
Defines functions sc_batting_stats

Documented in sc_batting_stats

#' Create statlines that include count and rate metrics for players based on Statcast
#' This function allows you to create statlines of statistics for players or groups of players from raw Statcast. When calculating wOBA, the most recent year in the data frame is used for weighting.
#' @param df A data frame of statistics that includes, at a minimum, the following columns: events, description, game_date, and type.
#' @param base Tells the function what to use as the population of pitches to use for the statline. Options include "swings", "contact", or "pa". Defaults to "pa".
#' @import dplyr
#' @import rvest
#' @importFrom tidyr gather replace_na
#' @importFrom xml2 read_html
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sc_batting_stats(df, base = "contact")
#' }

sc_batting_stats <- function(df, base = "pa") {
  df$year <- as.character(df$game_year)
  guts_table <- read_html("http://www.fangraphs.com/guts.aspx?type=cn") %>%
    html_nodes(xpath = '//*[@id="content"]/table') %>%
    html_table(fill = TRUE)
  guts_table <- as.data.frame(guts_table)[-(1:2), (1:14)]
  names(guts_table) <- c("season", "lg_woba", "woba_scale", "wBB", "wHBP", "w1B", "w2B", "w3B", "wHR", "runSB", "runCS", "lg_r_pa", "lg_r_w", "cFIP")
  for(i in c(2:ncol(guts_table)))
    guts_table[,i] <- as.numeric(as.character(guts_table[,i]))
  df <- df %>%
    mutate(hit_type = ifelse(type == "X" & events == "single", 1,
                             ifelse(type == "X" & events== "double", 2,
                                    ifelse(type == "X" & events == "triple", 3,
                                           ifelse(type == "X" & events == "home_run", 4, NA)))),
           swing = ifelse(grepl("swinging|into_play|foul", description) & !grepl("bunt", description), 1, 0),
           swinging_strike = ifelse(swing == 1 & grepl("swinging_strike|foul", description) & !grepl("bunt", description), 1, 0))
  if (base == "swings") {
    batted_balls <- df %>%
      filter(swing == 1) %>%
      group_by(hit_type) %>%
      count() %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      mutate(hit_type = ifelse(is.na(hit_type), "Outs", hit_type)) %>%
      tidyr::spread(key = hit_type, value = n)
    batted_balls <- batted_balls %>%
      mutate('1' = ifelse(1 %in% colnames(.), `1`, 0),
             '2' = ifelse(2 %in% colnames(.), `2`, 0),
             '3' = ifelse(3 %in% colnames(.), `3`, 0),
             '4' = ifelse(4 %in% colnames(.), `4`, 0),
             Outs = ifelse("Outs" %in% colnames(.), Outs, 0))
    batted_balls <- batted_balls %>%
      select(`1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, Outs)
    names(batted_balls) <- c("X1B", "X2B", "X3B", "HR", "Outs")
    batted_balls <- batted_balls %>%
    swing_miss <- df %>%
      filter(swing == 1) %>%
      summarise(swings = n(), swing_and_miss_or_foul = sum(.$swinging_strike),
                swinging_strike_percent = round(swing_and_miss_or_foul/n(), 3))
    statline <- cbind(batted_balls, swing_miss) %>%
      mutate(batted_balls = swings - swing_and_miss_or_foul) %>%
      select(swings, batted_balls, everything()) %>%
      mutate(ba = round(sum(X1B, X2B, X3B, HR)/swings, 3), obp = ba, slg = round((X1B + (2*X2B) + (3*X3B) + (4*HR))/swings, 3), ops = obp + slg)
    statline$year <- substr(max(df$game_date),1,4)
    statline <- statline %>% 
      select(year, everything()) %>% 
  } else if (base == "pa") {
    batted_balls <- df %>%
      mutate(end_of_pa = ifelse(type == 'X', 1, 0)) %>%
      filter(end_of_pa == 1) %>%
      group_by(hit_type) %>%
      count() %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      mutate(hit_type = ifelse(is.na(hit_type), "Outs", hit_type)) %>%
      tidyr::spread(key = hit_type, value = n) %>%
      mutate('1' = ifelse(1 %in% colnames(.), `1`, 0),
             '2' = ifelse(2 %in% colnames(.), `2`, 0),
             '3' = ifelse(3 %in% colnames(.), `3`, 0),
             '4' = ifelse(4 %in% colnames(.), `4`, 0),
             Outs = ifelse("Outs" %in% colnames(.), Outs, 0)) %>%
      select(`1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, Outs)
    names(batted_balls) <- c("X1B", "X2B", "X3B", "HR", "Outs")
    empty_df <- tibble(X1B = NA, X2B = NA, X3B = NA, HR = NA, Outs = NA)
    batted_balls <- bind_rows(empty_df, batted_balls)
    if (length(batted_balls$X1B) > 1) {
      batted_balls <- batted_balls[-1,]
    walks_ks <- df %>%
      mutate(end_of_pa = ifelse(type %in% c('B', 'S') & events != 'null', 1, 0)) %>%
      filter(end_of_pa == 1) %>%
      mutate(type = ifelse(type == 'B', "BB", "SO")) %>%
      mutate(type = ifelse(events == 'hit_by_pitch', 'HBP', type)) %>%
      group_by(type) %>%
      count() %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      tidyr::spread(key = type, value = n)
    empty_df <- tibble(BB = NA, HBP = NA, SO = NA)
    walks_ks <- bind_rows(empty_df, walks_ks)
    if (length(walks_ks$BB) > 1)
      walks_ks <- walks_ks[-1,]
    statline <- bind_cols(batted_balls, walks_ks)
    statline <- cbind(batted_balls, walks_ks)
    statline <- bind_rows(empty_df, statline)
    statline <- statline[-1,]
    statline <- statline %>%
      mutate_all(tidyr::replace_na, 0)
    statline$Outs <- statline$Outs + statline$SO
    statline$total_pas <- with(statline, X1B+X2B+X3B+HR+BB+HBP+Outs)
    statline <- statline %>%
      mutate(ba = round(sum(X1B, X2B, X3B, HR)/(X1B+X2B+X3B+HR+Outs), 3),
             obp = (X1B+X2B+X3B+HR+BB+HBP)/total_pas,
             slg = round((X1B + (2*X2B) + (3*X3B) + (4*HR))/(X1B+X2B+X3B+HR+Outs), 3),
             ops = obp + slg)
    statline$year <- substr(max(df$game_date),1,4)
    statline <- select(statline, year, everything())
    statline <- woba_pas(statline, guts_table)
    statline <- statline %>%
      mutate_at(vars(ba:woba), round, 3) %>%
      mutate_at(vars(ba:woba), ~ifelse(!is.finite(.x), 0, .x))
  } else {
    batted_balls <- df %>%
      filter(type == "X") %>%
      group_by(hit_type) %>%
      count() %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      mutate(hit_type = ifelse(is.na(hit_type), "Outs", hit_type)) %>%
      tidyr::spread(key = hit_type, value = n)
    batted_balls <- batted_balls %>%
      mutate('1' = ifelse(1 %in% colnames(.), `1`, 0),
             '2' = ifelse(2 %in% colnames(.), `2`, 0),
             '3' = ifelse(3 %in% colnames(.), `3`, 0),
             '4' = ifelse(4 %in% colnames(.), `4`, 0),
             Outs = ifelse("Outs" %in% colnames(.), Outs, 0))
    batted_balls <- batted_balls %>%
      select(`1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, Outs)
    names(batted_balls) <- c("X1B", "X2B", "X3B", "HR", "Outs")
    batted_balls <- batted_balls %>%
      mutate(batted_balls = sum(X1B, X2B, X3B, HR, Outs)) %>%
      select(-Outs) %>%
      select(batted_balls, everything()) %>%
      mutate(ba = round(sum(X1B, X2B, X3B, HR)/batted_balls, 3),
             obp = ba, slg = round((X1B + (2*X2B) + (3*X3B) + (4*HR))/batted_balls, 3),
             ops = obp + slg)
    batted_balls$year <- substr(max(df$game_date),1,4)
    batted_balls <- batted_balls %>% 
      select(year, everything()) %>% 

woba_contact <- function(df, guts_table) {
  df_join <- left_join(df, guts_table, by = c("year" = "season"))
  df_join$woba <- round((((df_join$w1B * df_join$X1B) + (df_join$w2B * df_join$X2B) + 	(df_join$w3B * df_join$X3B) + (df_join$wHR * df_join$HR))/df$batted_balls),3)
  x <- names(df_join) %in% c("lg_woba", "woba_scale", "wBB", "wHBP", "w1B", "w2B", "w3B", "wHR", "runSB", "runCS", "lg_r_pa", "lg_r_w", "cFIP")
  df_join <- df_join[!x]

woba_swings <- function(df, guts_table) {
  df_join <- left_join(df, guts_table, by = c("year" = "season"))
  df_join$woba <- round((((df_join$w1B * df_join$X1B) + (df_join$w2B * df_join$X2B) + 	(df_join$w3B * df_join$X3B) + (df_join$wHR * df_join$HR))/df$swings),3)
  x <- names(df_join) %in% c("lg_woba", "woba_scale", "wBB", "wHBP", "w1B", "w2B", "w3B", "wHR", "runSB", "runCS", "lg_r_pa", "lg_r_w", "cFIP")
  df_join <- df_join[!x]

woba_pas <- function(df, guts_table) {
  df_join <- left_join(df, guts_table, by = c("year" = "season"))
  df_join$woba <- round((((df_join$w1B * df_join$X1B) + (df_join$w2B * df_join$X2B) + (df_join$w3B * df_join$X3B) + (df_join$wHR * df_join$HR) + (df_join$wBB * df_join$BB) + (df_join$wHBP * df_join$HBP))/df$total_pas),3)
  x <- names(df_join) %in% c("lg_woba", "woba_scale", "wBB", "wHBP", "w1B", "w2B", "w3B", "wHR", "runSB", "runCS", "lg_r_pa", "lg_r_w", "cFIP")
  df_join <- df_join[!x]
pontsuyu/mlbR documentation built on March 23, 2023, 6:38 a.m.