### -------------------------------------------------------------------------~
### plot methods
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------~
# Set generic ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @noRd
#' @export
# Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------
# .plot: main switchyard for plotting functions
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
.plot <- function(x, y, ...) {
## 'spc' ... spectra
## 'map' ... map
## 'voronoi' ... voronoi tiled map
## 'mat' ... spectra matrix
## 'c' ... concentration: plot_c
## 'ts' ... time series: plot_c
## 'depth' ... concentration or time series
## 'spcmeansd' ... mean spectrum +- 1 standard deviation
## 'spcprctile' ... median spectrum , 16th and 84th percentile
## 'spcprctl5' ... 'spcprctile' plus 5th and 95th percentile
dots <- list(...) # to allow optional argument checks
if (missing(y)) {
"second argument to plot is missing. ",
"Should be a character indicating the type of plot."
y <- "spc"
spectra = ,
spc = plot_spc(x, ...),
spc_mean_sd = ,
spcmeansd = {
dots <- modifyList(
list(object = mean_pm_sd(x), fill = c(1, NA, 1)),
do.call(plot_spc, dots)
spc_prctile = ,
spc_prctl_3 = ,
spc_prctile_3 = ,
spcprctile = {
dots <- modifyList(
list(object = quantile(x, probs = c(0.16, 0.5, 0.84)), fill = c(1, NA, 1)),
do.call(plot_spc, dots)
spc_prctl_5 = ,
spc_prctile_5 = ,
spcprctl5 = {
dots <- modifyList(
object = quantile(x, probs = c(0.05, 0.16, 0.5, 0.84, 0.95)),
fill = c(1, 2, 3, 2, 1), fill.col = c("#00000040")
do.call(plot_spc, dots)
map = plot_map(x, ...),
voronoi = plot_voronoi(x, ...),
matrix = ,
mat = plot_matrix(x, ...),
c = plot_c(x, ...),
t = ,
ts = plot_c(x, spc ~ t, ...),
z = ,
depth = plot_c(x, spc ~ z, ...),
stop(paste("y = ", y, "unknown.", collapse = " "))
.plot_h_ <- function(x, y, ...) {
plot_spc(x, ...)
#' Plot `hyperSpec` objects
#' @description
#' The `plot` method for `hyperSpec` objects is a switchyard to [plot_spc()],
#' [plot_map()], and [plot_c()]. The function also supplies some convenient
#' abbreviations for frequently used plots (see 'Details').
#' @details
#' Supported values for `y` are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{"spc" or nothing}{calls [plot_spc()] to produce a spectra plot.}
#' \item{"spcmeansd"}{plots mean spectrum +/- one standard deviation}
#' \item{"spcprctile"}{plots 16th, 50th, and 84th percentile spectra. If the
#' distributions of the intensities at all wavelengths were normal, this
#' would correspond to `"spcmeansd"`. However, this is frequently not the
#' case.
#' Then `"spcprctile"` gives a better impression of the spectral data set.}
#' \item{"spcprctl5"}{like `"spcprctile"`, but additionally the 5th and
#' 95th percentile spectra are plotted.}
#' \item{"map"}{calls [plot_map()] to produce a map plot.}
#' \item{"voronoi"}{calls [plot_voronoi()] to produce a Voronoi plot
#' (tessellated plot, like "map" for hyperSpec objects with
#' uneven/non-rectangular grid).}
#' \item{"mat"}{calls [plot_matrix()] to produce a plot of the spectra matrix
#' (not to be confused with [graphics::matplot()]).}
#' \item{"c"}{calls [plot_c()] to produce a calibration (or time series,
#' depth-profile, or the like).}
#' \item{"ts"}{plots a time series: abbreviation for
#' [`plot_c(x, use.c = "t")`][`plot_c()`].}
#' \item{"depth"}{plots a depth profile:
#' abbreviation for [`plot_c(x, use.c = "z")`][`plot_c()`].}
#' }
#' @name plot-methods
#' @rdname plot
#' @aliases plot
#' plot,ANY,ANY-method
#' plot,hyperSpec,character-method
#' plot,hyperSpec,missing-method
#' @docType methods
#' @param x `hyperSpec` object.
#' @param y String (`"spc"`, `"map"`, etc.) to select what type of plot should
#' be produced. See section 'Details' for available values.
#' If `y` is missing, `plot(x)` behaves like `plot(x, y = "spc")`.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to the respective plot function
#' @author C. Beleites
#' @seealso
#' [plot_spc()] for spectra plots (intensity over wavelength),
#' [plot_map()] for plotting maps, i.e. color coded summary value on two
#' (usually spatial) dimensions.
#' [plot_c()]
#' [graphics::plot()]
#' @keywords methods hplot
#' @concept plotting
#' @concept plot generation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plot(flu)
#' plot(flu, "c")
#' plot(laser, "ts")
#' spc <- apply(faux_cell, 2, quantile, probs = 0.05)
#' spc <- sweep(faux_cell, 2, spc, "-")
#' plot(spc, "spcprctl5")
#' plot(spc, "spcprctile")
#' plot(spc, "spcmeansd")
#' ### Use plot_spc() as a default plot function.
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "hyperSpec", y = "missing"), .plot_h_)
### allow choice of plot type by second argument:
#' @rdname plot
#' @export
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "hyperSpec", y = "character"), .plot)
# Unit tests -----------------------------------------------------------------
hySpc.testthat::test(.plot) <- function() {
# To update reference data for visual unit tests, run:
# vdiffr::manage_cases(package = "./hyperSpec")
test_that("warnings and errors in plot()", {
# Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
expect_silent(hy_spectra <- generate_hy_spectra())
expect_silent(hy_profile <- generate_hy_profile())
expect_silent(hy_map <- generate_hy_map())
# Regular tests: warnings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
expect_warning(plot(hy_spectra, "ts"), "Intensity at first wavelengh only is used.")
expect_warning(plot(hy_spectra, "c"), "Intensity at first wavelengh only is used.")
# Regular tests: errors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
expect_error(plot(hy_spectra, "depth"), "object 'z' not found")
expect_error(plot(hy_spectra[0, ]), "No spectra.")
expect_error(plot(hy_spectra, xoffset = "a"), "xoffset must be a numeric")
expect_error(plot(hy_spectra, func = "a"), "func needs to be a function")
expect_error(plot(hy_spectra, "???"), "??? unknown")
expect_error(plot(hy_spectra, contour = TRUE))
# Lattice-based plots
test_that("lattice-based plot() gives expected output", {
# Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
expect_silent(hy_spectra <- generate_hy_spectra())
expect_silent(hy_profile <- generate_hy_profile())
expect_silent(hy_map <- generate_hy_map())
# Preparation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
plot_c <- plot(hy_profile, "c")
plot_ts <- plot(hy_profile, "ts")
plot_depth <- plot(hy_profile, "depth")
plot_map <- plot(hy_map, "map")
plot_voronoi_1 <- plot(hy_map, "voronoi")
# Perform tests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Regular tests
# Visual tests
# Skip the following visual tests if R < 4.3.0
# as due to different defaults these tests fail on CI platform.
skip_if(getRversion() < "4.3.0", "Different defaults on R < 4.3.0 ")
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("plot-c", plot_c)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("plot-ts", plot_ts)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("plot-depth", plot_depth)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("plot-map", plot_map)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("plot-voronoi-01", plot_voronoi_1)
# Base R based plots
test_that("base R based plot() gives expected output", {
# Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
expect_silent(hy_spectra <- generate_hy_spectra())
expect_silent(hy_profile <- generate_hy_profile())
expect_silent(hy_map <- generate_hy_map())
# Preparation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
plot_1 <- function() plot(hy_spectra)
plot_spc <- function() plot(hy_spectra, "spc")
plot_spcmeansd <- function() plot(hy_spectra, "spcmeansd")
plot_spcprctile <- function() plot(hy_spectra, "spcprctile")
plot_spcprctl5 <- function() plot(hy_spectra, "spcprctl5")
plot_mat <- function() plot(hy_spectra, "mat")
plot_mat_contour <- function() plot(hy_spectra, "mat", contour = TRUE)
plot_1_rev <- function() plot(hy_spectra, wl.reverse = TRUE)
plot_1_fill <- function() plot(hy_spectra, fill = TRUE)
# Perform tests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Regular tests
# Visual tests
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("plot", plot_1)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("plot-spc", plot_spc)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("plot-spcmeansd", plot_spcmeansd)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("plot-spcprctile", plot_spcprctile)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("plot-spcprctl5", plot_spcprctl5)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("plot_1_rev", plot_1_rev)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("plot_1_fill", plot_1_fill)
# These tests are skipped on CI systems, as they fail on R devel.
isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("CI"))), # if on CI system
"Failures on devel version of R"
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("plot-mat", plot_mat)
vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("plot-mat-contour", plot_mat_contour)
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