
#' @title Get information from S2 short name
#' @description This accessory function extracts metadata included in
#'  the name of a Sentinel-2 product which follows the theia2r
#'  naming convention (see [safe_shortname]).
#' @param s2_names A vector of Sentinel-2 product names in the
#'  theia2r naming convention.
#' @param format One between `list` of `data.frame`.
#' @param abort Logical parameter: if TRUE (default), the function aborts 
#'  in case any of `s2_names` is not recognised; if FALSE, a warning is shown,
#'  and a list with only the element 'type'='unrecognised' is returned.
#' @return A list or a data.frame of the output metadata.
#' @author Luigi Ranghetti, phD (2017) \email{ranghetti.l@@irea.cnr.it}, Pascal Obstetar, (2018) \email{pascal.obstetar@@gmail.com}
#' @note License: GPL 3.0
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table
#' @examples
#' # Define product name
#' fs2nc_examplename <-
#'   '/path/of/the/product/S2A1C_20170603_022_32TQQ_TOA_20.tif'
#' # Return metadata
#' theia2r_getElements(fs2nc_examplename)

theia2r_getElements <- function(s2_names, format = "list", abort = TRUE) {
    # if input is NULL, return NULL
    if (is.null(s2_names)) {
    # define regular expressions to identify products
    fs2nc_regex <- list(tile = list(regex = "^S2([AB])([12][AC])\\_([0-9]{8})\\_([0-9]{3})\\_([0-9A-Z]{5})\\_([A-Za-z0-9\\-]+)\\_([126]0)\\.?([^\\_]*)$", elements = c("mission", 
        "level", "sensing_date", "id_orbit", "id_tile", "prod_type", "res", "file_ext")), merged = list(regex = "^S2([AB])([12][AC])\\_([0-9]{8})\\_([0-9]{3})\\_\\_([A-Za-z0-9\\-]+)\\_([126]0)\\.?([^\\_]*)$", 
        elements = c("mission", "level", "sensing_date", "id_orbit", "prod_type", "res", "file_ext")), clipped = list(regex = "^S2([AB])([12][AC])\\_([0-9]{8})\\_([0-9]{3})\\_([^\\_\\.]+)\\_([A-Za-z0-9\\-]+)\\_([126]0)\\.?([^\\_]*)$", 
        elements = c("mission", "level", "sensing_date", "id_orbit", "extent_name", "prod_type", "res", "file_ext")))
    metadata <- list()  # output object, with requested metadata
    s2_names <- basename(s2_names)
    for (i in seq_along(s2_names)) {
        s2_name <- s2_names[i]
        metadata[[i]] <- list()
        names(metadata)[i] <- s2_name
        # retrieve type
        if (length(grep(fs2nc_regex$tile$regex, s2_name)) == 1) {
            metadata[[i]]$type <- "tile"
        } else if (length(grep(fs2nc_regex$merged$regex, s2_name)) == 1) {
            metadata[[i]]$type <- "merged"
        } else if (length(grep(fs2nc_regex$clipped$regex, s2_name)) == 1) {
            metadata[[i]]$type <- "clipped"
        } else {
            print_message(type = if (abort == TRUE) {
            } else {
            }, "\"", s2_name, "\" was not recognised.")
            metadata[[i]]$type <- "unrecognised"  # so not to enter in the next cycle
        # retrieve info
        for (sel_el in fs2nc_regex[[metadata[[i]]$type]]$elements) {
            # generic formattation
            metadata[[i]][[sel_el]] <- gsub(fs2nc_regex[[metadata[[i]]$type]]$regex, paste0("\\", which(fs2nc_regex[[metadata[[i]]$type]]$elements == sel_el)), s2_name)
            # specific formattations
            if (sel_el == "sensing_date") {
                metadata[[i]][[sel_el]] <- as.Date(metadata[[i]][[sel_el]], format = "%Y%m%d")
            if (sel_el == "res") {
                metadata[[i]][[sel_el]] <- paste0(metadata[[i]][[sel_el]], "m")
    }  # end of prod cycle
    # return output
    if (format == "data.frame") {
        return(as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", c(lapply(metadata, as.data.table, stringsAsFactors = FALSE), fill = TRUE))))
    if (format != "list") {
        print_message(type = "warning", "Argument must be one between 'data.frame' and 'list'.", "Returnig a list.")
    if (length(metadata) == 1) {
    } else {
pobsteta/theia2r documentation built on May 25, 2019, 2:21 p.m.