
Defines functions mvr

Documented in mvr

#' Multivariate Regressograms
#' @description mvr returns multivariate regressograms for multivariate longitudinal data with j outcomes.
#' @param data a data frame (or matrix) with n rows for subjects and T columns for the repeated measurements.
#' @param time a vector with T equally or unequally spaced time points.
#' @param j a positive integer for the number of outcomes.
#' @param N a positive integer for the number of subjects.
#' @param inno a logical indicating if elements of innovation variance matrices be used innovariogram plot. The default is FALSE.
#' @param inverse a logical indicating if elements of inverse innovation variance matrices be used innovariogram plot. The default is FALSE.
#' @param loginno a logical indicating if elements of log innovation variance matrices be used innovariogram plot. The default is TRUE.
#' @param plot logical indicating whether multivariate regressograms are returned or not. The default is TRUE.
#' @param pch.plot a integer indicating type of symbols to be used in  multivariate regressograms. The default is 19 for a solid dot.
#' @param par1.r a positive integer indicating number of rows in multiple regressogram plots. The default is 2.
#' @param par2.r a positive integer indicating number of columns in multiple regressogram plots. The default is 2.
#' @param par1.d a positive integer indicating number of rows in multiple innovariogram plots. The default is 2.
#' @param par2.d a positive integer indicating number of columns in multiple innovariogram plots. The default is 2.
#' @return Multivariate regressograms are returned and following elements of modified Cholesky block decomposition:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item Phit are the correlation coefficient matrices obtained from sample covariance matrix.
#'  \item Phi.plot the elements from jXj Phit matrices obtained from sample covariance matrix. This is in a list format where each element of the list represents elements for each regressogram plot.
#'  \item D.elements are the innovation variance matrices obtained from sample covariance matrix. This is in matrix format where each row represents the elements for each innovariogram plot. These elements are not plotted by default.
#'  \item Dinv.elements are the inverse innovation variance matrices obtained from sample covariance matrix. This is in matrix format where each row represents the elements for each innovariogram plot. These elements are not plotted by default.
#'  \item logD.elements are the log innovation variance matrices obtained from sample covariance matrix. This is in matrix format where each row represents the elements for each innovariogram plot. These elements are plotted by default.
#' }
#' @usage mvr(data, time, j, N, inno=FALSE, inverse=FALSE, loginno=TRUE, plot=TRUE, pch.plot=19, par1.r=2, par2.r=2, par1.d=2, par2.d=2)
#' @references Kohli, P. Garcia, T. and Pourahmadi, M. 2016 Modeling the Cholesky Factors of Covariance Matrices of Multivariate Longitudinal Data, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 145, 87-100.
#' @references Kohli, P. Du, X. and Shen, H. 2020+ Multivariate Longitudinal Graphical Models (MLGM): An R Package for Visualizing and Modeling Mean and Dependence Patterns in Multivariate Longitudinal Data, submitted.
#' @export
#' @import matrixcalc
#' @examples data(Tcells)
#' time <- c(0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 18, 24, 32, 48, 72)
#' j <- 4
#' n <- 44
#' MVR <- mvr(Tcells,time,j,n,inno=FALSE,inverse=FALSE,loginno=TRUE,plot=TRUE,pch.plot=19,par1.r = 2,par2.r = 2,par1.d=2,par2.d=2)

mvr <- function(data,time,j,N,inno=FALSE,inverse=FALSE,loginno=TRUE,plot=TRUE,pch.plot=19,par1.r=2,par2.r=2,par1.d=2,par2.d=2){
  sigma.sample <- cov(data)
  t <- length(time)
  CholElements <- mvchol(sigma.sample,t,j)
  Phit <- CholElements$Phit
  Phi.lags.all <- list(0)
  Lag.all <- list(0)
  row.dim <- rep(1:j,each=j)
  col.dim <- rep(1:j,j)
  for(i in 1:(t-1)){
    phi.lags <- array(0,dim=c((t-i),j,j))
    count <- 0
    for(b in (i+1):t){
      count <- count + 1
      m <- (b-i)
      phi.lags[count,,] <- Phit[b,(j*(m-1)+1):(j*m),]
    Phi.lags.all[[i]] <- phi.lags
    lag.elements <- matrix(0,nrow=(j^2),ncol=count)
    for(k in 1:(j^2)){
      r <- row.dim[k]
      c <-	 col.dim[k]
      lag.elements[k,] <-  Phi.lags.all[[i]][1:count,r,c]
    Lag.all[[i]] <- lag.elements
  combine <- function(y,x,t){
    form <- 0
    for(i in 1:(t-1)){
      form <- c(form,x[[i]][y,])
    form <- form[-1]

  Phi.plot <- lapply(1:(j^2),combine,Lag.all,t)
    ylab.all <- 0
    count2 <- 0
    main.all <- 0
    for(i in 1:j){
      for(k in 1:j){
        count2 <- count2 + 1
        num <- c(i,k)
        num_i <- c(i)
        num_k <- c(k)
        ylab.all <- c(ylab.all,bquote(phi[paste(.(i),.(k))]))
        main.all <- c(main.all,letters[count2])
    ylab.all <- ylab.all[-1]
    main.all <- main.all[-1]
    lags <- 0
    for(i in 1:(t-1)){
      time.lags <- diff(time,i)
      lags <- c(lags,rep(time.lags))
    lags <- lags[-1]
    for(i in 1:(j^2)) {
      plot(lags,Phi.plot[[i]],xlab="Time Lags",main=main.all[i],ylab=ylab.all[i],ylim=c(min(Phi.plot[[i]])-1,max(Phi.plot[[i]])+1),

  D <- CholElements$D			#sample D
  Dt <- CholElements$Dt			#sample Dt
  Dt.inv <-array(0,dim=c(t,j,j))
  for (i in 1:t){
    Dt.inv[i,,] <- solve(Dt[i,,])
  n <- j*(j+1)/2
  D.elements <- matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=t)
  Dinv.elements <- matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=t)
  row.dim <-  rep(1:j,times=c(j:1))
  col.dim <- 0
  for(i in 1:j){
    col.dim <- c(col.dim,i:j)
  col.dim <- col.dim[-1]
  for(k in 1:n){
    r <- row.dim[k]
    c <- col.dim[k]
    D.elements[k,] <-  Dt[1:t,r,c]
    Dinv.elements[k,] <-  Dt.inv[1:t,r,c]
    count2 <- 0
    main.all <- 0
    ylab.all <- 0
    for(i in 1:j){
      for(k in 1:j){
        count2 <- count2 + 1
        num_i <- c(i)
        num_k <- c(k)
        main.all <- c(main.all,letters[count2])
        ylab.all <- c(ylab.all,bquote(d[paste(.(i),.(k))]))
    main.all <- main.all[-1]
    ylab.all <- ylab.all[-1]
    lags <- 0
    innoplot.list <- list(0)
      for(i in 1:n){
        plot(time,D.elements[i,],xlab="Time Points",ylab=ylab.all[i],ylim=c(min(D.elements[i,])-1,max(D.elements[i,])+1),
    count2 <- 0
    ylab.all <- 0
    main.all <- 0
    for(i in 1:j){
      for(k in 1:j){
        count2 <- count2 + 1
        num_i <- c(i)
        num_k <- c(k)
        main.all <- c(main.all,letters[count2])
        ylab.all <- c(ylab.all,bquote(m[paste(.(i),.(k))]))
    main.all <- main.all[-1]
    ylab.all <- ylab.all[-1]
      for(i in 1:n){
        plot(time,Dinv.elements[i,],xlab="Time Points",ylab=ylab.all[i],ylim=c(min(Dinv.elements[i,])-1,max(Dinv.elements[i,])+1),
    logD.elements <- matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=t)
    log.Dt <- array(0,dim=dim(Dt))
    for(i in 1:t){
      Dt.mat <- Dt[i,,]
      ev <- eigen(Dt.mat)
      index <- order(ev$values,decreasing=TRUE)
      log.Nt <- diag(log(ev$values[index]))
      Pt <- ev$vectors[,index]
      log.Dt[i,,] <- t(Pt) %*% log.Nt %*% Pt
    for(k in 1:n){
      r <- row.dim[k]
      c <- col.dim[k]
      logD.elements[k,] <-  log.Dt[1:t,r,c]
    count2 <- 0
    main.all <- 0
    ylab.all <- 0
    for(i in 1:j){
      for(k in 1:j){
        count2 <- count2 + 1
        num_i <- c(i)
        num_k <- c(k)
        main.all <- c(main.all,letters[count2])
        ylab.all<- c(ylab.all,bquote(v[paste(.(i),.(k))]))
    main.all <- main.all[-1]
    ylab.all <- ylab.all[-1]
    lags <- 0
      for(i in 1:n){
        loginnoplot.list<- plot(time,logD.elements[i,],xlab="Time Points",ylab=ylab.all[i],ylim=c(min(logD.elements[i,])-1,max(logD.elements[i,])+1),
priyakohli5/MLGM documentation built on April 24, 2021, 4:22 p.m.