#' makeGPS Wrapper
#' Function for generating background GPS repository for sigora and ora
#' @export makeGPS_wrappR makeGPS_wrappR
#' @param ids Character vector of gene symbols (experimental background)
#' @param target Character, database to be used to generate GPS repository ("KEGG", "GO", "reactome")
#' @param keytype default UNIPROT
#' @return A GPS repository based on the self specified background in \code{ids}, see \code{\link[sigora]{makeGPS}} for more information.
#' @seealso \code{\link[sigora]{makeGPS}}
#' @examples
#' data("exampleUniprotIDs", package = "prora")
#' myGPSrepo <- makeGPS_wrappR(ids = exampleUniprotIDs)
#' \dontrun{
#' myGPSrepo <- makeGPS_wrappR(ids = exampleUniprotIDs, target = "GO")
#' myGPSrepo <- makeGPS_wrappR(ids = exampleUniprotIDs, target = "react")
#' }
makeGPS_wrappR <- function(ids, keytype = "UNIPROT",
target = c("KEGG", "GO", "reactome")) {
target <- match.arg(target)
if (target == "KEGG") {
tabs <- .get_tables_KEGG(ids = ids, keytype = "UNIPROT")
} else if (target %in% c("GO", "reactome")) {
tabs <- .get_tables_ractome_GO(ids = ids, keytype = "UNIPROT", target = target)
} else {
stop("Specify a valid target database (one of KEGG, GO, reactome)")
mkGPStable <-
dplyr::inner_join(tabs$pn_tab, tabs$gp_tab) %>%
colnames(mkGPStable) <- c("pathwayId", "pathwayName", "gene")
if (all(dim(mkGPStable) > 0)) {
return(list(gps = sigora::makeGPS(as.data.frame(mkGPStable)),gpsTable = mkGPStable))
} else {
stop("No pathway, gene, description mappings. Cannot produce GPS repository.")
.get_tables_ractome_GO <- function(ids, keytype = "UNIPROT", target = c("reactome", "GO")) {
target <- match.arg(target)
if (target == "reactome") {
gp_db <- reactome.db::reactome.db
pn_db <- reactome.db::reactome.db
ids <- AnnotationDbi::mapIds(
keys = ids,
keytype = keytype,
column = "ENTREZID",
multiVals = "CharacterList"
) %>% unlist %>% S4Vectors::na.omit()
target_column <- "PATHID"
k1 = "PATHID"
} else if (target == "GO") {
gp_db <- org.Hs.eg.db
pn_db <- GO.db
target_column = "GO"
k0 = "UNIPROT"
k1 = "GOID"
k2 = "TERM"
gp_table <- mapIds(
keys = ids,
keytype = k0,
column = target_column,
multiVals = "CharacterList"
) %>% unlist %>% enframe(name = "Symbol", value = "pathwayID")
pn_table <- mapIds(
keys = as.character(gp_table$pathwayID),
multiVals = "CharacterList",
keytype = k1,
column = k2
) %>% unlist %>% enframe(name = "pathwayID", value = "pathwayName")
out <- list(gp_tab = gp_table, pn_tab = pn_table)
.get_tables_KEGG <- function(ids, keytype = "UNIPROT") {
gp_db <- org.Hs.eg.db
target_column <- "PATH"
pn_table <- sigora::load_data('kegH')$pathwaydescriptions %>%
dplyr::rename(pathwayID = !!sym("pwys"), pathwayName = !!sym("nms")) %>%
mutate(pathwayID = substr(!!sym("pathwayID"), start = 4, stop = 8))
gp_table <- AnnotationDbi::mapIds(
keys = ids,
keytype = keytype,
column = target_column,
multiVals = "CharacterList"
) %>% unlist %>% enframe(name = "Symbol", value = "pathwayID")
out <- list(pn_tab = pn_table, gp_tab = gp_table)
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