#' Expand Population-Level Metadata to Individual-Level Data Frame
#' This function expands population-level metadata to an individual-level data frame by merging metadata with individual data from a `genlight` or `genind` object.
#' @param geno A `genlight` or `genind` object containing the genotype data.
#' @param meta.data A data frame containing population-level metadata. This data frame must include a column named `site` that corresponds to the population names in the `genlight` or `genind` object.
#' @details
#' The function extracts individual sample names and their population assignments from the `genlight` or `genind` object. Population-level metadata such as XY coordinates or environmental data are expanded to individual-level metadata using a left join on the `site` column.
#' The resulting individual-level data frame is saved as a CSV file named "individual_env_data.csv".
#' @return A data frame containing individual-level data with expanded metadata.
#' @importFrom adegenet indNames pop
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom dartR.base gi2gl
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Example genlight object
#' library(adegenet)
#' library(dartR.base)
#' data(nancycats)
#' genlight_obj <- gi2gl(nancycats[pop(nancycats) %in% levels(pop(nancycats))[1:3]])
#' # Example metadata
#' meta_data <- data.frame(
#' site = c("P01", "P02", "P03"),
#' env_var1 = c(10.5, 20.3, 15.2),
#' env_var2 = c(100, 200, 150),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' # Expand population-level metadata to individual-level
#' individual_data <- expand_pop2ind(genlight_obj, meta_data)
#' # Example genind object
#' genind_obj <- nancycats[pop(nancycats) %in% levels(pop(nancycats))[1:3]]
#' individual_data_genind <- expand_pop2ind(genind_obj, meta_data)
#' }
#' @export
expand_pop2ind <- function(geno, meta.data) {
# Check if genlight or genind object is supplied
input.class <- class(geno)[1]
# Extract individual names and population assignments
if (input.class == "genlight" || input.class == "genind") {
ind_names <- indNames(geno)
pops <- pop(geno)
} else {
stop("The input object must be of class 'genlight' or 'genind'.")
# Create a data frame with individual names and their population
ind_df <- data.frame(ind.names = ind_names, site = as.character(pops), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
meta.data$site <- as.character(meta.data$site)
# Use left_join to merge
expanded_df <- ind_df %>%
left_join(meta.data, by = "site")
write.csv(expanded_df, "individual_env_data.csv", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
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