set_cutpoints2: A wrapper of 'set_cutpoint'.

set_cutpoints2R Documentation

A wrapper of set_cutpoint.


A wrapper of set_cutpoint.


set_cutpoints2(cut_points, df)



A named, numeric vector defines the cut points (knots) in histograms. The default is cut_points = c(mean_lint = NA) where the cut points correspond to the quantile values under column mean_lint (mean log10 intensity) of input data. Values of log2FC will be then binned from -Inf to Inf according to the cut points. To disable data binning, set cut_points = Inf or -Inf. The binning of log2FC can also be achieved through a different numeric column, e.g., cut_points = c(prot_icover = seq(.25, .75, .25)). See also mergePep for data alignment with binning.


A data frame.

qzhang503/proteoQ documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 8:34 a.m.