gsVolcano: Volcano plots of protein 'log2FC' under given gene sets

gsVolcanoR Documentation

Volcano plots of protein log2FC under given gene sets


Volcano plots of protein log2FC under given gene sets


  df2 = NULL,
  df = NULL,
  contrast_groups = NULL,
  gsea_key = "term",
  gsets = NULL,
  theme = NULL,
  fml_nm = NULL,
  filepath = NULL,
  filename = NULL,
  adjP = FALSE,
  topn_labels = 20,
  show_sig = "none",
  gspval_cutoff = 1e-06,
  gslogFC_cutoff = log2(1.2),
  topn_gsets = Inf,



Character vector or string; the name(s) of secondary data file(s). An informatic task, i.e. anal_prnTrend(...) against a primary df generates secondary files such as Protein_Trend_Z_nclust6.txt etc. See also prnHist for the description of a primary df; normPSM for the lists of df and df2.


The name of a primary data file. By default, it will be determined automatically after matching the types of data and analysis with an id among c("pep_seq", "pep_seq_mod", "prot_acc", "gene"). A primary file contains normalized peptide or protein data and is among c("Peptide.txt", "Peptide_pVal.txt", "Peptide_impNA_pVal.txt", "Protein.txt", "Protein_pVal.txt", "protein_impNA_pVal.txt"). For analyses require the fields of significance p-values, the df will be one of c("Peptide_pVal.txt", "Peptide_impNA_pVal.txt", "Protein_pVal.txt", "protein_impNA_pVal.txt").


The contrast groups defined under a formula at fml_nm.


Character string; the column key indicating the terms of gene sets.


The gene sets.


A ggplot2 theme, i.e., theme_bw(), or a custom theme. At the NULL default, a system theme will be applied.


A character string; the name of fml.


A file path to output results. By default, it will be determined automatically by the name of the calling function and the value of id in the call.


A representative file name to outputs. By default, the name(s) will be determined automatically. For text files, a typical file extension is .txt. For image files, they are typically saved via ggsave or pheatmap where the image type will be determined by the extension of the file name.


Logical; if TRUE, use Benjamini-Hochberg pVals in volcano plots. The default is FALSE.


A non-negative integer; the top-n species for labeling in a plot. At topn_labels = 0, no labels of proteins/peptides will be shown. The default is to label the top-20 species with the lowest p-values.


Character string indicating the type of significance values to be shown with gspaMap. The default is "none". Additional choices are from c("pVal", "qVal") where pVal or qVal will be shown, respectively, in the facet grid of the plots.


Numeric value or vector for uses with gspaMap. Gene sets with enrichment pVals less significant than the threshold will be excluded from volcano plot visualization. The default significance is 0.05 for all formulas matched to or specified in argument fml_nms. Formula-specific threshold is allowed by supplying a vector of cut-off values.


Numeric value or vector for uses with gspaMap. Gene sets with absolute enrichment log2FC less than the threshold will be excluded from volcano plot visualization. The default magnitude is log2(1.2) for all formulas matched to or specified in argument fml_nms. Formula-specific threshold is allowed by supplying a vector of absolute values in log2FC.


Numeric value or vector; top entries in gene sets ordered by increasing pVal for visualization. The default is to use all available entries.

Note that it is users' responsibility to ensure that the custom gene sets contain terms that can be found from the one or multiple preceding analyses of prnGSPA. For simplicity, it is generally applicable to include all of the data bases that have been applied to prnGSPA and in that way no terms will be missed for visualization. See also prnGSPA for examples of custom data bases.


filter_: Variable argument statements for the row filtration against data in a primary file linked to df. See also normPSM for the format of filter_ statements.

Additional parameters for plotting:
xco, the cut-off lines of fold changes at position x; the default is at -1.2 and +1.2.
yco, the cut-off line of pVal at position y; the default is 0.05.
width, the width of plot;
height, the height of plot.
nrow, the number of rows in a plot.
xmin, the minimum x.
xmax, the maximum x.
ymin, the minimum y.
ymax, the maximum y.
x_label, the label on x.
y_label, the label on y.

qzhang503/proteoQ documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 8:34 a.m.