load_dbs: Loads species-specific Databases

load_dbsR Documentation

Loads species-specific Databases


A function loads a set of precompiled gene sets of GO and molecular signatures.


load_dbs(gset_nms = NULL, species = NULL)



Character string or vector containing the shorthanded name(s), full file path(s), or both, to gene sets for enrichment analysis. For species among "human", "mouse", "rat", the default of c("go_sets", "c2_msig", "kinsub") will utilize terms from gene ontology (GO), molecular signatures (MSig) and kinase-substrate network (PSP Kinase-Substrate). Custom GO, MSig and other data bases at given species are also supported. See also: prepGO for the preparation of custom GO; prepMSig for the preparation of custom MSig. For other custom data bases, follow the same format of list as GO or MSig.


Character string; the name of a species.

See Also

load_expts for supported species.


load_dbs("go_sets", "human")

qzhang503/proteoQ documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 8:34 a.m.