labEffPSM: TMT labeling efficiency

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labEffPSMR Documentation

TMT labeling efficiency


TMT labeling efficiency


  group_psm_by = c("pep_seq", "pep_seq_mod"),
  group_pep_by = c("prot_acc", "gene"),
  dat_dir = NULL,
  expt_smry = "expt_smry.xlsx",
  frac_smry = "frac_smry.xlsx",
  fasta = NULL,
  entrez = NULL,
  pep_unique_by = "group",
  corrected_int = TRUE,
  rm_reverses = TRUE,
  rptr_intco = 1000,
  rm_craps = FALSE,
  rm_krts = FALSE,
  rm_outliers = FALSE,
  annot_kinases = FALSE,
  plot_rptr_int = TRUE,
  plot_log2FC_cv = TRUE,
  use_lowercase_aa = TRUE,



A character string specifying the method in PSM grouping. At the pep_seq default, descriptive statistics will be calculated based on the same pep_seq groups. At the pep_seq_mod alternative, peptides with different variable modifications will be treated as different species and descriptive statistics will be calculated based on the same pep_seq_mod groups.


A character string specifying the method in peptide grouping. At the prot_acc default, descriptive statistics will be calculated based on the same prot_acc groups. At the gene alternative, proteins with the same gene name but different accession numbers will be treated as one group.


A character string to the working directory. The default is to match the value under the global environment.


A character string to a .xlsx file containing the metadata of TMT or LFQ experiments. The default is expt_smry.xlsx.


A character string to a .xlsx file containing peptide fractionation summary. The default is frac_smry.xlsx.


Character string(s) to the name(s) of fasta file(s) with prepended directory path. The fasta database(s) need to match those used in MS/MS ion search. There is no default and users need to provide the correct file path(s) and name(s).


Character string(s) to the name(s) of entrez file(s) with prepended directory path. At the NULL default, a convenience lookup is available for species among c("human", "mouse", "rat"). For other species, users need to provide the file path(s) and name(s) for the lookup table(s). See also Uni2Entrez and Ref2Entrez for preparing custom entrez files.


A character string for annotating the uniqueness of peptides. At the group default, the uniqueness of peptides is by groups with the collapses of same-set or sub-set proteins. At a more stringent criterion of protein, the uniqueness of peptides is by protein entries without grouping. On the other extreme of choice none, all peptides are treated as unique. A new column of pep_isunique with corresponding logical TRUE or FALSE will be added to the PSM reports. Note that the choice of none is only for convenience, as the same may be achieved by setting use_unique_pep = FALSE in Pep2Prn.


Logical; uses corrected intensities or not.


A logical argument for uses with MaxQuant TMT and LFQ. At the TRUE default, Reverse entries will be removed.


Numeric; the threshold of reporter-ion intensity (TMT: I126 etc.; LFQ: I000) being considered non-trivial. The default is 0 without cut-offs. The data nullification will not be applied synchronously to the precursor intensity (pep_tot_int) under the same PSM query. To guard against odds such as higher MS2 reporter-ion intensities than their contributing MS1 precursor intensity, employs for example filter_... = rlang::exprs(pep_tot_int >= my_ms1_cutoff) during PSM2Pep. The rule of thumb is that pep_tot_int is a single column; thus the corresponding data filtration against it may be readily achieved without introducing new arguments. By contrast, rptr_intco applies to a set of columns, I126 etc.; it might be slightly more involved/laborious when applying suitable statements of filter_ varargs.


Logical; if TRUE, cRAP proteins will be removed. The default is FALSE.


Logical; if TRUE, keratin entries will be removed. The default is FALSE.


Logical; if TRUE, PSM outlier removals will be performed for peptides with more than two identifying PSMs. Dixon's method will be used when 2 < n \le 25 and Rosner's method will be used when n > 25. The default is FALSE.


Logical; if TRUE, proteins of human or mouse origins will be annotated with their kinase attributes. The default is FALSE.


Logical; if TRUE, the distributions of reporter-ion intensities will be plotted. The default is TRUE. The argument is also applicable to the precursor intensity with MaxQuant LFQ.


Logical; if TRUE, the distributions of the CV of peptide log2FC will be plotted. The default is TRUE.


Logical; if TRUE, modifications in amino acid residues will be abbreviated with lower-case and/or ^_~. See the table below for details. The default is TRUE.


Not currently used.


res <- labEffPSM(
  fasta = c("~/proteoQ/dbs/fasta/uniprot/uniprot_mm_2014_07.fasta"),

qzhang503/proteoQ documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 8:34 a.m.