,
b = 1,
verbose = TRUE
out <- c(out, "tpi")
# Geomorphon
withProgress(message = i18n$t("Write geomorphon.tif..."), value = 0, {
geomorphon <- qgis::grass7_r_geomorphon(
elevation = file.path(path_tif, "altitude.tif"),
forms = file.path(path_tif, "geomorphon.tif")
out <- c(out, "geomorphon")
#### list multiple
s <- strsplit(srtm_multiple, ",")[[1]]
# Pente
withProgress(message = i18n$t("Write multiple pente..."), value = 0, {
# calc mutiple pente indices
for (r in seq(s)) {
incProgress(1 / length(s), detail = paste0("Write pente", s[r], ".tif (", r, "/", length(s), ")"))
pentem <- qgis::grass7_r_neighbors(
input = pente,
method = "average",
size = as.integer(s[r]),
.c = TRUE,
output = file.path(path_tif, paste0("pente", s[r], ".tif"))
out <- c(out, paste0("pente", s[r]))
} # end for
# Rugosite
withProgress(message = i18n$t("Write multiple rhougness..."), value = 0, {
# calc mutiple rhougness indices
for (r in seq(s)) {
incProgress(1 / length(s), detail = paste0("Write rhougness", s[r], ".tif (", r, "/", length(s), ")"))
rugositem <- qgis::grass7_r_neighbors(
input = rugosite,
method = "average",
size = as.integer(s[r]),
.c = TRUE,
output = file.path(path_tif, paste0("rugosite", s[r], ".tif"))
out <- c(out, paste0("rugosite", s[r]))
} # end for
withProgress(message = i18n$t("Write multiple tri..."), value = 0, {
# calc mutiple rhougness indices
for (r in seq(s)) {
incProgress(1 / length(s), detail = paste0("Write tri", s[r], ".tif (", r, "/", length(s), ")"))
trim <- qgis::grass7_r_neighbors(
input = tri,
method = "average",
size = as.integer(s[r]),
.c = TRUE,
output = file.path(path_tif, paste0("tri", s[r], ".tif"))
out <- c(out, paste0("tri", s[r]))
} # end for
withProgress(message = i18n$t("Write multiple tpi..."), value = 0, {
# calc mutiple rhougness indices
for (r in seq(s)) {
incProgress(1 / length(s), detail = paste0("Write tpi", s[r], ".tif (", r, "/", length(s), ")"))
tpim <- qgis::grass7_r_neighbors(
input = tpi,
method = "average",
size = as.integer(s[r]),
.c = TRUE,
output = file.path(path_tif, paste0("tpi", s[r], ".tif"))
out <- c(out, paste0("tpi", s[r]))
} # end for
# Geomorphon
withProgress(message = i18n$t("Write multiple geomorphon..."), value = 0, {
# calc mutiple rhougness indices
for (r in seq(s)) {
incProgress(1 / length(s), detail = paste0("Write geomorphon", s[r], ".tif (", r, "/", length(s), ")"))
geomorphonm <- qgis::grass7_r_geomorphon(
elevation = file.path(path_tif, "altitude.tif"),
forms = file.path(path_tif, paste0("geomorphon", s[r], ".tif")),
search = as.integer(s[r])
out <- c(out, paste0("geomorphon", s[r]))
} # end for
} else {
message("Write altitude.tif...")
stars::write_stars(lc, dsn = file.path(path_tif, names(lc)), driver = "GTiff", progress = TRUE, update = FALSE)
out <- "altitude"
message("Write exposition.tif...")
exposition <- gdalUtils::gdaldem(
mode = "aspect",
input_dem = file.path(path_tif, "altitude.tif"),
output = file.path(path_tif, "exposition.tif"),
output_Raster = TRUE,
alg = "ZevenbergenThorne",
b = 1,
compute_edges = TRUE,
zero_for_flat = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
out <- c(out, "exposition")
message("Write ombrage.tif...")
ombrage <- gdalUtils::gdaldem(
mode = "hillshade",
input_dem = file.path(path_tif, "altitude.tif"),
output = file.path(path_tif, "ombrage.tif"),
output_Raster = TRUE,
alg = "ZevenbergenThorne",
b = 1,
z = 1.0,
s = 1.0,
alt = 45.0,
verbose = TRUE
out <- c(out, "ombrage")
message("Write rugosite.tif...")
rugosite <- gdalUtils::gdaldem(
mode = "roughness",
input_dem = file.path(path_tif, "altitude.tif"),
output = file.path(path_tif, "rugosite.tif"),
output_Raster = TRUE,
compute_edges = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
out <- c(out, "rugosite")
message("Write tri.tif...")
tri <- gdalUtils::gdaldem(
mode = "TRI",
input_dem = file.path(path_tif, "altitude.tif"),
output = file.path(path_tif, "tri.tif"),
output_Raster = TRUE,
compute_edges = TRUE,
b = 1,
verbose = TRUE
out <- c(out, "tri")
message("Write tpi.tif...")
tpi <- gdalUtils::gdaldem(
mode = "TPI",
input_dem = file.path(path_tif, "altitude.tif"),
output = file.path(path_tif, "tpi.tif"),
output_Raster = TRUE,
compute_edges = TRUE,
b = 1,
verbose = TRUE
out <- c(out, "tpi")
message("Write geomorphon.tif...")
geomorphon <- qgis::grass7_r_geomorphon(
elevation = file.path(path_tif, "altitude.tif"),
forms = file.path(path_tif, "geomorphon.tif")
out <- c(out, "geomorphon")
#### list multiple
s <- strsplit(srtm_multiple, ",")[[1]]
# calc mutiple rhougness indices
s <- strsplit(srtm_multiple, ",")[[1]]
for (r in seq(s)) {
message(paste0("Write rugosite", s[r], ".tif..."))
rugositem <- qgis::grass7_r_neighbors(
input = rugosite,
method = "average",
size = as.integer(s[r]),
.c = TRUE,
output = file.path(path_tif, paste0("rugosite", s[r], ".tif"))
out <- c(out, paste0("rugosite", s[r]))
for (r in seq(s)) {
message(paste0("Write tri", s[r], ".tif..."))
trim <- qgis::grass7_r_neighbors(
input = tri,
method = "average",
size = as.integer(s[r]),
.c = TRUE,
output = file.path(path_tif, paste0("tri", s[r], ".tif"))
out <- c(out, paste0("tri", s[r]))
} # end for
# calc mutiple rhougness indices
for (r in seq(s)) {
message(paste0("Write tpi", s[r], ".tif..."))
tpim <- qgis::grass7_r_neighbors(
input = tpi,
method = "average",
size = as.integer(s[r]),
.c = TRUE,
output = file.path(path_tif, paste0("tpi", s[r], ".tif"))
out <- c(out, paste0("tpi", s[r]))
} # end for
# Geomorphon
# calc mutiple rhougness indices
for (r in seq(s)) {
message(paste0("Write geomorphon", s[r], ".tif..."))
geomorphonm <- qgis::grass7_r_geomorphon(
elevation = file.path(path_tif, "altitude.tif"),
forms = file.path(path_tif, paste0("geomorphon", s[r], ".tif")),
search = as.integer(s[r])
out <- c(out, paste0("geomorphon", s[r]))
} # end for
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.