
Defines functions wl_create_label_from_units

# Function -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Create label from units for wavelength axis
#' This function takes the name of units for wavelength axis and creates an
#' R expression which can be used as a label for `@wavelength` axis for
#' `hyperSpec` object.
#' @param unit (character):
#'        A name of unit for wavelength axis.
#' @param greek (logical):
#'        Should Greek symbols be preferred in the output expression?
#' @param on_failure (string):
#'        **Note:** This argument is still **experimental** and is only
#'        intended to be used internally in \pkg{hyperSpec}.
#'        The type of behavior in case unrecognized value of `unit` is passed:
#' - `"fail"` -- the code is stopped with an error message.
#' - `"warn"` -- a warning is issued and the value of `unit` is converted to an
#'               expression and returned as an output.
#' - `"pass"` -- the value of `unit` is converted to an expression and returned
#'               as an output and no error nor warning is issued.
#' - `"pass as-is"` -- the same as `"pass"`, just output is not converted into
#'               an expression.
#' @param null_ok (logical):
#'        Should value `NULL` be accepted as `unit`.
#'        This argument is passed to [.wl_fix_unit_name()].
#' @author V. Gegzna
#' @concept wavelengths
#' @include wl_convert_units.R
#' @export
#' @examples
#' wl_create_label_from_units("nm")
#' wl_create_label_from_units("nm", greek = TRUE)
#' wl_create_label_from_units("1/cm", greek = TRUE)
wl_create_label_from_units <- function(unit, greek = FALSE, null_ok = FALSE,
                                       on_failure = "warn") {

  if (missing(unit)) stop("argument \"unit\" is missing")
  on_failure <- match.arg(tolower(on_failure), c("fail", "warn", "pass", "pass as-is"))

  u_fixed <- .wl_fix_unit_name(unit, null_ok = null_ok, on_failure = "pass")

  if (greek) {
    # At first, suffix "_greek" is removed if present to avoid duplication
    u_fixed <- paste0(u_fixed, grep("_greek", "", u_fixed), "_greek")


    nm               = expression("Wavelength, nm"),
    nm_greek         = expression(list(lambda, nm)),

    invcm            = expression(list(Wavenumber, cm^-1)), # expression("Wavenumber, 1/cm"),
    invcm_greek      = expression(list(tilde(nu), cm^-1)),

    # Possible alternative is expression(list(Wavenumber ~ shift, cm^-1))
    raman            = expression(list(Raman ~ shift, cm^-1)),
    raman_greek      = expression(list(Delta * tilde(nu), cm^-1)),

    ev               = expression("Energy, eV"),
    ev_greek         = expression("E, eV"),

    freq             = expression("Frequency, THz"), # FIXME: why `freq` and not THz?
    freq_greek       = expression(list(nu, THz)),

    # Otherwise:
      msg <- paste0(
        "Value '", unit,
        "' of argument 'unit' cannot be converted to any standard value."


        fail = stop(msg),

        warn = {
            msg, "\n",
            "So it will be converted to an expression and ",
            "returned as function's output."

        pass = as.expression(unit),

        "pass as-is" = unit

# Unit tests -----------------------------------------------------------------

hySpc.testthat::test(wl_create_label_from_units) <- function() {

  test_that("wl_create_label_from_units() works", {

  test_that("wl_create_label_from_units() works with unit names (Greek)", {
    # nm Greek
    expect_silent(lbl <- wl_create_label_from_units("nm", greek = TRUE))
    expect_equal(class(lbl), "expression")
    expect_equal(lbl, expression(list(lambda, nm)))

      wl_create_label_from_units("invcm", greek = TRUE),
      expression(list(tilde(nu), cm^-1))

      wl_create_label_from_units("Raman shift", greek = TRUE),
      expression(list(Delta * tilde(nu), cm^-1))

      wl_create_label_from_units("eV", greek = TRUE),
      expression("E, eV")

      wl_create_label_from_units("THz", greek = TRUE),
      expression(list(nu, THz))

  test_that("wl_create_label_from_units() works with unit names (text)", {
    # nm Text
    expect_silent(lbl <- wl_create_label_from_units("nm", greek = FALSE))
    expect_equal(class(lbl), "expression")
    expect_equal(lbl, expression("Wavelength, nm"))

      wl_create_label_from_units("invcm", greek = FALSE),
      expression(list(Wavenumber, cm^-1))

      wl_create_label_from_units("Raman shift", greek = FALSE),
      expression(list(Raman ~ shift, cm^-1))

      wl_create_label_from_units("eV", greek = FALSE),
      expression("Energy, eV")

      wl_create_label_from_units("THz", greek = FALSE),
      expression("Frequency, THz")


  test_that("wl_create_label_from_units() fails correnctly", {

    expect_error(wl_create_label_from_units(), "argument \"unit\" is missing")

      wl_create_label_from_units("WARNING!", on_failure = "fail"),
      "'unit' cannot be converted to any standard value"

      wl_create_label_from_units("WARNING!", on_failure = "warn"),
      "'unit' cannot be converted to any standard value"

      wl_create_label_from_units("WARNING!", on_failure = "pass"),

      wl_create_label_from_units("WARNING!", on_failure = "pass as-is"),

r-hyperspec/hyperSpec documentation built on May 31, 2024, 5:53 p.m.