
Defines functions hFauna k cp tau phi

Documented in phi tau

#' Configuration or view factor
#' Calculates the configuration factor for radiative heat transfer as used
#' in AS3959 for bushfire risk assessment of built structures
#' @param Fl 
#' @param Fa 
#' @param S 
#' @param D 
#' @param H 

phi <- function(Fl, Fa, S, D, H)
  # Distances
  Fx <- (Fl/2*cos(Fa))
  Sep <- abs(D - Fx)
  Sl <- (S * pi)/180
  # Configuration factor
  X1 <- (Fl*sin(Fa)-Fx*tan(Sl)-D*tan(Sl)-H)/Sep
  X2 <- (H+Sep*tan(Sl))/Sep
  Y1 <- 50/Sep
  X1a <- sqrt(1+X1^2)
  X2a <- sqrt(1+X2^2)
  Y1a <- sqrt(1+Y1^2)
  return(ifelse(Fl<0.1, 0, ifelse(Sep<=0, 1,

#' Atmospheric attenuation
#' Calculates the atmospheric transmissivity of radiation as used
#' in AS3959 for bushfire risk assessment of built structures. Equations from
#' Fuss & Hamins
#' An estimate of the correction applied to radiant flame measurements due to
#' attenuation by atmospheric CO2and H2O.
#' Fire Saf. J. 37, 181–190 (2002)
#' @param D 
#' @param flameTemp 
#' @param temperature 
#' @param rh 

tau <- function(D = 200, flameTemp = 1300, temperature = 288, rh = 0.51)
  a0 <-1.486-0.002003*temperature+0.0000468*flameTemp-0.06052*rh
  a1 <-0.01225-0.000059*temperature+0.00000166*flameTemp-0.001759*rh
  a2 <--0.0001489+0.0000006893*temperature-0.00000001922*flameTemp+0.00002092*rh
  a3 <-0.0000008381-0.000000003823*temperature+0.00000000010511*flameTemp-0.0000001166*rh
  a4 <--0.000000001685+0.000000000007637*temperature-0.0000000000002085*flameTemp+0.0000000002350*rh

#' Calculates the convective and radiative heat from a flame that is 
#' incident upon a designated point
#' Finds the temperature, velocity, dynamic viscosity, atmospheric pressure, and density of a plume at a point
#' Gives the mean flame temperature (K) and emissive power of each flame
#' tempAir: Air temperature is modelled from dynamic flame segments using
#' Weber R.O., Gill A.M., Lyons P.R.A., Moore P.H.R., Bradstock R.A., Mercer G.N. (1995)
#' Modelling wildland fire temperatures. CALMScience Supplement, 4, 23–26.
#' cpAir: Specific heat of air is found from an empirical function fit to data from
#' Hilsenrath, J. et al.
#' Circular of the Bureau of Standards no. 564: tables of thermal properties of gases comprising tables of
#' thermodynamic and transport properties of air, argon, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide hydrogen, nitrogen,
#' oxygen, and steam. (Department of Commerce, 1955), and
#' Kyle, B. G. Chemical and process thermodynamics. (Englewood Cliffs / Prentice Hall, 1984)
#' Density: Air density (kg/m^3) is found using the Ideal Gas Law.
#' presAtm: Air pressure (hPa) is calculated using the Barometric Formula with standard Values.
#' viscosity: Dynamic viscosity (10^-6 Pa.s) is calculated using an empirical relationship fit to a subset of
#' air pressures within an order of magnitude of sea level (R2 = 0.999), using data from
#' Kadoya, K., N, M. & Nagashima, A. Viscosity and thermal conductivity of dry air in the gaseous phase.
#' J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 14, 947–970 (1985)
#' Plume_velocity: Plume velocity (m/s) is calculated allowing for crosswinds, using
#' Oka Y., Sugawa O., Imamura T. (2008)
#' Correlation of temperature rise and velocity along an inclined fire plume axis in crosswinds.
#' Fire Safety Journal, 43, 391–400.
#' The Froude number is set to 1.5 as per Ma T.G., Quintiere J.G. (2003)
#' Numerical simulation of axi-symmetric fire plumes: Accuracy and limitations.
#' Fire Safety Journal, 38, 467–492.
#' flameTemp: Average flame temperature is integrated from the modelled temperature over the length of the flame
#' epsilon: The emissivity of a flame is calculated from mean flame thickness using
#' Àgueda, A., Pastor, E., Pérez, Y. & Planas, E.
#' Experimental study of the emissivity of flames resulting from the combustion of forest fuels.
#' Int. J. Therm. Sci. 49, 543–554 (2010)
#' phi: The configuration factor is calculated using the function phi, from
#' Tan, Z., Midgley, S. & Douglas, G.
#' A computerised model for bushfire attack assessment and its applications in bushfire protection planning.
#' Int. Congr. Model. Simul. Adv. Appl. Manag. Decis. Making, MODSIM05 538–545 (2005)
#' @param Surf The dataframe produced by the function 'summary',
#' @param repFlame The dataframe produced by the function 'repFlame'.
#' @param Pressure Sea level atmospheric pressure (hPa)
#' @param Altitude Height above sea level (m)
#' @param Horizontal The horizontal distance in metres from the flame origin to the point
#' @param Height The vertical distance in metres from the flame origin to the point
#' @param var The angle in degrees that the plume spreads above/below a central vector
#' @param residence Surface flame residence time
#' @param surfDecl Exponent describing the rate of post-front flame decay in surface litter 
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

threat <- function (Surf, repFlame, Horizontal = 10, Height = 10, var = 10, Pressure = 1013.25, Altitude = 0,
                    residence = 30, surfDecl = 2)
  El <- Horizontal * tan((Surf$slope_degrees[1] * pi)/180)
  interceptAngle <- atan((Height+El)/Horizontal)
  # Calculate surface flame heating
  s <- Surf %>%
    mutate(hor = Horizontal,
           Intercept = ifelse(((interceptAngle - tan((var * pi)/180)) > angleSurface)|((interceptAngle + tan((var * pi)/180)) < angleSurface), 0, 1),
           Alpha = 1/(2 * lengthSurface^2),
           C = 950 * lengthSurface * exp(-Alpha * lengthSurface^2),
           pAlphas = abs(Horizontal/cos(interceptAngle)),
           temp_pointS = ifelse(pAlphas < lengthSurface,
                                950 + exp(-Alpha * pAlphas^2),
                                C/pAlphas) * Intercept + temperature)  %>%
    select(repId, hor, ros_kph, wind_kph, angleSurface, lengthSurface, pAlphas, temperature, slope_degrees, temp_pointS, epsilon)
  # Find post-front heating
  post <- s %>%
    mutate(t = max(0,-hor)/(ros_kph/3.6),
           tail = min(1,max(ceiling(t),0)),
           surfPost = lengthSurface*exp(-(surfDecl/residence)*t),
           Alpha = 1/(2 * surfPost^2),
           C = 950 * surfPost * exp(-Alpha * surfPost^2),
           pAlphaPost = pmax(0,Height),
           temp_point_post = tail * (ifelse(pAlphaPost < surfPost,
                                            950 + exp(-Alpha * pAlphaPost^2),
                                            C/pAlphaPost)) + temperature) 
  # Calculate heating from burning plants
  p <- suppressMessages(repFlame %>%
                          left_join(post) %>%
                          mutate(Angle = atan((y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0)),
                                 Intercept = ifelse(((interceptAngle - tan((var * pi)/180)) > Angle)|((interceptAngle + tan((var * pi)/180)) < Angle), 0, 1),
                                 Alpha = 1/(2 * flameLength * (flameLength - length)),
                                 C = 950 * flameLength * exp(-Alpha * (flameLength - length)^2),
                                 pAlphap = abs(Horizontal/cos(interceptAngle)),
                                 temp_pointP = ifelse(pAlphap < flameLength, 950 + exp(-Alpha * (pAlphap - length)^2),
                                                      C/pAlphap) * Intercept + temperature,
                                 flameTemp = 1045*exp(0.155*length/flameLength)) %>%
                          group_by(repId) %>%
                          filter(temp_pointP == max(temp_pointP)) %>%
                          select(repId, repHeight, repHeight, repLength, repAngle, runIndex, segIndex, x0, y0, x1, y1,
                                 length, flameLength, hor, ros_kph, wind_kph, angleSurface, lengthSurface, surfPost, pAlphas, pAlphaPost,
                                 temperature, slope_degrees, temp_pointS, temp_point_post, epsilon, Angle, Alpha, C, pAlphap, Intercept, temp_pointP, flameTemp)%>%
                          group_by(repId) %>%
  p[is.na(p)] <- 0
  # Calculate heat transfer inputs
  Con <- p %>%
    mutate(tempAir = pmax(temp_pointS, temp_pointP, temp_point_post),
           cpAir = 0.00019*(tempAir+273.13)+0.9405,
           pAlpha=max(0.05, case_when(tempAir == temp_pointS ~ pAlphas,
                                      tempAir == temp_point_post ~ pAlphaPost,
                                      TRUE ~ pAlphap)),
           viscosity = 0.000000388 * (tempAir + 273.15)^0.6818,
           presAtm = (Pressure/10)*exp(-0.00012*Altitude),
           Density = (presAtm * 1000) / (287.05 * (tempAir + 273.15)),
           Plume_velocity = (((1.24*(pAlpha/(pAlpha+2*hor))) *
           flameTemp = ifelse(flameTemp==0, 1045, flameTemp),
           E = pmax(0, epsilon*0.0000000567*(flameTemp^4-(tempAir+273.15)^4)),
           repAngle = ifelse(repLength>lengthSurface, repAngle, angleSurface),
           repLength = max(repLength, lengthSurface),
           phi = frame:::phi(repLength,repAngle,slope_degrees,Horizontal,Height),
           qr = E * phi) %>%
    select(repId, ros_kph, wind_kph, temperature, lengthSurface, pAlpha, tempAir, cpAir,
           viscosity, presAtm, Density, Plume_velocity, flameTemp, epsilon, E, phi, qr)


cp <- function(Material = "wood", temp, moist){
  cp <- if (Material == "bark") {
  } else {

k <- function(Material = "bark", temp, moist, density){
  kAir <- 0.00028683*(temp+273.15)^0.7919
  cp <- if (Material == "bark") {
    rhoM <- (moist+moist^2)*density
  } else {
    frame:::kWood(temp, density, kAir)

hFauna <- function(Shape = "Cylinder", Re) {
  hFlat <- ifelse(Re > 300000,0.037*Re^(4/5)*0.888, 0.66*Re^0.5*0.888)
  hSphere <- 2 + 0.6*Re^(0.5)*0.888
  hCylinder <- 0.35 + 0.47*Re^(1/2)*0.837
  h <- ifelse(Shape == "Flat", hFlat, ifelse(Shape == "Sphere", hSphere, hCylinder)) 
pzylstra/frame_r documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 1:55 a.m.