
Defines functions ask_user paste_vec nrp_install_unit clean_input_cols fill_date_time_query fill_date_query all_na named_list

named_list <- function()
  list(x = 1)[-1]

all_na <-function(data){
  apply(data, 1, function(x){all(is.na(x))})

fill_date_query <- function(table, col, end, start, connection) {

  if(is.null(start) & is.null(end)){
    end <- DBI::dbGetQuery(connection, paste0("SELECT MAX(`", col, "`) FROM ", table))[1,1]
    start <- as.character(dttr2::dtt_add_years(dttr2::dtt_date(end), -1))
  } else if (is.null(start) & !is.null(end)){
    start <- DBI::dbGetQuery(connection, paste0("SELECT MIN(`", col, "`) FROM ", table))[1,1]
  } else if (!is.null(start) & is.null(end)){
    end <- DBI::dbGetQuery(connection, paste0("SELECT MAX(`", col, "`) FROM ", table))[1,1]
  c("start_date" = start, "end_date" = end)

fill_date_time_query <- function(table, col, end, start, connection) {

  if(is.null(start) & is.null(end)){
    end <- DBI::dbGetQuery(connection, paste0("SELECT MAX(`", col, "`) FROM ", table))[1,1]
    start <- as.character(dttr2::dtt_add_years(dttr2::dtt_date_time(end), -1))
  } else if (is.null(start) & !is.null(end)){
    start <- DBI::dbGetQuery(connection, paste0("SELECT MIN(`", col, "`) FROM ", table))[1,1]
  } else if (!is.null(start) & is.null(end)){
    end <- DBI::dbGetQuery(connection, paste0("SELECT MAX(`", col, "`) FROM ", table))[1,1]
  c("start_date_time" = start, "end_date_time" = end)

clean_input_cols <- function(data, lookup){

  missing_cols <- names(lookup)[!names(lookup) %in% names(data)]
  excess_cols <- names(data)[!names(data) %in% names(lookup)]

  if(length(missing_cols) > 0) {
    warning <- paste("The input data is missing the following columns which will be assigned NA: ",
                     paste(missing_cols, collapse = ", "))
    data[missing_cols] <- NA

  if(length(excess_cols) > 0) {
    warning <- paste("The input data contains the following unnecessary columns that will be discarded: ",
                     paste(excess_cols, collapse = ", "))
    data[excess_cols] <- NULL

  reclassed <- map_dfc(names(data), function(x){
    col <- dplyr::pull(data, x)
    new_class <- as.character(lookup[x])

    if(new_class == "date") {

      col <- dttr2::dtt_date(as.integer(col), origin = "1899-12-30") %>%
          warning = function(w){
          if(str_detect(w$message, "NAs introduced by coercion")){
            err("Ivalid date format for column: '", x, "'.please ensure column is formatted as 'date' (yyyy-mm-dd) in Excel.")
          dttr2::dtt_date(as.integer(col), origin = "1899-12-30") %>%
          error = function(e) err("Ivalid date format for column: '", x, "'. Please ensure column is formatted as 'date' (yyyy-mm-dd) in Excel.")

    } else {

      col <- methods::as(col, new_class) %>%
        tryCatch(warning = function(w){
          if(str_detect(w$message, "NAs introduced by coercion")){
            err("NAs introduced when cleaning data columns. Please Ensure all values in excel column: '", x, "' are type: '", new_class, "'.")
          methods::as(col, new_class) %>% suppressWarnings()

      col <- suppressWarnings(methods::as(col, new_class))

    col <- as.data.frame(col)
    names(col) <- x

  select(reclassed, all_of(names(lookup)))


nrp_install_unit <- function(x) {

  result <- units::install_unit(x) %>%
    suppressWarnings() %>%
    try(silent = TRUE)

  if(length(result) && !str_detect(result, "already maps to existing but different unit")){
    err("Unit", x, " could not be installed.")

paste_vec <- function(x) paste0("'", unique(x), "'", collapse = ", ")

ask_user <- function(msg, auto_yes = getOption("nrp.ask_user.auto_yes", FALSE)) {

  } else {
poissonconsulting/nrp documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 4:14 p.m.