
Defines functions re_match re_exec_all exec1 empty_result re_match_all match1

re_match <- function(text, pattern, perl = TRUE, ...) {

  stopifnot(is.character(pattern), length(pattern) == 1, !is.na(pattern))
  text <- as.character(text)

  match <- regexpr(pattern, text, perl = perl, ...)

  start  <- as.vector(match)
  length <- attr(match, "match.length")
  end    <- start + length - 1L

  matchstr <- substring(text, start, end)
  matchstr[ start == -1 ] <- NA_character_

  res <- data.frame(
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    .text = text,
    .match = matchstr

  if (!is.null(attr(match, "capture.start"))) {

    gstart  <- attr(match, "capture.start")
    glength <- attr(match, "capture.length")
    gend    <- gstart + glength - 1L

    groupstr <- substring(text, gstart, gend)
    groupstr[ gstart == -1 ] <- NA_character_
    dim(groupstr) <- dim(gstart)

    res <- cbind(groupstr, res, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  names(res) <- c(attr(match, "capture.names"), ".text", ".match")
  class(res) <- c("tbl_df", "tbl", class(res))

re_exec_all <- function(text, pattern, perl = TRUE, ...) {

  text <- as.character(text)
  stopifnot(is.character(pattern), length(pattern) == 1, !is.na(pattern))

  if (length(text) == 0) {
    res <- empty_result(text, pattern, perl = perl, ...)
    for (i in seq_along(res)) {
      if (is.list(res[[i]])) class(res[[i]]) <- "rematch_allrecords"

  match <- gregexpr(pattern, text, perl = perl, ...)

  rec_names <- c("match", "start", "end")
  colnames <- c(attr(match[[1]], "capture.names"), ".match")
  num_groups <- length(colnames) - 1L
  non_rec <- structure(
    list(character(0), integer(0), integer(0)),
    names = rec_names

  ## Non-matching strings have a rather strange special form,
  ## so we just treat them differently
  non <- vapply(match, function(m) m[1] == -1, TRUE)
  yes <- !non
  res <- replicate(length(text), list(), simplify = FALSE)
  if (any(non)) {
    res[non] <- list(replicate(num_groups + 1, non_rec, simplify = FALSE))
  if (any(yes)) {
    res[yes] <- mapply(exec1, text[yes], match[yes], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  res <- lapply(seq_along(res[[1]]), function(i) {
    structure(lapply(res, "[[", i), class = "rematch_allrecords")

  res <- structure(
    names = colnames,
    row.names = seq_along(text),
    class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")

  res$.text <- text
  nc <- ncol(res)
  res[, c(seq_len(nc - 2), nc, nc - 1)]

exec1 <- function(text1, match1) {

  start    <- as.vector(match1)
  length   <- attr(match1, "match.length")
  end      <- start + length - 1L
  matchstr <- substring(text1, start, end)
  matchrec <- list(match = matchstr, start = start, end = end)
  colnames <- c(attr(match1, "capture.names"), ".match")

  ## substring fails if the index is length zero,
  ## need to handle special case
  res <- if (is.null(attr(match1, "capture.start"))) {
    replicate(length(colnames), matchrec, simplify = FALSE)

  } else {
    gstart  <- unname(attr(match1, "capture.start"))
    glength <- unname(attr(match1, "capture.length"))
    gend    <- gstart + glength - 1L

    groupstr <- substring(text1, gstart, gend)
    dim(groupstr) <- dim(gstart)

        function(i) {
          list(match = groupstr[, i], start = gstart[, i], end = gend[, i])
      list(.match = matchrec)


empty_result <- function(text, pattern, perl=TRUE, ...) {
  match <- regexpr(pattern, text, perl = perl, ...)
  num_groups <- length(attr(match, "capture.names"))
      replicate(num_groups, list(), simplify = FALSE),
    names = c(attr(match, "capture.names"), ".text", ".match"),
    row.names = integer(0),
    class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")

re_match_all <- function(text, pattern, perl=TRUE, ...) {

  text <- as.character(text)
  stopifnot(is.character(pattern), length(pattern) == 1, !is.na(pattern))

  ## Need to handle this case separately, as gregexpr effectively
  ## does not work for this.
  if (length(text) == 0) return(empty_result(text, pattern, perl=perl, ...))

  match <- gregexpr(pattern, text, perl=perl, ...)

  num_groups <- length(attr(match[[1]], "capture.names"))

  ## Non-matching strings have a rather strange special form,
  ## so we just treat them differently
  non <- vapply(match, function(m) m[1] == -1, TRUE)
  yes <- !non
  res <- replicate(length(text), list(), simplify = FALSE)
  if (any(non)) {
    res[non] <- list(replicate(num_groups + 1, character(), simplify = FALSE))
  if (any(yes)) {
    res[yes] <- mapply(match1, text[yes], match[yes], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  ## Need to assemble the final data frame "manually".
  ## There is apparently no function for this. rbind() is almost
  ## good, but simplifies to a matrix if the dimensions allow it....
  res <- lapply(seq_along(res[[1]]), function(i) {
    lapply(res, "[[", i)

  res <- structure(
    names = c(attr(match[[1]], "capture.names"), ".match"),
    row.names = seq_along(text),
    class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")

  res$.text <- text
  nc <- ncol(res)
  res[, c(seq_len(nc - 2), nc, nc - 1)]

match1 <- function(text1, match1) {

  matchstr <- substring(
    match1 + attr(match1, "match.length") - 1L

  ## substring fails if the index is length zero,
  ## need to handle special case
  if (is.null(attr(match1, "capture.start"))) {
    list(.match = matchstr)

  } else {
    gstart  <- attr(match1, "capture.start")
    glength <- attr(match1, "capture.length")
    gend    <- gstart + glength - 1L

    groupstr <- substring(text1, gstart, gend)
    dim(groupstr) <- dim(gstart)

    c(lapply(seq_len(ncol(groupstr)), function(i) groupstr[, i]),
      list(.match = matchstr)
r-lib/ansistrings documentation built on March 7, 2020, 10:13 p.m.