geom_lower_text: Geom plot for ggpairs

View source: R/mds.R

geom_lower_textR Documentation

Geom plot for ggpairs


Geom plot for ggpairs


geom_lower_text(data, mapping, params, show_ids, ...)



Input data.


The mapping for ggplot2.


Additional parameters for geom_point.


Logical; if TRUE, shows the sample IDs in MDS/PCA plots. The default is TRUE.


filter_: Variable argument statements for the row filtration against data in a primary file linked to df. See also normPSM for the format of filter_ statements.

Arguments passed to prcomp: rank., tol etc. At type = obs, argument scale becomes scale_features and center matches center_features. At type = feats, the setting of scale_log2r will be applied for data scaling and data centering be automated by standPep or standPrn.

Additional arguments for ggsave:
width, the width of plot;
height, the height of plot

qzhang503/proteoQ documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 8:34 a.m.