
Defines functions plot_c

### --------------------------------------------------------------------------
###  plot_c - plot timeseries, concentration, ...
###  C. Beleites

#' Calibration plots, timeseries plots, and depth-profiles
#' Calibration- and timeseries plots, depth-profiles and the like
#' `plot_c` plots intensities of a `hyperSpec` object over another
#' dimension such as concentration, time, or a spatial coordinate.
#' If `func` is not `NULL`, the summary characteristic is calculated
#' first by applying `func` with the respective arguments (in
#' `func.args`) to each of the spectra. If `func` returns more than
#' one value (for each spectrum), the different values end up as different
#' wavelengths.
#' If the wavelength is not used in the model specification nor in
#' `groups`, nor for specifying `subsets`, and neither is
#' `func` given, then only the first wavelength's intensities are plotted
#' and a warning is issued.
#' The special column names `.rownames` and `.wavelength` may be used.
#' The actual plotting is done by [lattice::xyplot()].
#' @param object the `hyperSpec` object
#' @param model the lattice model specifying the plot
#' @param func function to compute a summary value from the spectra to be
#'   plotted instead of single intensities
#' @param func.args further arguments to `func`
#' @param groups grouping variable, e.g. `.wavelength` if intensities of
#'   more than one wavelength should be plotted
#' @param ... further arguments to [lattice::xyplot()].
#' @author C. Beleites
#' @seealso [lattice::xyplot()]
#' @keywords hplot
#' @concept plotting
#' @concept plot generation
#' @export
#' @import graphics
#' @importFrom lattice xyplot
#' @examples
#' ## example 1: calibration of fluorescence
#' plot_c(flu) ## gives a warning
#' plot_c(flu, func = mean)
#' plot_c(flu, func = range, groups = .wavelength)
#' plot_c(flu[, , 450], ylab = expression(I["450 nm"] / a.u.))
#' calibration <- lm(spc ~ c, data = flu[, , 450]$.)
#' summary(calibration)
#' plot_c(flu[, , 450], type = c("p", "r"))
#' conc <- list(c = seq(from = 0.04, to = 0.31, by = 0.01))
#' ci <- predict(calibration, newdata = conc, interval = "confidence", level = 0.999)
#' panel.ci <- function(x, y, ...,
#'                      conc, ci.lwr, ci.upr, ci.col = "#606060") {
#'   panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
#'   panel.lmline(x, y, ...)
#'   panel.lines(conc, ci.lwr, col = ci.col)
#'   panel.lines(conc, ci.upr, col = ci.col)
#' }
#' plot_c(flu[, , 450],
#'   panel = panel.ci,
#'   conc = conc$c, ci.lwr = ci[, 2], ci.upr = ci[, 3]
#' )
#' ## example 2: time-trace of laser emission modes
#' cols <- c("black", "blue", "#008000", "red")
#' wl <- i2wl(laser, c(13, 17, 21, 23))
#' plot_spc(laser, axis.args = list(x = list(at = seq(404.5, 405.8, .1))))
#' for (i in seq_along(wl)) {
#'   abline(v = wl[i], col = cols[i], lwd = 2)
#' }
#' plot_c(laser[, , wl], spc ~ t,
#'   groups = .wavelength, type = "b",
#'   col = cols
#' )
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
plot_c <- function(object, model = spc ~ c, groups = NULL,
                   func = NULL, func.args = list(), ...) {

  dots <- list(...)

  if (!is.null(func)) {
    object <- do.call(apply, c(list(object, 1, func), func.args))

  ## allow to plot against the row number
  object$.row <- row.seq(object)

  groups <- substitute(groups)

  ## find out whether the wavelengths are needed individually,
  ## if not, use only the first wavelength and issue a warning
  parsed.formula <- latticeParseFormula(model,
    as.long.df(object[1, , 1, wl.index = TRUE], rownames = TRUE),
    groups = groups, dimension = 2

  use.c <- parsed.formula$right.name
  use.spc <- parsed.formula$left.name

  if (use.spc == "spc" && nwl(object) > 1 && is.null(func) &&
    !any(grepl(".wavelength", c(
    )))) {
    object <- object[, , 1, wl.index = TRUE]
    warning("Intensity at first wavelengh only is used.")

  if (is.null(func)) {
    ylab <- object@label[[use.spc]]
  } else {
    ylab <- substitute(func())
    ylab[[2]] <- object@label[[use.spc]][[1]]
    for (i in seq_along(func.args)) {
      if (names(func.args)[[i]] == "") {
        ylab[[i + 2]] <- func.args[[i]]
      } else {
        ylab[[i + 2]] <- bquote(
          .(x) == .(y),
            x = names(func.args)[[i]],
            y = as.character(func.args[[i]])
    ylab <- as.expression(ylab)

  ## set defaults: axis labels, plot style
  dots <- modifyList(
      xlab = object@label[[use.c]],
      ylab = ylab,
      pch = 19

  ## expand the data.frame
  df <- as.long.df(object, rownames = TRUE, wl.factor = TRUE)

  ## if plots should be grouped or conditioned by wavelength,
  ## it is better to have a factor
  if ((!is.null(parsed.formula$condition) &&
    parsed.formula$condition == ".wavelength") ||
    (!is.null(groups) &&
      as.character(groups) == ".wavelength")) {
    df$.wavelength <- as.factor(df$.wavelength)

  ## plot
  do.call(xyplot, c(list(x = model, data = df, groups = groups), dots))
r-hyperspec/hyperSpec documentation built on May 31, 2024, 5:53 p.m.