byfml_gspahm: A helper function for gspaHM by formula names

byfml_gspahmR Documentation

A helper function for gspaHM by formula names


A helper function for gspaHM by formula names


  scale_log2r = TRUE,
  impute_na = FALSE,



A character string; the name of fml.


Character vector or string; the name(s) of secondary data file(s). An informatic task, i.e. anal_prnTrend(...) against a primary df generates secondary files such as Protein_Trend_Z_nclust6.txt etc. See also prnHist for the description of a primary df; normPSM for the lists of df and df2.


A file path to output results. By default, it will be determined automatically by the name of the calling function and the value of id in the call.


A representative file name to outputs. By default, the name(s) will be determined automatically. For text files, a typical file extension is .txt. For image files, they are typically saved via ggsave or pheatmap where the image type will be determined by the extension of the file name.


Logical; if TRUE, adjusts log2FC to the same scale of standard deviation across all samples. The default is TRUE. At scale_log2r = NA, the raw log2FC without normalization will be used.


Logical; if TRUE, data with the imputation of missing values will be used. The default is FALSE.


filter_: Variable argument statements for the row filtration of data against the column keys in Peptide.txt for peptides or Protein.txt for proteins. Each statement contains to a list of logical expression(s). The lhs needs to start with filter_. The logical condition(s) at the rhs needs to be enclosed in exprs with round parenthesis.

For example, pep_len is a column key in Peptide.txt. The statement filter_peps_at = exprs(pep_len <= 50) will remove peptide entries with pep_len > 50. See also normPSM.

Additional parameters for plotting with ggplot2:
xmin, the minimum x at a log2 scale; the default is -2.
xmax, the maximum x at a log2 scale; the default is +2.
xbreaks, the breaks in x-axis at a log2 scale; the default is 1.
binwidth, the binwidth of log2FC; the default is (xmax - xmin)/80.
ncol, the number of columns; the default is 1.
width, the width of plot;
height, the height of plot.
scales, should the scales be fixed across panels; the default is "fixed" and the alternative is "free".

qzhang503/proteoQ documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 8:34 a.m.