
test_that("detect number of cpus to use", {

  withr::local_options(Ncpus = 100L)
  withr::local_envvar(TESTTHAT_CPUS = NA)
  expect_equal(default_num_cpus(), 100L)

  withr::local_options(Ncpus = 100L)
  withr::local_envvar(TESTTHAT_CPUS = 10)
  expect_equal(default_num_cpus(), 100L)

  withr::local_options(list(Ncpus = NULL))
  withr::local_envvar(TESTTHAT_CPUS = NA)
  expect_equal(default_num_cpus(), 2L)

  withr::local_options(list(Ncpus = NULL))
  withr::local_envvar(TESTTHAT_CPUS = NA)
  expect_equal(default_num_cpus(), 2L)

  withr::local_options(list(Ncpus = NULL))
  withr::local_envvar(TESTTHAT_CPUS = 13)
  expect_equal(default_num_cpus(), 13L)

test_that("ok", {
  withr::local_envvar(c(TESTTHAT_PARALLEL = "TRUE"))
  # we cannot run these with the silent reporter, because it is not
  # parallel compatible, and they'll not run in parallel
  capture.output(suppressMessages(ret <- test_local(
    test_path("test-parallel", "ok"),
    reporter = "summary",
    stop_on_failure = FALSE
  tdf <- as.data.frame(ret)
  tdf <- tdf[order(tdf$file), ]
  expect_equal(tdf$failed, c(0,1,0))
  expect_equal(tdf$skipped, c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE))

test_that("fail", {
  withr::local_envvar(c(TESTTHAT_PARALLEL = "TRUE"))
  # we cannot run these with the silent reporter, because it is not
  # parallel compatible, and they'll not run in parallel
  capture.output(suppressMessages(ret <- test_local(
    test_path("test-parallel", "fail"),
    reporter = "summary",
    stop_on_failure = FALSE
  tdf <- as.data.frame(ret)
  tdf <- tdf[order(tdf$file), ]
  expect_equal(tdf$failed, c(1))

test_that("snapshots", {
  withr::local_envvar(c(TESTTHAT_PARALLEL = "TRUE"))
  on.exit(unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)
  dir.create(tmp <- tempfile("testthat-snap-"))
  file.copy(test_path("test-parallel", "snap"), tmp, recursive = TRUE)
  # we cannot run these with the silent reporter, because it is not
  # parallel compatible, and they'll not run in parallel
  capture.output(suppressMessages(ret <- test_local(
    file.path(tmp, "snap"),
    reporter = "summary",
    stop_on_failure = FALSE
  tdf <- as.data.frame(ret)
  tdf <- tdf[order(tdf$file), ]
  expect_equal(tdf$failed, c(0,0,1))
  snaps <- file.path(tmp, "snap", "tests", "testthat", "_snaps")
  expect_true(file.exists(file.path(snaps, "snap-1.md")))
  expect_true(file.exists(file.path(snaps, "snap-2.md")))
  expect_true(file.exists(file.path(snaps, "snap-3.md")))

test_that("new snapshots are added", {
  withr::local_envvar(c(TESTTHAT_PARALLEL = "TRUE"))
  on.exit(unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)
  dir.create(tmp <- tempfile("testthat-snap-"))
  file.copy(test_path("test-parallel", "snap"), tmp, recursive = TRUE)
  unlink(file.path(tmp, "snap", "tests", "testthat", "_snaps", "snap-2.md"))
  # we cannot run these with the silent reporter, because it is not
  # parallel compatible, and they'll not run in parallel
  capture.output(suppressMessages(ret <- test_local(
    file.path(tmp, "snap"),
    reporter = "summary",
    stop_on_failure = FALSE
  tdf <- as.data.frame(ret)
  tdf <- tdf[order(tdf$file), ]
  expect_equal(tdf$failed, c(0,0,1))
  snaps <- file.path(tmp, "snap", "tests", "testthat", "_snaps")
  expect_true(file.exists(file.path(snaps, "snap-1.md")))
  expect_true(file.exists(file.path(snaps, "snap-2.md")))
  expect_true(file.exists(file.path(snaps, "snap-3.md")))

test_that("snapshots are removed if test file has no snapshots", {
  withr::local_envvar(c(TESTTHAT_PARALLEL = "TRUE"))
  on.exit(unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)
  dir.create(tmp <- tempfile("testthat-snap-"))
  file.copy(test_path("test-parallel", "snap"), tmp, recursive = TRUE)
    "test_that(\"2\", { expect_true(TRUE) })",
    file.path(tmp, "snap", "tests", "testthat", "test-snap-2.R")
  # we cannot run these with the silent reporter, because it is not
  # parallel compatible, and they'll not run in parallel
  capture.output(suppressMessages(ret <- test_local(
    file.path(tmp, "snap"),
    reporter = "summary",
    stop_on_failure = FALSE
  tdf <- as.data.frame(ret)
  tdf <- tdf[order(tdf$file), ]
  expect_equal(tdf$failed, c(0,0,1))
  snaps <- file.path(tmp, "snap", "tests", "testthat", "_snaps")
  expect_true(file.exists(file.path(snaps, "snap-1.md")))
  expect_false(file.exists(file.path(snaps, "snap-2.md")))
  expect_true(file.exists(file.path(snaps, "snap-3.md")))

test_that("snapshots are removed if test file is removed", {
  withr::local_envvar(c(TESTTHAT_PARALLEL = "TRUE"))
  on.exit(unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)
  dir.create(tmp <- tempfile("testthat-snap-"))
  file.copy(test_path("test-parallel", "snap"), tmp, recursive = TRUE)
  unlink(file.path(tmp, "snap", "tests", "testthat", "test-snap-2.R"))
  withr::local_envvar(CI = NA_character_)
  # we cannot run these with the silent reporter, because it is not
  # parallel compatible, and they'll not run in parallel
  capture.output(suppressMessages(ret <- test_local(
    file.path(tmp, "snap"),
    reporter = "summary",
    stop_on_failure = FALSE
  tdf <- as.data.frame(ret)
  tdf <- tdf[order(tdf$file), ]
  expect_equal(tdf$failed, c(0,1))
  snaps <- file.path(tmp, "snap", "tests", "testthat", "_snaps")
  expect_true(file.exists(file.path(snaps, "snap-1.md")))
  expect_false(file.exists(file.path(snaps, "snap-2.md")))
  expect_true(file.exists(file.path(snaps, "snap-3.md")))
r-lib/testthat documentation built on Aug. 27, 2024, 2:44 a.m.