
#' @import methods
waitQueue <- function(){

    queue <- loadMeta()

    # Get data
    df <- getWaitQueue()

    # Write new queueid
    newid <- newidQueue()
    writeRenviron(prefix = "LR_QID", value = newid)

    # if no group, then no check
    if (is.na(queue@group)) {
        addWaitQueue(queueid = newid
                    , queuename = queue@name
                    , desc = queue@desc
                    , owner = queue@owner
                    , wait = 0
                    , startDate = getDate()
                    , realStartDate = getDate())
        # queue can be launched
    } else {
        # Check if group not present
        if (nrow(df[which(df$group == queue@group),]) == 0) {
            addWaitQueue(queueid = newid
                        , group = queue@group
                        , queuename = queue@name
                        , desc = queue@desc
                        , owner = queue@owner
                        , startDate = getDate()
                        , realStartDate = getDate())
            # queue can be launched
        } else {
            # if group already present then need to wait for max(id)
            wait_for_id <- max(df[which(df$group == queue@group),"queueid"])
            # add in waiting queue
            addWaitQueue(queueid = newid
                        , group = queue@group
                        , queuename = queue@name
                        , desc = queue@desc
                        , owner = queue@owner
                        , wait = wait_for_id
                        , startDate = getDate())
            # wait before launch queue
            waitForQueueid(waiter_id = newid, waited_ids = wait_for_id)
            launchWaitQueue(id = newid)
            # launch

#' @import methods
waitBatch <- function(Rank) {
    # Get QID
    queue_id     <- getQueueid()

    # Get meta
    queue <- loadMeta()
    batch <- batchFromRank(object = queue, Rank = Rank)

    # Write new batchid (I don't think LR_BID will exists anymore..., to be check later)
    newid <- newidBatch()
    writeRenviron(prefix = paste0("LR_BR", Rank), value = newid)

    # There are 2 checks :
    #   - search for other same path with parallelizable = FALSE
    #   - search for other batch in queueid according to wbn
    wb <- getWaitBatch()
    df <- wb
    if (length(which(df$path == batch@path)) != 0) {
        df <- df[which(df$path == batch@path),]
        id_wait_max <- df[which(df$wait == max(df$wait)), "batchid"]
        if (batch@parallelizable) {
            id_wait_max_par <- df[which(df$batchid %in% id_wait_max), "parallelizable"]
            # Either one batchid with FALSE or one or several batchid with par = TRUE
            if (!all(as.logical(id_wait_max_par))) {
                to_wait_1 <- id_wait_max
            } else {
                to_wait_1 <- c()
        } else {
            to_wait_1 <- id_wait_max
    } else {
        to_wait_1 <- c()

    df <- wb
    df <- df[which(df$queueid == queue_id),]

    # If batch for this QID
    if (nrow(df) > 0) {
        # Get max of bid (for QID)
        max_BID <- max(df$batchid)

        if (unique(df[which(df$batchid == max_BID), "waitBeforeNext"]) == 1) {
            # If wbf for this max is 1
            # look for the max BID with WBF = TRUE
            # - wait = c(maxBID, all previous with WBF = 0)
            df <- df[which(df$batchid != max_BID),]
            # to get all previous with WBF = 0, first get max_bid with wbf = 1
            vect_max_BID_withTRUE <- df[which(df$waitBeforeNext == TRUE), "batchid"]
            if (length(vect_max_BID_withTRUE) == 0) {
                # If no max_BID with WBF = true, then it means that we can take all the other (can be empty)
                BID_withTRUE <- unique(df[which(df$waitBeforeNext == FALSE), "batchid"])
            } else {
                # If there is a max_BID with WBF = true, then take only WBF = false with bid > max_BID_withTRUE
                max_BID_withTRUE <- max(vect_max_BID_withTRUE)
                BID_withTRUE <- unique(df[which(df$waitBeforeNext == FALSE & df$batchid > max_BID_withTRUE), "batchid"])
            to_wait_2 <- c(max_BID, BID_withTRUE)
        } else {
            # If wbf for this max is 0
            # - wait = c(the wait for the max_BID)
            to_wait_2 <- df[which(df$batchid == max_BID), "wait"] # Can be several lines (automatically droped in vector)
    } else {
        # No batch
        to_wait_2 <- c()
    id_to_wait <- c(to_wait_1, to_wait_2)
    if (length(id_to_wait) == 0) id_to_wait <- 0

    # add to waiting batch
    addWaitBatch(batchid = newid
        , queueid = queue_id
        , group = queue@group
        , path = batch@path
        , batchname = batch@name
        , queuename = queue@name
        , desc = batch@desc
        , parallelizable = batch@parallelizable
        , waitBeforeNext = batch@waitBeforeNext
        , endIfKO = batch@endIfKO
        , wait = id_to_wait # This can create several lines
        , progress = 0
        , startDate = getDate())

    # wait before launch (stop if batch abandonned)
    waitForBatchid(waiter_id = newid, waited_ids = id_to_wait)

    # Write realStartDate & set wait = 0
    launchWaitBatch(id = newid)
    # launch

    # Just before the batch launch, update the LR_BID value in .Renviron (for progress function)
    writeRenviron(prefix = "LR_BID", value = newid)

#' @import methods
releaseBatch <- function(id = NULL, Rank = NULL, status = "OK") {
    stopifnot(any(!sapply(list(id, Rank), is.null)))
    if (is.null(id)) {
        id <- getBatchidFromRank(batch_rank = Rank)
    df <- getWaitBatch()
    bh <- df[which(df$batchid == id), ]
    queueid <- unique(bh$queueid)
    #qh <- df[which(df$queueid == queueid), ]
    if (nrow(bh) != 0) {
        historizedBatch(batchid = id, status = status)
        if (unique(bh$endIfKO) == TRUE & status == "KO") {
            # If endIfKO & status = KO then historized the whole queueid (waitBatch will get the information)
            releaseQueue(id = queueid, status = "KO")
    } # Else batchid already historized (can happend if already abandonned)

#' @import methods
releaseQueue <- function(id = NULL, status = "OK") {
    if (is.null(id)) {
        id    <- getQueueid()
    # Remove from waitBatch (priority 1)
    # If the queue terminate normally, there should not be any batch in the WaitBatch table anymore. (Because the releaseBatch function historized batchs)
    df <- getWaitBatch()
    bh <- df[which(df$queueid == id), ]
    if (nrow(bh) != 0) {
        message(paste("Abandon batch(s) :", paste(bh$batchid, collapse = ", ")))
        historizedBatch(batchid = bh$batchid, status = "abandonned")
    # Write waitQueue (priority 2)
    message(paste("Release queue :", id))
    historizedQueue(queueid = id, status = status)

#' @import methods
writeRenviron <- function(prefix, value) {
    x <- readLines(".Renviron")
    #toChange <- which(gdata::startsWith(x, paste0(prefix, "=")))
    toChange <- which(grepl(paste0("^", prefix, "="), x))
    if (length(toChange) == 0) {
        x <- c(x, paste0(prefix, "='", value, "'"))
    } else {
        x[toChange] <- paste0(prefix, "='", value, "'")
    cat(x, file = ".Renviron", sep = linebreak())

#' @import methods
setRData <- function(Rank) {
    pattern <- paste0("params", Rank, ".RData")
    file_ <- list.files(pattern = pattern)
    if (length(file_) == 1) {
        file.rename(from = file_, to = ".RData")
    } else {
        stop(paste("File", pattern, "doesn't exist"))
qfazille/launcheR documentation built on May 28, 2019, 4:40 p.m.