find_n_comp: Checks 'n_comp'

find_n_compR Documentation

Checks n_comp


Checks n_comp


find_n_comp(df, n_comp = NULL, method_align = "MC")



An input data frame


Integer; the number of Gaussian components to be used with method_align = MGKernel. A typical value is 2 or 3. The variable n_comp overwrites the argument k in normalmixEM.


Character string indicating the method in aligning log2FC across samples. MC: median-centering; MGKernel: the kernel density defined by multiple Gaussian functions (normalmixEM). At the MC default, the ratio profiles of each sample will be aligned in that the medians of the log2FC are zero. At MGKernel, the ratio profiles of each sample will be aligned in that the log2FC at the maximums of kernel density are zero.

qzhang503/proteoQ documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 8:34 a.m.