
Defines functions deps_install deps_install_done deps_install_task deps_opts deps_install_opts

#' @importFrom processx process
#' @importFrom callr r r_process r_process_options
#' @importFrom crancache available_packages
#' @importFrom withr with_envvar

deps_install_opts <- function(pkgdir, pkgname, quiet = FALSE, env = character()) {
  func <- function(libdir, packages, quiet, repos) {
    ip <- crancache::install_packages
          dependencies = FALSE,
          lib = libdir[1],
          quiet = quiet,
          repos = repos
        stopifnot(all(packages %in% rownames(installed.packages(libdir[1]))))

  args <- c(
    ## We don't want to install the revdep checked package again,
    ## that's in a separate library, hence the `exclude` argument
    deps_opts(pkgname, exclude = pkg_name(pkgdir)),

      libdir = dir_find(pkgdir, "pkg", pkgname),
      quiet = quiet

  ## CRANCACHE_REPOS makes sure that we only use cached CRAN packages,
  ## but not packages that were installed from elsewhere
    func = func,
    args = args,
    system_profile = FALSE,
    user_profile = FALSE,
    env = c(CRANCACHE_REPOS = "cran,bioc",
            CRANCACHE_QUIET = if (quiet) "yes" else "no",

deps_opts <- function(pkgname, exclude = character()) {
  ## We set repos, so that dependencies from Bioconductor are installed
  ## automatically
  repos <- get_repos(bioc = TRUE, cran = TRUE)

  ## We have to do this "manually", because some of the dependencies
  ## might be also dependencies of crancache, so they will be already
  ## installed in another library directory, and also loaded.
  ## But we want to install everything into the package's specific library,
  ## because this is the only library used for the check.
  '!DEBUG Querying dependencies of `paste(pkgname, collapse = ", ")`'
  packages <- cran_deps(pkgname, repos)

  packages <- setdiff(packages, exclude)

  ## We do this, because if a package is not available,
  ## utils::install.packages does not install anything, just gives a
  ## warning
  "!DEBUG dropping unavailable dependencies"
  available <- with_envvar(
    c(CRANCACHE_REPOS = "cran,bioc", CRANCACHE_QUIET = "yes"),
    rownames(available_packages(repos = repos))
  packages <- intersect(packages, available)

    package = packages,
    repos = repos

deps_install_task <- function(state, task) {

  pkgdir <- state$options$pkgdir
  pkgname <- task$args[[1]]

  dir_setup_package(pkgdir, pkgname)

  "!DEBUG Install dependencies for package `pkgname`"
  px_opts <- deps_install_opts(pkgdir, pkgname, quiet = state$options$quiet,
                               env = state$options$env)
  px <- r_process$new(px_opts)

  ## Update state
  worker <- list(process = px, package = pkgname,
                 stdout = character(), stderr = character(), task = task)
  state$workers <- c(state$workers, list(worker))

  wpkg <- match(worker$package, state$packages$package)
  state$packages$state[wpkg] <- "deps_installing"


deps_install_done <- function(state, worker) {
  starttime <- worker$process$get_start_time()
  duration <- as.numeric(Sys.time() - starttime)
  wpkg <- match(worker$package, state$packages$package)

  worker$process$wait(timeout = 1000)
  if (worker$process$get_exit_status()) {
    ## failed, we just stop the whole package
    cleanup_library(state, worker)
    state$packages$state[wpkg] <- "done"

    rresult <- if (isTRUE(worker$killed)) {
      "Process was killed while installing dependencies"
      status <- "TIMEOUT"
    } else {
      status <- "PREPERROR"
        error = function(e) conditionMessage(e)

    result <- list(
      stdout = worker$stdout,
      stderr = worker$stderr,
      errormsg = rresult

    for (which in c("old", "new")) {
        state$options$pkgdir, worker$package, version = NULL,
        status = status, which = which, duration = duration,
        starttime = starttime, result = unclass(toJSON(result)),
        summary = NULL

  } else {
    ## succeeded
    state$packages$state[wpkg] <- "deps_installed"


# Not used by other methods, but simplifies debugging
deps_install <- function(pkgdir, pkgname, quiet = FALSE, new_session = FALSE) {
  px_opts <- deps_install_opts(pkgdir, pkgname, quiet = FALSE)
  execute_r(px_opts, new_session = new_session)
r-lib/revdepcheck documentation built on May 13, 2024, 4:03 p.m.