
#' Growth simulation model
#' @author Darcy Webber, Jim Thorson
#' @param ln_xdev are the deviations for each area
#' @param ln_ydev are the deviations for each year
#' @param obs_err is the observation error
#' @param tvi_err is the time-variying individual error
#' @param Pars the parameters for the model
#' @export
GrowthModel <- function(ln_xdev = NULL, ln_ydev = NULL,
                        obs_err = TRUE, tvi_err = TRUE,
                        Pars, Nindiv, data)
    data <- time_step(data, units = "weeks")
    #ln_xdev=NULL; ln_ydev=NULL; obs_err=TRUE; tvi_err=TRUE
    # Simulate sex, ages at tagging and time at liberty for each individual
    # Simulate from observations?
    if ( FALSE )
        # First we are going to load in the observed data set. We are going to
        # sample things like time at liberty and age at capture and recapture
        # from this data set
        Sex <- sample.int(data$Sex, size = Nindiv, replace = TRUE) # (1 = female, 2 = male)
        #Age1 <- round(sample(data$Age1, size = Nindiv, replace = TRUE), digits = 0)
        #Age2 <- round(sample(data$Age2, size = Nindiv, replace = TRUE), digits = 0)
        #Liberty <- round(sample(data$Liberty, size = Nindiv, replace = TRUE), digits = 0)
        #Age1 <- sample(data$Age1, size = Nindiv, replace = TRUE)
        #Age2 <- sample(data$Age2, size = Nindiv, replace = TRUE)
        #Liberty <- Age2 - Age1
        #Liberty <- sample(data$iLiberty, size = Nindiv, replace = TRUE)
        #Age2 <- Age1 + Liberty
        # This functions picks 2 of either Age1, Age2 or Liberty and calculates
        # the value of the third
        chooser <- function()
            yep <- 0
            while (yep < 1)
                Age1 <- sample(data$Age1, size = 1, replace = TRUE)
                Age2 <- sample(data$Age2, size = 1, replace = TRUE)
                Liberty <- sample(data$Liberty, size = 1, replace = TRUE)
                rnd <- sample(1:3, 1, replace = TRUE)
                if (rnd == 1)
                    Age1 <- Age2 - Liberty
                    Age2 <- Age1 + Liberty
                } else if (rnd == 2) {
                    Age1 <- Age2 - Liberty
                    Liberty <- Age2 - Age1
                } else {
                    Age2 <- Age1 + Liberty
                    Liberty <- Age2 - Age1
                if (Liberty >= 0 && Age1 >= 0 && Age2 >= 0 && Age2 >= Age1) yep <- yep + 1
            if (Liberty < 0) stop("Error: a negative time at liberty was simulated")
            if (Age1 < 0 | Age2 < 0) stop("Error: a fish younger than zero was simulated")
            return(c(Age1, Age2, Liberty))
        Age1 <- matrix(NA, 100, Nindiv)
        Age2 <- matrix(NA, 100, Nindiv)
        Liberty <- matrix(NA, 100, Nindiv)
        for (j in 1:1)
            for (i in 1:Nindiv)
                tmp <- chooser()
                Age1[j,i] <- tmp[1]
                Age2[j,i] <- tmp[2]
                Liberty[j,i] <- tmp[3]
        # Need to round these numbers now
        Age1 <- round(Age1[1,], digits = 0)
        Age2 <- round(Age2[1,], digits = 0)
        Liberty <- round(Liberty[1,], digits = 0)
    # Simulate from distributions?
    if ( TRUE )
        mu <- mean(data$Sex - 1)
        Sex <- rbinom(Nindiv, 1, mu) + 1 # (1 = female, 2 = male)
        # Fit lognormal distributions to Age1 and Liberty
        if ( TRUE )
            fit_age1 <- MASS::fitdistr(data$Age1, "lognormal")$estimate
            fit_age2 <- MASS::fitdistr(data$Age2, "lognormal")$estimate
            fit_liberty <- MASS::fitdistr(data$Liberty, "exponential")$estimate
            Age1 <- rlnorm(Nindiv, fit_age1[1], fit_age1[2])
            Age2 <- rlnorm(Nindiv, fit_age2[1], fit_age2[2])
            Liberty <- rexp(Nindiv, fit_liberty)
        Age2 <- Age1 + Liberty
        #Age1 <- Age2 - Liberty
        #Liberty <- Age2 - Age1
        # Need to round these numbers now
        Age1 <- round(Age1, digits = 0)
        Age2 <- round(Age2, digits = 0)
        Liberty <- round(Liberty, digits = 0)
    if ( FALSE )
        par(mfrow = c(2,2))
        #plot(density(data$Age1), type = "l")
        hist(data$Age1, freq = FALSE)
        #for (j in 1:100) lines(density(Age1[j,]), col = 2)
        lines(density(Age1), col = 2)
        #plot(density(data$Age2), type = "l")
        hist(data$Age2, freq = FALSE)
        #for (j in 1:100) lines(density(Age2[j,]), col = 2)
        lines(density(Age2), col = 2)
        #plot(density(data$iLiberty), type = "l")
        hist(data$iLiberty, freq = FALSE)
        #for (j in 1:100) lines(density(Liberty[j,]), col = 2)
        lines(density(Liberty), col = 2)
        plot(Age1, Age2, col = 2, pch = 3)
        points(data$Age1, data$Age2)
    Time0 <- rep(1, Nindiv)
    Time1 <- rep(1, Nindiv)
    Time2 <- rep(1, Nindiv)
    Year0 <- rep(1, Nindiv)
    Year1 <- rep(2, Nindiv)
    Year2 <- rep(3, Nindiv)
    Area1 <- rep(1, Nindiv)
    # Parameters
    L0 <-     Pars['L0',]
    bmean <-  Pars['bmean',]
    sd_b <-   Pars['sd_b',]
    gamma <-  Pars['gamma',]
    psi <-    Pars['psi',]
    sd_obs <- Pars['sd_obs',]
    sd_z <-   Pars['sd_z',]
    sd_y <-   Pars['sd_y',]
    # Individual vectors
    ln_bdev <- rep(NA, Nindiv)
    Length1 <- Length1_true <- rep(NA, Nindiv)
    Length2 <- Length2_true <- rep(NA, Nindiv)
    sd_z1 <-   rep(NA, Nindiv)
    sd_z2 <-   rep(NA, Nindiv)
    z1 <-      rep(NA, Nindiv)
    z2 <-      rep(NA, Nindiv)
    # Check for spatially-explicit or annual random effects
    yrs <- range(Year0, Year1, Year2)
    if ( is.null(ln_xdev) ) ln_xdev <- rep(0, Nareas)
    if ( is.null(ln_ydev) ) ln_ydev <- rep(0, length(yrs[1]:yrs[2]))
    # Cycle through each individual and simulate a growth schedule
    for ( i in 1:Nindiv )
        s <- Sex[i]
        a <- Area1[i]
        ln_bdev[i] <- rnorm(1, 0, sd_b[s])
        b <- bmean[s] * exp(ln_bdev[i])
        #b <- b_indiv[i] # Can use the actual b's estimated in model
        # Time-variation error from birth to first capture
        # First length measurement
        year <- Year0[i] # The (index) year that the individual was born
        #for (j in 0:(Age1[i]-1)) sumj <- sumj + gamma * exp(ln_xdev[a] + ln_ydev[Year0[i]+j+1] - bmean[s]*exp(ln_bdev[i])*j)
        Length1_true[i] <- L0[s]
        for ( j in 0:(Age1[i]-1) )
            if ( !all(ln_ydev == 0) )
                time <- Time0[i] + j
                if ( time %% time_step == 0. ) { year <- year + 1 }
            } else {
                year <- 1
            z_increment <- rnorm(1, 0, sd_z[s])
            Length1_true[i] <- Length1_true[i] * exp(-b) + gamma[s] * exp(ln_ydev[year+1]) * b^(psi[s] - 1) * (1 - exp(-b)) + z_increment
        #Length1[i] <- Length1_hat[i] # Can use the actual first length estimated in the model
        # Add observation error
        if ( obs_err )
            Length1[i] <- Length1_true[i] + rnorm(1, 0, sd_obs[s] * Length1_true[i])
        } else {
            Length1[i] <- Length1_true[i]
        # Time-variation error from first capture to second capture
        # Second length measurement
        year <- Year1[i] # The (index) year that the individual was born
        sumj <- 0
        #for (j in seq(0,Liberty[i]-1,length=Liberty[i]) ) sumj <- sumj + gamma * exp(ln_xdev[a] + ln_ydev[Year1[i]+j+1] - bmean[s]*exp(ln_bdev[i])*j)
        Length2_true[i] <- Length1_true[i]
        for ( j in seq(0, Liberty[i]-1, length = Liberty[i]) )
            if ( !all(ln_ydev == 0) )
                time <- Time1[i] + j
                if ( time %% time_step == 0. ) { year <- year + 1 }
            } else {
                year <- 1
            z_increment <- rnorm(1, 0, sd_z[s])
            Length2_true[i] <- Length2_true[i] * exp(-b) + gamma[s] * exp(ln_ydev[year+1]) * b^(psi[s] - 1) * (1 - exp(-b)) + z_increment
        #Length2[i] <- Length2_hat[i] # Can use the actual first length estimated in the model
        # Add observation error
        if ( obs_err )
            Length2[i] <- Length2_true[i] + rnorm(1, 0, sd_obs[s] * Length2_true[i])
        } else {
            Length2[i] <- Length2_true[i]
    ATR_sim <- data.frame(Sex, Age1, Age2, Liberty, Length1, Length2, ln_bdev,
                          sd_z1, sd_z2, z1, z2, Year0, Year1, Year2, Time0,
                          Time1, Time2, Area1, Length1_true, Length2_true)
    out <- ATR_sim
    return( out )
quantifish/TagGrowth documentation built on May 26, 2019, 12:36 p.m.