#' Subset a LAScatalog
#' Subset a LAScatalog interactively using the mouse. Subset a LAScatalog with a spatial object to
#' keep only the tiles of interest. It can be used to select tiles of interest that encompass spatial
#' objects.
#' @param ctg A \link[=LAScatalog-class]{LAScatalog}
#' @param y `bbox`, `sf`, `sfc`, `Extent`, `Raster*`, `Spatial*` objects
#' @param ... ignored
#' @param mapview logical. If \code{FALSE}, use R base plot instead of mapview (no pan, no zoom, see
#' also \link[=plot]{plot})
#' @param subset character. By default it subsets the collection It is also possible to flag
#' the files to maintain the collection as a whole but process only a subset of its content.
#' \code{flag_unprocessed} flags the files that will not be processed.
#' \code{flag_processed} flags the files that will be processed.
#' @return A LAScatalog object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ctg = readLAScatalog("<Path to a folder containing a set of .las files>")
#' new_ctg = catalog_select(ctg)
#' }
#' @name catalog_subset
#' @rdname catalog_subset
# nocov start
catalog_select = function(ctg, mapview = TRUE, subset = c("subset", "flag_unprocessed", "flag_processed"))
assert_is_all_of(ctg, "LAScatalog")
method <- match.arg(subset)
if (is_lascatalog_v3(ctg)) catalog <- lascatalog_v3_repair(ctg)
Min.X <- Min.Y <- Max.X <- Max.Y <- NULL
if (mapview & (!requireNamespace("mapview", quietly = TRUE) | !requireNamespace("mapedit", quietly = TRUE)))
message("Package 'mapview' and 'mapedit' are needed. Function switched to R base plot mode.")
mapview = FALSE
if (mapview)
index <- mapedit::selectFeatures(as.spatial(ctg),index = TRUE)
plot(ctg, mapview = FALSE)
index <- with(ctg@data, identify_tile(Min.X, Max.X, Min.Y, Max.Y))
if (method == "subset") {
ctg <- ctg[index,]
} else if (method == "flag_unprocessed") {
ctg$processed <- TRUE
ctg$processed[index] <- FALSE
} else {
ctg$processed <- FALSE
ctg$processed[index] <- TRUE
identify_tile <- function(minx, maxx, miny, maxy, plot = FALSE, ...)
n <- length(minx)
x <- (minx + maxx)/2
y <- (miny + maxy)/2
sel <- rep(FALSE, n)
while (sum(sel) < n)
ans <- graphics::identify(x[!sel], y[!sel], n = 1, plot = FALSE, ...)
if (!length(ans))
ans <- which(!sel)[ans]
graphics::rect(minx[ans], miny[ans], maxx[ans], maxy[ans], col = "forestgreen")
sel[ans] <- TRUE
# nocov end
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