pkg_plan <- R6::R6Class(
public = list(
initialize = function(refs, config = list(), library = NULL,
remote_types = NULL, lockfile = NULL)
pkgplan_init(self, private, refs, config, library, remote_types,
get_refs = function() private$refs,
has_resolution = function() !is.null(private$resolution$result),
has_clean_resolution = function()
self$has_resolution() && (all(private$resolution$result$status == "OK")),
has_resolution_downloads = function() !is.null(private$downloads),
has_solution_downloads = function() !is.null(private$solution_downloads),
has_solution = function() !is.null(private$solution),
get_config = function() private$config,
async_resolve = function()
pkgplan_async_resolve(self, private),
resolve = function()
pkgplan_resolve(self, private),
get_resolution = function()
pkgplan_get_resolution(self, private),
async_download_resolution = function()
pkgplan_async_download_resolution(self, private),
download_resolution = function()
pkgplan_download_resolution(self, private),
get_resolution_download = function()
pkgplan_get_resolution_download(self, private),
solve = function(policy = c("lazy", "upgrade"))
pkgplan_solve(self, private, match.arg(policy)),
delete_solution = function()
private$solution <- NULL,
stop_for_solve_error = function()
pkgplan_stop_for_solve_error(self, private),
get_solution = function()
pkgplan_get_solution(self, private),
show_solution = function(key = FALSE)
pkgplan_show_solution(self, private, key),
get_sysreqs = function()
pkgplan_get_sysreqs(self, private),
show_sysreqs = function()
pkgplan_show_sysreqs(self, private),
get_install_plan = function()
pkgplan_install_plan(self, private, downloads = TRUE),
export_install_plan = function(plan_file = "pkg.lock", version = 2)
pkgplan_export_install_plan(self, private, plan_file, version),
draw_solution_tree = function(pkgs = NULL, annotate = TRUE)
pkgplan_draw_solution_tree(self, private, pkgs, annotate),
async_download_solution = function()
pkgplan_async_download_solution(self, private),
download_solution = function()
pkgplan_download_solution(self, private),
get_solution_download = function()
pkgplan_get_solution_download(self, private),
stop_for_solution_download_error = function()
pkgplan_stop_for_solution_download_error(self, private),
stop_for_resolution_download_error = function()
pkgplan_stop_for_resolution_download_error(self, private),
update = function() pkgplan_update(self, private),
update_sysreqs = function() pkgplan_update_sysreqs(self, private),
print = function(...)
pkgplan_print(self, private, ...)
private = list(
refs = NULL,
dirty = FALSE,
remotes = list(),
cache = NULL,
resolution = NULL,
solution = NULL,
downloads = NULL,
solution_downloads = NULL,
download_cache = NULL,
config = NULL,
progress_bar = NULL,
progress_bar_timer = NULL,
remote_types = NULL,
system_packages = NULL,
sysreqs = NULL,
download_res = function(res, which, on_progress = NULL)
pkgplan_download_res(self, private, res, which, on_progress),
subset_resolution = function(which)
pkgplan__subset_resolution(self, private, which),
create_lp_problem = function(pkgs, policy)
pkgplan__create_lp_problem(self, private, pkgs, policy),
solve_lp_problem = function(problem)
pkgplan__solve_lp_problem(self, private, problem),
create_progress_bar = function(what) {
bar <- pkgplan__create_progress_bar(what)
update_progress_bar = function(idx, event, data)
pkgplan__update_progress_bar(private$progress_bar, idx, event, data),
done_progress_bar = function() {
if (!is.null(private$progress_bar)) {
private$progress_bar <- NULL
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
pkgplan_init <- function(self, private, refs, config, library,
remote_types, lockfile) {
if (!is.null(lockfile)) {
private$refs <- refs
private$remotes <- parse_pkg_refs(refs)
private$config <- current_config()$update(config)
private$config$set("library", library)
private$remote_types <- remote_types %||% default_remote_types()
if (!is.null(library)) {
mkdirp(library, msg = "Creating library directory")
library <- normalizePath(library)
mkdirp(private$download_cache <- private$config$get("cache_dir"))
installed <- NULL
if (!is.null(library)) {
installed <- merge_installed_caches(
make_installed_cache(.Library, priority = "recommended")
private$cache <- list(
metadata = pkgcache::cranlike_metadata_cache$new(
replica_path = private$config$get("metadata_cache_dir"),
platforms = private$config$get("platforms"),
r_version = private$config$get("r_versions"),
cran_mirror = private$config$get("cran_mirror"),
update_after = private$config$get("metadata_update_after"),
bioc = private$config$get("use_bioconductor")
package = pkgcache::package_cache$new(private$config$get("package_cache_dir")),
installed = installed
private$dirty <- TRUE
pkgplan_init_lockfile <- function(self, private, lockfile, config,
library, remote_types) {
private$config <- current_config()$update(config)
private$config$set("library", library)
private$remote_types <- remote_types %||% default_remote_types()
if (!is.null(library)) {
mkdirp(library, msg = "Creating library directory")
library <- normalizePath(library)
mkdirp(private$download_cache <- private$config$get("cache_dir"))
raw <- jsonlite::fromJSON(readLines(lockfile), simplifyVector = FALSE)
if (raw$lockfile_version != 1) {
"This version of {pak_or_pkgdepends()} (version {pakx_version()})
does not support lockfile version {raw$lockfile_version}.",
i = "This lockfile was probably created by a newer version."
pkgs <- raw$packages
refs <- vcapply(pkgs, "[[", "ref")
sysreqs_packages <- lapply(pkgs, function(x) {
sq <- x[["sysreqs_packages"]]
sq <- lapply(sq, function(sq1) {
sq1[["sysreq"]] <- unlist(sq1[["sysreq"]])
sq1[["packages"]] <- unlist(sq1[["packages"]])
soldata <- data_frame(
ref = refs,
type = vcapply(pkgs, "[[", "type"),
direct = vlapply(pkgs, "[[", "direct"),
directpkg = vlapply(pkgs, "[[", "directpkg"),
status = "OK",
package = vcapply(pkgs, "[[", "package"),
version = vcapply(pkgs, "[[", "version"),
license = vcapply(pkgs, function(x) x$license %||% NA_character_),
needscompilation = vlapply(pkgs, function(x) x$needscompilation %||% NA),
sha256 = vcapply(pkgs, function(x) x$sha256 %||% NA_character_),
filesize = viapply(pkgs, function(x) x$filesize %||% NA_integer_),
built = vcapply(pkgs, function(x) x$built %||% NA_character_),
platform = vcapply(pkgs, "[[", "platform"),
rversion = vcapply(pkgs, "[[", "rversion"),
target = vcapply(pkgs, "[[", "target"),
dependencies = lapply(pkgs, function(x) unlist(x$dependencies) %||% character()),
sources = lapply(pkgs, function(x) unlist(x$sources)),
metadata = lapply(pkgs, function(x) unlist(x$metadata)),
dep_types = lapply(pkgs, function(x) unlist(x$dep_types)),
remote = parse_pkg_refs(refs),
cache_status = "miss",
lib_status = "new",
old_version = NA_character_,
new_version = vcapply(pkgs, "[[", "version"),
extra = list(list()),
install_args = lapply(pkgs, function(x) unlist(x$install_args) %||% character()),
repotype = vcapply(pkgs, function(x) x$repotype %||% NA_character_),
params = lapply(pkgs, function(x) unlist(x$params)),
sysreqs = vcapply(pkgs, function(x) x[["sysreqs"]] %||% NA_character_),
sysreqs_packages = sysreqs_packages
private$refs <- refs[soldata$direct]
private$remotes <- soldata$remote
private$dirty <- FALSE
private$cache <- list(
metadata = NULL,
package = pkgcache::package_cache$new(private$config$get("package_cache_dir")),
installed = NULL
sysreqs <- raw$sysreqs
if (!is.null(sysreqs)) {
sysreqs$packages <- unlist(sysreqs$packages)
sysreqs["pre_install"] <- list(unlist(sysreqs$pre_install))
sysreqs["post_install"] <- list(unlist(sysreqs$post_install))
sysreqs["install_scripts"] <- list(unlist(sysreqs$install_scripts))
private$resolution <- list(result = soldata)
private$solution <- list(
result = structure(
class = c("pkg_solution_result", "list"),
status = "OK",
data = soldata,
problem = list(pkgs = soldata),
solution = NULL,
sysreqs = sysreqs
pkgplan_get_total_files <- function(self, private) {
pkgplan_print <- function(self, private, ...) {
## refs
refs <- self$get_refs()
paste0("- refs: ", paste(backtick(refs), collapse = ", ")),
indent = 0, exdent = 4
sep = "\n"
## library
if (!is.null(private$config$get("library"))) {
cat("- library:", backtick(private$config$get("library")), "\n")
## resolution
if (self$has_resolution()) {
if (self$has_clean_resolution()) {
cat("- has resolution\n")
} else {
cat("- has resolution, with errors\n")
## solution
if (!is.null(private$solution$result)) {
if (private$solution$result$status == "OK") {
cat("- has solution\n")
} else {
cat("- has solution, with errors\n")
pkgplan_update <- function(self, private) {
libstat <- make_installed_cache(private$config$get("library"))$pkgs
for (i in seq_len(nrow(private$solution$result$data))) {
pkg <- private$solution$result$data$package[i]
if (! pkg %in% libstat$package) {
installed <- libstat[match(pkg, libstat$package), ]
solution <- private$solution$result$data[i, ]
par <- solution$params[[1]]
if (is_true_param(par, "reinstall") || is_true_param(par, "nocache")) {
if (!installedok_remote(installed, solution)) {
private$solution$result$data$ref[i] <- installed$ref
private$solution$result$data$type[i] <- "installed"
private$solution$result$data$sources[[i]] <- character()
private$solution$result$data$remote[[i]] <- parse_pkg_ref(installed$ref)
private$solution$result$data$cache_status[i] <- NA
private$solution$result$data$lib_status[i] <- "current"
private$solution$result$data$old_version[[i]] <- installed$version
private$solution$result$data$new_version[[i]] <- NA
pkgplan_update_sysreqs <- function(self, private) {
if (!private$config$get("sysreqs")) return(invisible())
# Stop here is no sysreqs at all, no need to look up system packages
sys <- self$get_solution()$data$sysreqs_packages
if (length(unlist(sys)) == 0) return(invisible())
private$solution$result$data$sysreqs_packages <-
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