
Defines functions ps

Documented in ps

#' @useDynLib ps, .registration = TRUE

#' Process table
#' @param user Username, to filter the results to matching processes.
#' @param after Start time (`POSIXt`), to filter the results to processes
#'   that started after this.
#' @return Data frame, see columns below.
#' Columns:
#' * `pid`: Process ID.
#' * `ppid`: Process ID of parent process.
#' * `name`: Process name.
#' * `username`: Name of the user (real uid on POSIX).
#' * `status`: I.e. *running*, *sleeping*, etc.
#' * `user`: User CPU time.
#' * `system`: System CPU time.
#' * `rss`: Resident set size, the amount of memory the process currently
#'    uses. Does not include memory that is swapped out. It does include
#'    shared libraries.
#' * `vms`: Virtual memory size. All memory the process has access to.
#' * `created`: Time stamp when the process was created.
#' * `ps_handle`: `ps_handle` objects, in a list column.
#' @export

ps <- function(user = NULL, after = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(user)) assert_string(user)
  if (!is.null(after)) assert_time(after)

  pids <- ps_pids()
  processes <- not_null(lapply(pids, function(p) {
    tryCatch(ps_handle(p), error = function(e) NULL) }))

  ct <- NULL
  if (!is.null(after)) {
    ct <- lapply(processes, ps_create_time)
    selected <- ct >= after
    processes <- processes[selected]
    ct <- ct[selected]

  us <- NULL
  if (!is.null(user)) {
    us <- map_chr(processes, function(p)
      fallback(ps_username(p), NA_character_))
    selected <- !is.na(us) & us == user
    processes <- processes[selected]
    us <- us[selected]
    ct <- ct[selected]

  us <- us %||% map_chr(processes, function(p)
    fallback(ps_username(p), NA_character_))
  ct <- ct %||% lapply(processes, function(p)
    fallback(ps_create_time(p), NA_time()))
  pd <- map_int(processes, function(p) fallback(ps_pid(p), NA_integer_))
  pp <- map_int(processes, function(p) fallback(ps_ppid(p), NA_integer_))
  nm <- map_chr(processes, function(p) fallback(ps_name(p), NA_character_))

  opt <- options(ps.no_external_ps = TRUE)
  on.exit(options(opt), add = TRUE)
  st <- map_chr(processes, function(p) fallback(ps_status(p), NA_character_))
  if (ps_os_type()[["MACOS"]] && !isTRUE(getOption("ps.no_external_ps")) &&
      anyNA(st[pids != 0])) {
    misspids <- map_int(processes[is.na(st)], ps_pid)
    st[is.na(st)] <- ps_status_macos_ps(misspids)

  time <- lapply(processes, function(p) fallback(ps_cpu_times(p), NULL))
  cpt <- map_dbl(time, function(x) x[["user"]] %||% NA_real_)
  cps <- map_dbl(time, function(x) x[["system"]] %||% NA_real_)
  mem <- lapply(processes, function(p) fallback(ps_memory_info(p), NULL))
  rss <- map_dbl(mem, function(x) x[["rss"]] %||% NA_real_)
  vms <- map_dbl(mem, function(x) x[["vms"]] %||% NA_real_)

  pss <- data_frame(
    pid = pd,
    ppid = pp,
    name = nm,
    username = us,
    status = st,
    user = cpt,
    system = cps,
    rss = rss,
    vms = vms,
    created = format_unix_time(unlist(ct)),
    ps_handle = I(processes)

  pss <- pss[order(-as.numeric(pss$created)), ]

r-lib/ps documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 2:45 p.m.