
Defines functions format_date get_timestamp_stamp get_timestamp_diff get_timestamp get_output_file update_debug_call_stack_and_compute_level env_address get_msg_debug_levels get_log_levels debug

Documented in debug

#' Debug message
#' Normally this function is *not* called directly, but debug strings
#' are used. See [debugme()].
#' @param msg Message to print, character constant.
#' @param pkg Package name to which the message belongs. Detected
#'   automatically.
#' @param level The maximum debug level to show this message at.
#' @return Invisibly, the message if it is shown, otherwise `NULL`.
#' @export

debug <- function(msg, pkg = environmentName(topenv(parent.frame())), level = 2) {

  pkg_level <- get_package_debug_level(pkg)
  if (!is.na(pkg_level) && pkg_level > 0 && pkg_level < level) {

  file <- get_output_file()

  if (tolower(Sys.getenv("DEBUGME_SHOW_TIMESTAMP", "yes")) != "no") {
    time_stamp_mode <- if (file == "") "diff" else "stamp"
  } else {
    time_stamp_mode <- ""

  indent <- " "

  if (tolower(Sys.getenv("DEBUGME_SHOW_STACK", "yes")) != "no") {
    level <- update_debug_call_stack_and_compute_level()
    continuation <- isTRUE(attr(level, "continuation"))
    if (level > 0) {
      indent <- paste0(
        c(" " , rep(" ", (level - 1) * 2), if (continuation) " -" else "+-"),
        collapse = "")

  full_msg <- paste0(pkg, indent,  msg, " ",

  style <- if (file == "") get_package_style(pkg) else identity
  cat(style(full_msg), "\n", file = file, sep = "", append = TRUE)


get_log_levels <- function() {
  c(FATAL   = 1,
    ERROR   = 2,
    WARNING = 3,
    INFO    = 4,
    DEBUG   = 5,
    VERBOSE = 6

get_msg_debug_levels <- function(x) {
  m <- re_match(x, "^!DEBUG-(?<level>[^\\s]+)\\s+")
  if (! is.na(m$.match)) {
    wh <- match(m$level, names(get_log_levels()))
    if (is.na(wh)) {
      warning("Unknown debug level: `", m$level, "`")
    } else {
  } else {
    m <- re_match(x, "^(!+)DEBUG\\s+")
    if (is.na(m[1,1])) 0 else nchar(m[1,1])

env_address <- function(env) {
  sub("<environment: (.*)>", "\\1", format(env))

update_debug_call_stack_and_compute_level <- function() {
  # -2L for update_debug_call_stack_and_compute_level() and debug() calls
  nframe <- sys.nframe() - 2L
  level <- 0L
  frames <- sys.frames()

  for (i in seq_along(debug_data$debug_call_stack)) {
    call <- debug_data$debug_call_stack[[i]]
    if (call$nframe <= nframe &&
      call$id == env_address(frames[[call$nframe]])) {

      if (call$nframe == nframe) {
        return(structure(call$level, continuation = TRUE))

      level <- call$level + 1L

  call <- list(
    nframe = nframe,
    id = env_address(frames[[nframe]]),
    level = level)

  if (level > 0) {                      # found
    debug_data$debug_call_stack <-
      c(list(call), debug_data$debug_call_stack[seq(i, length(debug_data$debug_call_stack))])

  } else {                              # new stack
    debug_data$debug_call_stack <- list(call)

  structure(level, continuation = FALSE)

get_output_file <- function() {
  if (is.null(debug_data$output_file)) {
  } else {

get_timestamp <- function(mode = c("", "diff", "stamp")) {
  if (mode == "diff") {
  } else if (mode == "stamp") {
  } else {

get_timestamp_diff <- function() {
  current <- Sys.time()
  res <- if (! is.null(debug_data$timestamp)) {
    diff <- current - debug_data$timestamp
    paste0("+", round(as.numeric(diff) * 1000), "ms ")
  } else {

  debug_data$timestamp <- current


get_timestamp_stamp <- function() {
  paste0(format_date(Sys.time()), " ")

format_date <- function(date) {
  format(as.POSIXlt(date, tz = "UTC"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%OS3+00:00")
r-lib/debugme documentation built on Aug. 29, 2024, 6:10 p.m.