find_sec_df: Helper for finding input 'df' (not currently used).

find_sec_dfR Documentation

Helper for finding input df (not currently used).


Helper for finding input df (not currently used).


find_sec_df(df = NULL, anal_type = NULL, id = NULL, ...)



The name of a primary data file. By default, it will be determined automatically after matching the types of data and analysis with an id among c("pep_seq", "pep_seq_mod", "prot_acc", "gene"). A primary file contains normalized peptide or protein data and is among c("Peptide.txt", "Peptide_pVal.txt", "Peptide_impNA_pVal.txt", "Protein.txt", "Protein_pVal.txt", "protein_impNA_pVal.txt"). For analyses require the fields of significance p-values, the df will be one of c("Peptide_pVal.txt", "Peptide_impNA_pVal.txt", "Protein_pVal.txt", "protein_impNA_pVal.txt").


Character string; the type of analysis that are preset for method dispatch in function factories. The value will be determined automatically. Exemplary values include anal_type = c("PCA", "Corrplot", "EucDist", "GSPA", "Heatmap", "Histogram", "MDS", "Model", "NMF", "Purge", "Trend", "LDA", ...).


Character string; one of pep_seq, pep_seq_mod, prot_acc and gene.


Not currently used.

qzhang503/proteoQ documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 8:34 a.m.