check_gset_nms: Checks 'gset_nms'

check_gset_nmsR Documentation

Checks gset_nms


It is OK that gset_nms not in "go_sets", "c2_msig", "kegg_sets", "kinsub" as custom gene sets may be applied.





Character string or vector containing the shorthanded name(s), full file path(s), or both, to gene sets for enrichment analysis. For species among "human", "mouse", "rat", the default of c("go_sets", "c2_msig", "kinsub") will utilize terms from gene ontology (GO), molecular signatures (MSig) and kinase-substrate network (PSP Kinase-Substrate). Custom GO, MSig and other data bases at given species are also supported. See also: prepGO for the preparation of custom GO; prepMSig for the preparation of custom MSig. For other custom data bases, follow the same format of list as GO or MSig.

qzhang503/proteoQ documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 8:34 a.m.