
Defines functions check_pedig_parent

Documented in check_pedig_parent

## ---- Parent Properties -------------------------------------------------

#' @title Check Properties of Parents in a Pedigree
#' @description
#' Some descriptive statistics about the pedigree are collected. The main
#' check consists of the comparison of the birthdates of animals to the
#' birthdates of their parents. The check of birthdates can be parametrized
#' by a minimal tolerance of the difference using the argument \code{pn_bd_tol}.
#' The last check lists all animals that have the same IDs as one of their
#' parents.
#' @details
#' The comparison of the birthdates is done via a join of the parent birthdates
#' to a tibble that consists of only animals, their birthdates and their parents.
#' The comparison is done for sires and dams in two separate steps.
#' @param ps_pedig_path path to the pedigree input file
#' @param ps_delim column delimiting character
#' @param ps_id_col column title for animal IDs
#' @param ps_sire_col column title for sire IDs
#' @param ps_dam_col column title for dam IDs
#' @param ps_col_bd column title for birthdates
#' @param pvec_sire_by by argument for inner_join with sires
#' @param pvec_dam_by by argument for inner_join with dams
#' @param pvec_sire_suffix suffix for birthdates used for sire comparison
#' @param pvec_dam_suffix suffix for birthdates used for dam comparision
#' @param pcol_types column types of pedigree in ps_pedig_path
#' @param ptbl_pedigree tibble containing pedigree information
#' @param pn_bd_tol minimal tolerance for age difference between animal and parents (in days)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' check_pedig_parent(ps_pedig_path = system.file('extdata',
#'     'PopReport_SN_ohne_20210115.csv_adaptfin2.csv',
#'   package = 'qprppedigree'))
#' }
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @export check_pedig_parent
check_pedig_parent <- function(ps_pedig_path,
                               ps_delim         = '|',
                               ps_id_col        = '#IDTier',
                               ps_sire_col      = 'IDVater',
                               ps_dam_col       = 'IDMutter',
                               ps_col_bd        = 'Birthdate',
                               pvec_sire_by     = c('IDVater' = '#IDTier'),
                               pvec_dam_by      = c('IDMutter' = '#IDTier'),
                               pvec_sire_suffix = c(".Tier", ".Vater"),
                               pvec_dam_suffix  = c(".Tier", ".Mutter"),
                               pcol_types       = NULL,
                               ptbl_pedigree    = NULL,
                               pn_bd_tol        = 0){
  # check whether pedigree must be read
  if (is.null(ptbl_pedigree)){
    tbl_pedigree <- read_prp_pedigree(ps_pedig_path = ps_pedig_path, ps_delim = ps_delim, pcol_types = pcol_types)
  } else {
    tbl_pedigree <- ptbl_pedigree
  # animals with missing parents
  nr_missing_sire <- sum(is.na(tbl_pedigree[[ps_sire_col]]))
  nr_missing_dam <- sum(is.na(tbl_pedigree[[ps_dam_col]]))
  # number of parents that are not animals
  sire_vec <- unique(tbl_pedigree[[ps_sire_col]])
  sire_vec <- sire_vec[!is.na(sire_vec)]
  nr_sire_not_animals <- sum(!is.element(sire_vec, tbl_pedigree[[ps_id_col]]))
  dam_vec <- unique(tbl_pedigree[[ps_dam_col]])
  dam_vec <- dam_vec[!is.na(dam_vec)]
  nr_dam_not_animals <- sum(!is.element(dam_vec, tbl_pedigree[[ps_id_col]]))

  # checking birthdates of anmals and parents
  # define symbols
  sym_animal_id <- dplyr::sym(ps_id_col)
  sym_sire_id <- dplyr::sym(ps_sire_col)
  sym_dam_id <- dplyr::sym(ps_dam_col)
  sym_col_bd <- dplyr::sym(ps_col_bd)
  vec_sire_bd <- sapply(pvec_sire_suffix, function(x) paste(ps_col_bd, x, sep = ''), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  sym_sire_animal_bd <- dplyr::sym(vec_sire_bd[1])
  sym_sire_parent_bd <- dplyr::sym(vec_sire_bd[2])
  vec_dam_bd <- sapply(pvec_dam_suffix, function(x) paste(ps_col_bd, x, sep = ''), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  sym_dam_animal_bd <- dplyr::sym(vec_dam_bd[1])
  sym_dam_parent_bd <- dplyr::sym(vec_dam_bd[2])
  # create the tibble with animal, sire and birthdate
  tbl_sire_bd <- tbl_pedigree %>% dplyr::select(!!sym_animal_id, !!sym_sire_id, !!sym_col_bd)
  # join birthdate of sire and filter those with inconsistent birthdate
  tbl_sire_bd_err <- tbl_sire_bd %>%
    dplyr::inner_join(tbl_pedigree, by = pvec_sire_by, suffix = pvec_sire_suffix) %>%
    dplyr::select(!!sym_animal_id, !!sym_sire_id, !!sym_sire_animal_bd, !!sym_sire_parent_bd) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!!sym_sire_animal_bd - !!sym_sire_parent_bd < pn_bd_tol)
  # create the tibble with animal, dam and birthdate
  tbl_dam_bd <- tbl_pedigree %>% dplyr::select(!!sym_animal_id, !!sym_dam_id, !!sym_col_bd)
  # join birthdate of dam and filter those with inconsistent birthdates
  tbl_dam_bd_err <- tbl_dam_bd %>%
    dplyr::inner_join(tbl_pedigree, by = pvec_dam_by, suffix = pvec_dam_suffix) %>%
    dplyr::select(!!sym_animal_id, !!sym_dam_id, !!sym_dam_animal_bd, !!sym_dam_parent_bd) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!!sym_dam_animal_bd - !!sym_dam_parent_bd < pn_bd_tol)
  # use filter to find animals with same IDs as parents
  tbl_sire_equal_id <- tbl_pedigree %>% dplyr::filter(!!sym_animal_id == !!sym_sire_id)
  tbl_dam_equal_id <- tbl_pedigree %>% dplyr::filter(!!sym_animal_id == !!sym_dam_id)

  # return results
  return(list(PedFile         = ps_pedig_path,
              NrMissingSire   = nr_missing_sire,
              NrMissingDam    = nr_missing_dam,
              NrSireNotAnimal = nr_sire_not_animals,
              NrDamNotAnimal  = nr_dam_not_animals,
              TblSireBdate    = tbl_sire_bd_err,
              TblDamBdate     = tbl_dam_bd_err,
              TblSireEqID     = tbl_sire_equal_id,
              TblDamEqID      = tbl_dam_equal_id))

pvrqualitasag/qprppedigree documentation built on March 18, 2021, 7:34 a.m.