#' Compose multiple cli functions
#' `cli()` will record all `cli_*` calls in `expr`, and emit them together
#' in a single message. This is useful if you want to built a larger
#' piece of output from multiple `cli_*` calls.
#' Use this function to build a more complex piece of CLI that would not
#' make sense to show in pieces.
#' ```{asciicast cli-cli}
#' cli({
#' cli_h1("Title")
#' cli_h2("Subtitle")
#' cli_ul(c("this", "that", "end"))
#' })
#' ```
#' @param expr Expression that contains `cli_*` calls. Their output is
#' collected and sent as a single message.
#' @return Nothing.
#' @export
cli <- function(expr) {
cond <- cli__message_create("meta", cli__rec(expr))
# cli() might be nested
record <- getOption("cli.record")
if (is.null(record)) {
} else {
cli_recorded[[record]] <- c(cli_recorded[[record]], list(cond))
cli__rec <- function(expr) {
id <- new_uuid()
cli_recorded[[id]] <- list()
on.exit(rm(list = id, envir = cli_recorded), add = TRUE)
old <- options(cli.record = id)
on.exit(options(old), add = TRUE)
cli__fmt <- function(record, collapse = FALSE, strip_newline = FALSE,
app = NULL) {
app <- app %||% default_app() %||% start_app(.auto_close = FALSE)
old <- app$output
oldsig <- app$signal
on.exit(app$output <- old, add = TRUE)
on.exit(app$signal <- oldsig, add = TRUE)
out <- rawConnection(raw(1000), open = "wb")
on.exit(close(out), add = TRUE)
app$output <- out
app$signal <- FALSE
for (msg in record) {
do.call(app[[msg$type]], msg$args)
txt <- rawToChar(rawConnectionValue(out))
Encoding(txt) <- "UTF-8"
if (!collapse) {
txt <- unlist(strsplit(txt, "\n", fixed = TRUE))
} else if (strip_newline) {
txt <- substr(txt, 1, nchar(txt) - 1L)
#' Capture the output of cli functions instead of printing it
#' @param expr Expression to evaluate, containing `cli_*()` calls,
#' typically.
#' @param collapse Whether to collapse the output into a single character
#' scalar, or return a character vector with one element for each line.
#' @param strip_newline Whether to strip the trailing newline.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cli_fmt({
#' cli_alert_info("Loading data file")
#' cli_alert_success("Loaded data file")
#' })
cli_fmt <- function(expr, collapse = FALSE, strip_newline = FALSE) {
rec <- cli__rec(expr)
cli__fmt(rec, collapse, strip_newline)
#' Format and returns a line of text
#' You can use this function to format a line of cli text, without emitting
#' it to the screen. It uses [cli_text()] internally.
#' `format_inline()` performs no width-wrapping.
#' @param ... Passed to [cli_text()].
#' @param .envir Environment to evaluate the expressions in.
#' @param collapse Whether to collapse the result if it has multiple
#' lines, e.g. because of `\f` characters.
#' @param keep_whitespace Whether to keep all whitepace (spaces, newlines
#' and form feeds) as is in the input.
#' @return Character scalar, the formatted string.
#' @seealso This function supports [inline markup][inline-markup].
#' @family functions supporting inline markup
#' @export
#' @examples
#' format_inline("A message for {.emph later}, thanks {.fn format_inline}.")
format_inline <- function(..., .envir = parent.frame(), collapse = TRUE,
keep_whitespace = TRUE) {
opts <- options(cli.width = Inf)
on.exit(options(opts), add = TRUE)
fun <- if (keep_whitespace) cli_inline else cli_text
fun(..., .envir = .envir),
collapse = collapse,
strip_newline = TRUE
#' CLI text
#' Write some text to the screen. This function is most appropriate for
#' longer paragraphs. See [cli_alert()] for shorter status messages.
#' @details
#' ## Text wrapping
#' Text is wrapped to the console width, see [console_width()].
#' ```{asciicast cli-text}
#' cli_text(cli:::lorem_ipsum())
#' ```
#' ## New lines
#' A `cli_text()` call always appends a newline character to the end.
#' ```{asciicast cli-text-newline}
#' cli_text("First line.")
#' cli_text("Second line.")
#' ```
#' ## Styling
#' You can use [inline markup][inline-markup], as usual.
#' ```{asciicast cli-text-markup}
#' cli_text("The {.fn cli_text} function in the {.pkg cli} package.")
#' ```
#' ## Interpolation
#' String interpolation via glue works as usual. Interpolated vectors
#' are collapsed.
#' ```{asciicast cli-text-glue}
#' pos <- c(5, 14, 25, 26)
#' cli_text("We have {length(pos)} missing measurements: {pos}.")
#' ```
#' ## Styling and interpolation
#' Use double braces to combine styling and string interpolation.
#' ```{asciicast cli-text-glue-style}
#' fun <- "cli-text"
#' pkg <- "cli"
#' cli_text("The {.fn {fun}} function in the {.pkg {pkg}} package.")
#' ```
#' ## Multiple arguments
#' Arguments are concatenated.
#' ```{asciicast cli-text-concat}
#' cli_text(c("This ", "will ", "all "), "be ", "one ", "sentence.")
#' ```
#' ## Containers
#' You can use `cli_text()` within cli [containers].
#' ```{asciicast cli-text-containers}
#' ul <- cli_ul()
#' cli_li("First item.")
#' cli_text("Still the {.emph first} item")
#' cli_li("Second item.")
#' cli_text("Still the {.emph second} item")
#' cli_end(ul)
#' ```
#' @param ... The text to show, in character vectors. They will be
#' concatenated into a single string. Newlines are _not_ preserved.
#' @param .envir Environment to evaluate the glue expressions in.
#' @seealso This function supports [inline markup][inline-markup].
#' @family functions supporting inline markup
#' @export
cli_text <- function(..., .envir = parent.frame()) {
cli__message("text", list(text = glue_cmd(..., .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call())))
cli_inline <- function(..., .envir = parent.frame()) {
text = glue_cmd(..., .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call(), .trim = FALSE)
#' CLI verbatim text
#' It is not wrapped, but printed as is. Long lines will overflow.
#' No glue substitution is performed on verbatim text.
#' @details
#' ## Line breaks
#' ```{asciicast cli-verbatim}
#' cli_verbatim("This has\nthree\nlines,")
#' ```
#' ## Special characters
#' No glue substitution happens here.
#' ```{asciicast cli-verbatim-2}
#' cli_verbatim("No string {interpolation} or {.emph styling} here")
#' ```
#' @param ... The text to show, in character vectors. Each element is
#' printed on a new line.
#' @param .envir Environment to evaluate the glue expressions in.
#' @seealso [cli_code()] for printing R or other source code.
#' @export
cli_verbatim <- function(..., .envir = parent.frame()) {
cli__message("verbatim", c(list(...), list(.envir = .envir)))
#' CLI headings
#' cli has three levels of headings.
#' @details
#' This is how the headings look with the default builtin theme.
#' ```{asciicast, cli-h1}
#' cli_h1("Header {.emph 1}")
#' cli_h2("Header {.emph 2}")
#' cli_h3("Header {.emph 3}")
#' ```
#' @param text Text of the heading. It can contain inline markup.
#' @param id Id of the heading element, string. It can be used in themes.
#' @param class Class of the heading element, string. It can be used in
#' themes.
#' @param .envir Environment to evaluate the glue expressions in.
#' @seealso These functions supports [inline markup][inline-markup].
#' @family functions supporting inline markup
#' @export
cli_h1 <- function(text, id = NULL, class = NULL, .envir = parent.frame()) {
text = glue_cmd(text, .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call()),
id = id,
class = class
#' @rdname cli_h1
#' @export
cli_h2 <- function(text, id = NULL, class = NULL, .envir = parent.frame()) {
text = glue_cmd(text, .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call()),
id = id,
class = class
#' @rdname cli_h1
#' @export
cli_h3 <- function(text, id = NULL, class = NULL, .envir = parent.frame()) {
text = glue_cmd(text, .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call()),
id = id,
class = class
#' Generic CLI container
#' See [containers]. A `cli_div` container is special, because it may
#' add new themes, that are valid within the container.
#' @details
#' ## Custom themes
#' ```{asciicast cli-div}
#' d <- cli_div(theme = list(h1 = list(color = "cyan",
#' "font-weight" = "bold")))
#' cli_h1("Custom title")
#' cli_end(d)
#' ```
#' ## Auto-closing
#' By default a `cli_div()` is closed automatically when the calling
#' frame exits.
#' ```{asciicast cli-div-close}
#' div <- function() {
#' cli_div(class = "tmp", theme = list(.tmp = list(color = "yellow")))
#' cli_text("This is yellow")
#' }
#' div()
#' cli_text("This is not yellow any more")
#' ```
#' @param id Element id, a string. If `NULL`, then a new id is generated
#' and returned.
#' @param class Class name, sting. Can be used in themes.
#' @param theme A custom theme for the container. See [themes].
#' @param .auto_close Whether to close the container, when the calling
#' function finishes (or `.envir` is removed, if specified).
#' @param .envir Environment to evaluate the glue expressions in. It is
#' also used to auto-close the container if `.auto_close` is `TRUE`.
#' @return The id of the new container element, invisibly.
#' @export
cli_div <- function(id = NULL, class = NULL, theme = NULL,
.auto_close = TRUE, .envir = parent.frame()) {
cli__message("div", list(id = id, class = class, theme = theme),
.auto_close = .auto_close, .envir = .envir)
#' CLI paragraph
#' The builtin theme leaves an empty line between paragraphs.
#' See also [containers].
#' ```{asciicast cli-par}
#' clifun <- function() {
#' cli_par()
#' cli_text(cli:::lorem_ipsum())
#' }
#' clifun()
#' clifun()
#' ```
#' @param id Element id, a string. If `NULL`, then a new id is generated
#' and returned.
#' @param class Class name, sting. Can be used in themes.
#' @inheritParams cli_div
#' @return The id of the new container element, invisibly.
#' @export
cli_par <- function(id = NULL, class = NULL, .auto_close = TRUE,
.envir = parent.frame()) {
cli__message("par", list(id = id, class = class),
.auto_close = .auto_close, .envir = .envir)
#' Close a CLI container
#' Containers aut0-close by default, but sometimes you need to explicitly
#' close them. Closing a container also closes all of its nested
#' containers.
#' @details
#' ## Explicit closing
#' ```{asciicast cli-end}
#' cnt <- cli_par()
#' cli_text("First paragraph.")
#' cli_end(cnt)
#' cnt <- cli_par()
#' cli_text("Second paragraph.")
#' cli_end(cnt)
#' ```
#' ## Closing a stack of containers
#' ```{asciicast cli-end-many}
#' list <- cli_ul()
#' cli_li("Item one:")
#' cli_li("Item two:")
#' cli_par()
#' cli_text("Still item two.")
#' cli_end(list)
#' cli_text("Not in the list any more")
#' ```
#' ## Omitting `id`
#' If `id` is omitted, the container that was opened last will be closed.
#' ```{asciicast cli-end-noid}
#' cli_par()
#' cli_text("First paragraph")
#' cli_end()
#' cli_par()
#' cli_text("Second paragraph")
#' cli_end()
#' ```
#' ## Debugging containers
#' You can use the internal `cli:::cli_debug_doc()` function to see the
#' currently open containers.
#' ```{asciicast cli-end-debug}
#' fun <- function() {
#' cli_div(id = "mydiv")
#' cli_par(class = "myclass")
#' cli:::cli_debug_doc()
#' }
#' fun()
#' ```
#' @param id Id of the container to close. If missing, the current
#' container is closed, if any.
#' @export
cli_end <- function(id = NULL) {
cli__message("end", list(id = id %||% NA_character_))
#' Unordered CLI list
#' An unordered list is a container, see [containers].
#' @details
#' ## Adding all items at once
#' ```{asciicast cli-ul}
#' fun <- function() {
#' cli_ul(c("one", "two", "three"))
#' }
#' fun()
#' ```
#' ## Adding items one by one
#' ```{asciicast cli-ul-2}
#' fun <- function() {
#' cli_ul()
#' cli_li("{.emph one}")
#' cli_li("{.emph two}")
#' cli_li("{.emph three}")
#' cli_end()
#' }
#' fun()
#' ```
#' @param items If not `NULL`, then a character vector. Each element of
#' the vector will be one list item, and the list container will be
#' closed by default (see the `.close` argument).
#' @param id Id of the list container. Can be used for closing it with
#' [cli_end()] or in themes. If `NULL`, then an id is generated and
#' returned invisibly.
#' @param class Class of the list container. Can be used in themes.
#' @param .close Whether to close the list container if the `items` were
#' specified. If `FALSE` then new items can be added to the list.
#' @inheritParams cli_div
#' @return The id of the new container element, invisibly.
#' @seealso This function supports [inline markup][inline-markup].
#' @family functions supporting inline markup
#' @export
cli_ul <- function(items = NULL, id = NULL, class = NULL,
.close = TRUE, .auto_close = TRUE,
.envir = parent.frame()) {
items = lapply(items, glue_cmd, .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call()),
id = id,
class = class,
.close = .close
.auto_close = .auto_close, .envir = .envir
#' Ordered CLI list
#' An ordered list is a container, see [containers].
#' @details
#' ## Adding all items at once
#' ```{asciicast cli-ol}
#' fun <- function() {
#' cli_ol(c("one", "two", "three"))
#' }
#' fun()
#' ```
#' ## Adding items one by one
#' ```{asciicast cli-ol-2}
#' ## Adding items one by one
#' fun <- function() {
#' cli_ol()
#' cli_li("{.emph one}")
#' cli_li("{.emph two}")
#' cli_li("{.emph three}")
#' cli_end()
#' }
#' fun()
#' ```
#' ## Nested lists
#' ```{asciicast cli-ol-3}
#' fun <- function() {
#' cli_div(theme = list(ol = list("margin-left" = 2)))
#' cli_ul()
#' cli_li("one")
#' cli_ol(c("foo", "bar", "foobar"))
#' cli_li("two")
#' cli_end()
#' cli_end()
#' }
#' fun()
#' ```
#' @inheritParams cli_ul
#' @return The id of the new container element, invisibly.
#' @seealso This function supports [inline markup][inline-markup].
#' @family functions supporting inline markup
#' @export
cli_ol <- function(items = NULL, id = NULL, class = NULL,
.close = TRUE, .auto_close = TRUE,
.envir = parent.frame()) {
items = lapply(items, glue_cmd, .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call()),
id = id,
class = class,
.close = .close
.auto_close = .auto_close, .envir = .envir
#' Definition list
#' A definition list is a container, see [containers].
#' @details
#' ## All items at once
#' ```{asciicast cli-dl}
#' fun <- function() {
#' cli_dl(c(foo = "one", bar = "two", baz = "three"))
#' }
#' fun()
#' ```
#' ## Items one by one
#' ```{asciicast cli-dl-2}
#' fun <- function() {
#' cli_dl()
#' cli_li(c(foo = "{.emph one}"))
#' cli_li(c(bar = "two"))
#' cli_li(c(baz = "three"))
#' }
#' fun()
#' ```
#' @param items Named character vector, or `NULL`. If not `NULL`, they
#' are used as list items.
#' @param labels Item labels. Defaults the names in `items`.
#' @inheritParams cli_ul
#' @return The id of the new container element, invisibly.
#' @seealso This function supports [inline markup][inline-markup].
#' @family functions supporting inline markup
#' @export
cli_dl <- function(items = NULL, labels = names(items), id = NULL,
class = NULL, .close = TRUE, .auto_close = TRUE,
.envir = parent.frame()) {
if (!is.null(items) && !is_named(items)) {
"{.arg items} must be a named character vector",
"i" = if (!is_named(items)) "{.arg items} is not named"
items = lapply(items, glue_cmd, .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call()),
labels = if (!is.null(labels)) {
lapply(labels, glue_cmd, .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call())
id = id,
class = class, .close = .close),
.auto_close = .auto_close, .envir = .envir)
#' CLI list item(s)
#' A list item is a container, see [containers].
#' @details
#' ## Nested lists
#' ```{asciicast cli-li}
#' fun <- function() {
#' ul <- cli_ul()
#' cli_li("one:")
#' cli_ol(letters[1:3])
#' cli_li("two:")
#' cli_li("three")
#' cli_end(ul)
#' }
#' fun()
#' ```
#' @param items Character vector of items, or `NULL`.
#' @param labels For definition lists the item labels.
#' @param id Id of the new container. Can be used for closing it with
#' [cli_end()] or in themes. If `NULL`, then an id is generated and
#' returned invisibly.
#' @param class Class of the item container. Can be used in themes.
#' @inheritParams cli_div
#' @return The id of the new container element, invisibly.
#' @seealso This function supports [inline markup][inline-markup].
#' @family functions supporting inline markup
#' @export
cli_li <- function(items = NULL, labels = names(items), id = NULL,
class = NULL, .auto_close = TRUE,
.envir = parent.frame()) {
items = lapply(items, glue_cmd, .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call()),
labels = if (!is.null(labels)) {
lapply(labels, glue_cmd, .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call())
id = id,
class = class),
.auto_close = .auto_close, .envir = .envir)
#' CLI alerts
#' Alerts are typically short status messages.
#' @details
#' ## Success
#' ```{asciicast alert-success}
#' nbld <- 11
#' tbld <- prettyunits::pretty_sec(5.6)
#' cli_alert_success("Built {.emph {nbld}} status report{?s} in {tbld}.")
#' ```
#' ## Info
#' ```{asciicast alert-info}
#' cfl <- "~/.cache/files/latest.cache"
#' cli_alert_info("Updating cache file {.path {cfl}}.")
#' ```
#' ## Warning
#' ```{asciicast alert-warning}
#' cfl <- "~/.cache/files/latest.cache"
#' cli_alert_warning("Failed to update cache file {.path {cfl}}.")
#' ```
#' ## Danger
#' ```{asciicast alert-danger}
#' cfl <- "~/.config/report.yaml"
#' cli_alert_danger("Cannot validate config file at {.path {cfl}}.")
#' ```
#' ## Text wrapping
#' Alerts are printed without wrapping, unless you set `wrap = TRUE`:
#' ```{asciicast alert-wrap, asciicast_rows = 4}
#' cli_alert_info("Data columns: {.val {names(mtcars)}}.")
#' cli_alert_info("Data columns: {.val {names(mtcars)}}.", wrap = TRUE)
#' ```
#' @param text Text of the alert.
#' @param id Id of the alert element. Can be used in themes.
#' @param class Class of the alert element. Can be used in themes.
#' @param wrap Whether to auto-wrap the text of the alert.
#' @param .envir Environment to evaluate the glue expressions in.
#' @seealso These functions supports [inline markup][inline-markup].
#' @family functions supporting inline markup
#' @export
cli_alert <- function(text, id = NULL, class = NULL, wrap = FALSE,
.envir = parent.frame()) {
text = glue_cmd(text, .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call()),
id = id,
class = class,
wrap = wrap
#' @rdname cli_alert
#' @export
cli_alert_success <- function(text, id = NULL, class = NULL, wrap = FALSE,
.envir = parent.frame()) {
text = glue_cmd(text, .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call()),
id = id,
class = class,
wrap = wrap
#' @rdname cli_alert
#' @export
cli_alert_danger <- function(text, id = NULL, class = NULL, wrap = FALSE,
.envir = parent.frame()) {
text = glue_cmd(text, .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call()),
id = id,
class = class,
wrap = wrap
#' @rdname cli_alert
#' @export
cli_alert_warning <- function(text, id = NULL, class = NULL, wrap = FALSE,
.envir = parent.frame()) {
text = glue_cmd(text, .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call()),
id = id,
class = class,
wrap = wrap
#' @rdname cli_alert
#' @export
cli_alert_info <- function(text, id = NULL, class = NULL, wrap = FALSE,
.envir = parent.frame()) {
text = glue_cmd(text, .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call()),
id = id,
class = class,
wrap = wrap
#' CLI horizontal rule
#' It can be used to separate parts of the output.
#' @details
#' ## Inline styling and interpolation
#' ```{asciicast cli-rule}
#' pkg <- "mypackage"
#' cli_rule(left = "{.pkg {pkg}} results")
#' ```
#' ## Theming
#' The line style of the rule can be changed via the the `line-type`
#' property. Possible values are:
#' * `"single"`: (same as `1`), a single line,
#' * `"double"`: (same as `2`), a double line,
#' * `"bar1"`, `"bar2"`, `"bar3"`, etc., `"bar8"` uses varying height bars.
#' Colors and background colors can similarly changed via a theme.
#' ```{asciicast cli-rule-line-type}
#' d <- cli_div(theme = list(rule = list(
#' color = "cyan",
#' "line-type" = "double")))
#' cli_rule("Summary", right = "{.pkg mypackage}")
#' cli_end(d)
#' ```
#' @param .envir Environment to evaluate the glue expressions in.
#' @inheritParams rule
#' @inheritParams cli_div
#' @seealso This function supports [inline markup][inline-markup].
#' @family functions supporting inline markup
#' @export
cli_rule <- function(left = "", center = "", right = "", id = NULL,
.envir = parent.frame()) {
cli__message("rule", list(left = glue_cmd(left, .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call()),
center = glue_cmd(center, .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call()),
right = glue_cmd(right, .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call()),
id = id))
#' CLI block quote
#' A section that is quoted from another source. It is typically indented.
#' @details
#' ```{asciicast cli-blockquote}
#' evil <- paste(
#' "The real problem is that programmers have spent far too much time",
#' "worrying about efficiency in the wrong places and at the wrong",
#' "times; premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least",
#' "most of it) in programming.")
#' cli_blockquote(evil, citation = "Donald Ervin Knuth")
#' ```
#' @param quote Text of the quotation.
#' @param citation Source of the quotation, typically a link or the name
#' of a person.
#' @inheritParams cli_div
#' @seealso This function supports [inline markup][inline-markup].
#' @family functions supporting inline markup
#' @export
cli_blockquote <- function(quote, citation = NULL, id = NULL,
class = NULL, .envir = parent.frame()) {
quote = glue_cmd(quote, .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call()),
citation = glue_cmd(citation, .envir = .envir, .call = sys.call()),
id = id,
class = class
#' A block of code
#' A helper function that creates a `div` with class `code` and then calls
#' `cli_verbatim()` to output code lines. The builtin theme formats these
#' containers specially. In particular, it adds syntax highlighting to
#' valid R code.
#' @details
#' ```{asciicast cli-code}
#' myfun <- function() {
#' message("Just an example function")
#' graphics::pairs(iris, col = 1:4)
#' }
#' cli_code(format(myfun))
#' ```
#' @param lines Character vector, each line will be a line of code, and
#' newline characters also create new lines. Note that _no_ glue
#' substitution is performed on the code.
#' @param ... More character vectors, they are appended to `lines`.
#' @param language Programming language. This is also added as a class,
#' in addition to `code`.
#' @param .auto_close Passed to `cli_div()` when creating the container of
#' the code. By default the code container is closed after emitting
#' `lines` and `...` via `cli_verbatim()`. You can keep that container
#' open with `.auto_close` and/or `.envir`, and then calling
#' `cli_verbatim()` to add (more) code. Note that the code will be
#' formatted and syntax highlighted separately for each `cli_verbatim()`
#' call.
#' @param .envir Passed to `cli_div()` when creating the container of the
#' code.
#' @return The id of the container that contains the code.
#' @export
cli_code <- function(lines = NULL, ..., language = "R",
.auto_close = TRUE, .envir = environment()) {
lines <- c(lines, unlist(list(...)))
id <- cli_div(
class = paste("code", language),
.auto_close = .auto_close,
.envir = .envir
cli_recorded <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
cli__message <- function(type, args, .auto_close = TRUE, .envir = NULL,
record = getOption("cli.record")) {
if ("id" %in% names(args) && is.null(args$id)) args$id <- new_uuid()
if (.auto_close && !is.null(.envir) && !identical(.envir, .GlobalEnv)) {
if (type == "status") {
defer(cli_status_clear(id = args$id, result = args$auto_result),
envir = .envir, priority = "first")
} else {
defer(cli_end(id = args$id), envir = .envir, priority = "first")
cond <- cli__message_create(type, args)
if (is.null(record)) {
} else {
cli_recorded[[record]] <- c(cli_recorded[[record]], list(cond))
cli__message_create <- function(type, args) {
cond <- list(message = paste("cli message", type),
type = type, args = args, pid = clienv$pid)
class(cond) <- c(
cli__message_emit <- function(cond) {
cli_message_handled = function() NULL)
cli__default_handler <- function(msg) {
custom_handler <- getOption("cli.default_handler")
if (is.function(custom_handler)) {
} else {
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