
#' Spin a bash script into Rmd
#' @description
#' This function is derived from \code{knitr::spin()} for R-scripts and
#' is adapted to do a similar conversion of bash scripts into Rmd files.
#' The conversion is done in a simple way and almost no features of the
#' original are provided. This is just a very crude way to have a look
#' at documentation of a shell script in a nicer format such as html.
#' When specified, the generated Rmd is rendered to html using
#' \code{rmarkdown::render()}.
#' @param ps_sh_hair path to the bash scirpt
#' @param ps_out_rmd output Rmd file
#' @param pb_knit flag whether generated Rmd should be rendered
#' @param pobi_output_format desired output format passed to rmarkdown::render()
#' @param pb_keep_rmd should Rmd source file be kept
#' @examples
#' s_test_script <- system.file('extdata', 'test_script.sh', package = 'qgert')
#' s_test_out <- file.path(tempdir(), 'test_script.Rmd')
#' spin_sh(ps_sh_hair = s_test_script, ps_out_rmd = s_test_out)
#' unlink(s_test_out)
#' @export spin_sh
spin_sh <- function (ps_sh_hair,
                     ps_out_rmd         = paste0(basename(fs::path_ext_remove(ps_sh_hair)), ".Rmd"),
                     pb_knit            = TRUE,
                     pobi_output_format = NULL,
                     pb_keep_rmd        = FALSE){
  if (!file.exists(ps_sh_hair))
    stop(" * ERROR cannot find input script: ", ps_sh_hair)

  # read the script content
  vec_bsrc <- readLines(con = ps_sh_hair)

  # In case the script starts with the path to bash remove it.
  vec_out_src <- vec_bsrc
  if (vec_out_src[1] == '#!/bin/bash')
    vec_out_src <- vec_out_src[-1]

  # Insert the chunk borders
  # There are two types of chunks:
  # 1. text chunks where text chunks are all lines that start with "#'"
  # 2. code chunks are all lines that are not text chunks.
  # From the definitions given above it seams easier to start with text chunks
  vec_txt_chunks <- grep("^#\\'", vec_out_src)

  # Start with the beginning of a code chunk
  vec_code_chunk_start_pos <- grep(pattern = '^#\\+', vec_out_src)
  vec_code_chunk_with_eval_start_pos <- grep(pattern = '^#\\+(.*)eval(.*)$', vec_out_src)
  vec_code_chunk_wout_eval_start_pos <- setdiff(vec_code_chunk_start_pos, vec_code_chunk_with_eval_start_pos)

  # End of code chunks
  vec_txt_chunks <- c(vec_txt_chunks, length(vec_out_src))
  vec_code_chunk_end_pos <- sapply(1:length(vec_code_chunk_start_pos),
                                   function(x) vec_txt_chunks[which(vec_code_chunk_start_pos[x]<vec_txt_chunks)[1]]-1,
                                   USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  if (length(vec_code_chunk_start_pos) != length(vec_code_chunk_end_pos))
    stop("ERROR: number of code start pos not the same as code end pos")

  # ## Replacements to get to a rmd document
  # The code chunks are augmented with the tiks and engine specs, for all chunks w/out eval option, it is added
  vec_out_src[vec_code_chunk_with_eval_start_pos] <- gsub(pattern = '^#\\+(.*)$', replacement = '```{bash,\\1}', vec_out_src[vec_code_chunk_with_eval_start_pos])
  vec_out_src[vec_code_chunk_wout_eval_start_pos] <- gsub(pattern = '^#\\+(.*)$', replacement = '```{bash,\\1, eval=FALSE}', vec_out_src[vec_code_chunk_wout_eval_start_pos])

  # The code chunk ends are symbolised with three tiks which are added at each beginning of the line
  for (i in seq_along(vec_code_chunk_end_pos)){
    if (vec_out_src[vec_code_chunk_end_pos[i]] == ""){
      vec_out_src[vec_code_chunk_end_pos[i]] <- "```\n"
    } else {
      vec_out_src <- c(vec_out_src[1:(vec_code_chunk_end_pos[i])], "```\n", vec_out_src[(vec_code_chunk_end_pos[i]+1):length(vec_out_src)])

  # Remove all doxygen comment signs from text
  vec_out_src <- gsub(pattern = "^#\\'[ ]*", replacement = "", vec_out_src )

  # Add section with Latest Change date
  vec_out_src <- c(vec_out_src, rep("\n", 2), "## Latest Update \n```{bash, latest-update, echo = FALSE, eval=TRUE} \ndate \n``` \n")

  # Write modified content to Rmd file
  cat(paste0(vec_out_src, collapse = "\n"), "\n", file = ps_out_rmd)

  # knit if parameter was specified
  if (pb_knit){
    rmarkdown::render(input = ps_out_rmd, output_format = pobi_output_format)
    if (!pb_keep_rmd)

pvrqualitasag/qgert documentation built on June 29, 2021, 11:14 p.m.