#' Monte Carlo Gini Index Test
#' Takes a vector of counts and calculates its Gini coefficient
#' then it generates a Monte Carlo distribution of Gini coefficients
#' under the specified family (Poisson or nbinom) and compares the
#' observed Gini with the MC confidence interval.
#' There is an option to generate a plot of the values and critical region.
#' @param x A numeric or intenger vector of event counts. If
#' \code{data} is provided, x is the character label of the column
#' of event counts.
#' @param data A data frame.
#' @param reps The number of Monte Carlo replicates
#' @param keep_reps Logical option to keep the vector of Gini Index statistics
#' for the Monte Carlo replications.
#' @param family Family distribution for the Null Hypothesis.
#' @param plots Logical indicating whether to generate a plot of the test.
#' @keywords Monte Carlo, simulation, poisson, negative binomial, inequality,
#' Gini Index
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mc_gini_test("extortions", data = testdata, plots = TRUE, family = "poisson")
mc_gini_test <- function(x, data = NULL, reps = 2000, keep_reps = FALSE,
family = c("poisson", "nbinom"), plots = FALSE)
if(is.data.frame(data)) {xvar <- data[,x]; xname <- x }
else {xvar <- x; xname <- deparse(substitute(x))}
if(!class(xvar) %in% c("numeric", "integer"))
{stop("Variable is not numeric.")}
# Calculate observed Gini
obs_gini <- ineq::ineq(xvar, type="Gini")
names(obs_gini) <- paste("Observed Gini Coefficient for ", xname, sep = "")
# Calculate MC distributions
if(family[1] == "nbinom")
nb_estimates <- MASS::fitdistr(xvar, "Negative Binomial")
mc_reps <- lapply(1:reps, function(x)
rnbinom(length(xvar), size=nb_estimates$estimate[1],
mc_reps <- lapply(1:reps, function(x){rpois(length(xvar), mean(xvar))})
# Calculate the Gini coefficients for MC distributions
mc_gini <- unlist(lapply(mc_reps, function(x) ineq::ineq(x, type="Gini")))
# 95% confidence interval
mc_confint <- quantile(mc_gini, c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE)
names(mc_confint) <- c("MC 2.5%", "MC 97.5%")
# MC mean
mc_mean <- mean(mc_gini)
names(mc_mean) <- "Monte Carlo mean"
names(reps) <- "Replicates"
# Test
mc_test <- obs_gini < mc_confint[1] | obs_gini > mc_confint[2]
names(mc_test) <- "Alternative Hypothesis"
results <- list(DV = xname,
stat = obs_gini,
mc_mean = mc_mean,
mc_confint = mc_confint,
reps = reps,
mc_test = mc_test)
# Plot
legend <- paste(xname, ": ", sep="")
plottitle <- "Obs. vs. Exp. ("
plottitle <- paste(legend, plottitle, family[1], ")", sep = "")
plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(gini = mc_gini),
ggplot2::aes(gini)) +
ggplot2::geom_density() +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = mc_confint, linetype="dashed") +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = obs_gini, colour="red") +
ggplot2::ggtitle(plottitle) +
results$plot <- plot
if(keep_reps == TRUE)
results$keep_reps <- mc_reps
# Return results
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