assign_duppeps: Assign duplicated peptides to a leading protein

assign_duppepsR Documentation

Assign duplicated peptides to a leading protein


Assign duplicated peptides to a leading protein


  group_psm_by = "pep_seq",
  group_pep_by = "pep_seq_mod",
  use_duppeps = TRUE,
  duppeps_repair = "denovo"



A PSM data frame


A character string specifying the method in PSM grouping. At the pep_seq default, descriptive statistics will be calculated based on the same pep_seq groups. At the pep_seq_mod alternative, peptides with different variable modifications will be treated as different species and descriptive statistics will be calculated based on the same pep_seq_mod groups.


A character string specifying the method in peptide grouping. At the prot_acc default, descriptive statistics will be calculated based on the same prot_acc groups. At the gene alternative, proteins with the same gene name but different accession numbers will be treated as one group.


Logical; if TRUE, re-assigns double/multiple dipping peptide sequences to the most likely proteins by majority votes.


Not currently used (or only with majority). Character string; the method of reparing double-dipping peptide sequences upon data pooling.

For instance, the same sequence of PEPTIDE may be assigned to protein accession PROT_ACC1 in data set 1 and PROT_ACC2 in data set 2. At the denovo default, the peptide to protein association will be re-established freshly. At the majority alternative, a majority rule will be applied for the re-assignments.

qzhang503/proteoQ documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 8:34 a.m.