
Defines functions summary.LAScatalog summary.LAS print.raster_template print.lidRAlgorithm print.LAScatalog print.LAS

Documented in print.LAS print.LAScatalog print.lidRAlgorithm print.raster_template summary.LAS summary.LAScatalog

#' @rdname tools
#' @export
print.LAS <- function(x, ...)

#' @rdname tools
#' @export
print.LAScatalog <- function(x, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname tools
print.lidRAlgorithm = function(x, ...)
  e <- environment(x)
  params <- ls(e)
  params <- Filter(function(i) !is.algorithm(get(i,e)), params)
  omp <- if (is.parallelised(x)) "yes" else "no"

  if (is(x, LIDRDSM))
  { use = "digital surface model" ; with = LIDRCONTEXTDSM }
  else if (is (x, LIDRDEC))
  { use = "point cloud thinning" ; with = LIDRCONTEXTDEC }
  else if (is (x, LIDRGND))
  { use = "ground classification" ; with = LIDRCONTEXTGND }
  else if (is (x, LIDRITD))
  { use = "individual tree detection" ; with = LIDRCONTEXTITD }
  else if (is (x, LIDRITS))
  { use = "individual tree segmentation" ; with = LIDRCONTEXTITS }
  else if (is (x, LIDRNIT))
  { use = "intensity normalisation" ; with = LIDRCONTEXTNIT }
  else if (is (x, LIDRSNG))
  { use = "snag segmentation" ; with = LIDRCONTEXTSNG }
  else if (is (x, LIDRTRK))
  { use = "sensor tracking" ; with = LIDRCONTEXTTRK }
  else if (is (x, LIDRSHP))
  { use = "shape segmentation" ; with = LIDRCONTEXTSHP }
  else if (is (x, LIDRSPI))
  { use = "spatial interpolation" ; with = LIDRCONTEXTSPI }
  else if (is (x, LIDROUT))
  { use = "noise classification" ; with = LIDRCONTEXTOUT }
  { use = "unknown" ; with = "unknown" } # nocov

  with = paste(with, collapse = " or ")

  cat("Object of class lidR algorithm\n")
  cat("Algorithm for:", use, "\n")
  cat("Designed to be used with:", with, "\n")
  cat("Native C++ parallelization:", omp, "\n")
  cat("Parameters: ")

  if (length(params) == 0L)

  for (param in params)
    v = get(param, e)
    if (is.numeric(v) | is.complex(v) | is.logical(v) | is.character(v))
      cat(" - ", param, " = " , v, " <", class(v), ">\n", sep = "")
    else if (is.null(v))
      cat(" - ", param, " = NULL <NULL>\n", sep = "")
      cat(" - ", param, " <", class(v), ">\n", sep = "")


#' @export
#' @rdname tools
print.raster_template <- function(x, ...)
  cat("Object of class raster_template\n")
  cat("extent     : ", x$xmin, ", ", x$xmax, ", ",  x$ymin, ", ", x$ymax, " (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)\n", sep = "")
  cat("resolution :", x$xres, x$yres, "\n")
  cat("size       :", x$ncol, x$nrow, "\n")
  cat("crs        :", x$crs$Name, "\n")

#' @rdname tools
#' @param object A \code{LAS*} object or other lidR related objects.
#' @export
summary.LAS <- function(object, ...)

#' @rdname tools
#' @export
summary.LAScatalog <- function(object, ...)
  inmemory <- if (opt_output_files(object) == "") "in memory" else "on disk"
  w2w  <- if (opt_wall_to_wall(object)) "guaranteed" else "not guaranteed"
  merging <- if (opt_merge(object)) "enabled" else "disable"

  cat("proc. opt.  : buffer: ", opt_chunk_buffer(object), " | chunk: ", opt_chunk_size(object), "\n", sep = "")
  cat("input opt.  : select: ", opt_select(object), " | filter: ", opt_filter(object), "\n", sep = "")
  cat("output opt. : ", inmemory, " | w2w ", w2w, " | merging ", merging, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("drivers     :\n")

  drivers <- object@output_options$drivers
  dnames <- names(drivers)
  for (i in 1:length(drivers))
    driver <- drivers[[i]]
    params <- driver$param
    pnames <- names(params)
    cat(" -", dnames[i], ": ")
    if (length(params) > 0)
      for (j in 1:length(params))
        cat(pnames[j], "=", params[[j]], " ")
      cat("no parameter")


setMethod("show", "LAS", function(object)
  size      <- format(las_size(object), units = "auto")
  area      <- as.numeric(st_area(object))
  area.h    <- area
  npoints   <- nrow(object@data)
  npulses   <- object@header[["Number of points by return"]][1]
  npoints.h <- npoints
  dpts      <- if (area > 0) npoints/area else 0
  dpulse    <- if (area > 0) npulses/area else 0
  ext       <- st_bbox(object)
  phb       <- object@header@PHB
  major     <- phb[["Version Major"]]
  minor     <- phb[["Version Minor"]]
  version   <- paste(major, minor, sep = ".")
  format    <- phb[["Point Data Format ID"]]
  units     <- st_crs(object)$units
  units     <- if (is.null(units) || is.na(units)) "units" else units
  type      <- sensor(object)
  if (type == TLSLAS) type = "terrestrial"
  else if (type == ALSLAS) type = "airborne"
  else if (type == UKNLAS) type = "unknown"
  else type = "unknown"

  areaprefix  <- ""
  pointprefix <- ""

  if (area > 1000*1000/2)
    areaprefix <- if (length(units) == 0) "thousand " else "k"
    area.h     <- round(area/(1000*1000), 2)

  if (npoints > 1000 & npoints < 1000^2)
    pointprefix <- "thousand"
    npoints.h   <- round(npoints/1000, 1)
  else if (npoints >= 1000^2 & npoints < 1000^3)
    pointprefix <- "million" #nocov
    npoints.h   <- round(npoints/(1000^2), 2) #nocov
  else if (npoints >= 1000^3)
    pointprefix <- "billion" #nocov
    npoints.h   <- round(npoints/(1000^3), 2) #nocov

  cat("class        : ", class(object), " (v", version, " format ", format, ")\n", sep = "")
  cat("memory       :", size, "\n")
  cat("extent       : ", ext[1], ", ", ext[3], ", ", ext[2], ", ", ext[4], " (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)\n", sep = "")
  cat("coord. ref.  :", st_crs(object)$Name, "\n")
  cat("area         : ", area.h, " ", areaprefix, units, "\u00B2\n", sep = "")
  cat("points       : ", npoints.h, " ", pointprefix, " points\n", sep = "")
  cat("type         : ", type, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("density      : ", round(dpts, 2), " points/", units, "\u00B2\n", sep = "")
  if (dpulse > 0)
    cat("density      : ", round(dpulse, 2), " pulses/", units, "\u00B2\n", sep = "")
  #cat("names        :", attr, "\n")


setMethod("show", "LAScatalog", function(object)
  area        <- as.numeric(st_area(object))
  area.h      <- area
  npoints     <- sum(object@data$Number.of.point.records)
  npulse      <- sum(object@data$Number.of.1st.return)
  npoints.h   <- npoints
  ext         <- st_bbox(object)
  units       <- st_crs(object)$units
  units       <- if (is.na(units)) "units" else units
  areaprefix  <- ""
  pointprefix <- ""
  major       <- sort(unique(object[["Version.Major"]]))
  minor       <- sort(unique(object[["Version.Minor"]]))
  if (is.null(major)) major <- "?"
  if (is.null(minor)) minor <- "?"
  version     <- paste(major, minor, sep = ".", collapse = " and ")
  format      <- paste(sort(unique(object[["Point.Data.Format.ID"]])), collapse = " and ")
  if (format == "") format <- "?"
  density     <- round(npoints/area, 1)
  if (is.nan(density)) density <- 0
  dpulse      <- round(npulse/area, 1)
  type      <- sensor(object)
  if (type == TLSLAS) type = "terrestrial"
  else if (type == ALSLAS) type = "airborne"
  else if (type == UKNLAS) type = "unknown"
  else type = "unknown"

  if (area > 1000*1000/2)
    areaprefix <- if (length(units) == 0) "thousand " else "k"
    area.h     <- round(area/(1000*1000), 2)

  if (npoints <= 1000)
    pointprefix <- ""
    npoints.h   <- npoints
  else if (npoints > 1000 & npoints < 1000^2)
    pointprefix <- "thousand"
    npoints.h   <- round(npoints/1000, 1)
  else if (npoints >= 1000^2 & npoints < 1000^3)
    pointprefix <- "million" #nocov
    npoints.h   <- round(npoints/(1000^2), 2) #nocov
  else if (npoints >= 1000^3)
    pointprefix <- "billion" #nocov
    npoints.h   <- round(npoints/(1000^3), 2) #nocov

  cat("class       : ", class(object), " (v", version, " format ", format, ")\n", sep = "")
  cat("extent      : ", ext[1], ", ", ext[3], ", ", ext[2], ", ", ext[4], " (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)\n", sep = "")
  cat("coord. ref. :", st_crs(object)$Name, "\n")
  cat("area        : ", area.h, " ", areaprefix, units, "\u00B2\n", sep = "")
  cat("points      : ", npoints.h, " ", pointprefix, " points\n", sep = "")
  cat("type        : ", type, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("density     : ", density, " points/", units, "\u00B2\n", sep = "")
  if (dpulse > 0)
    cat("density     : ", round(dpulse, 2), " pulses/", units, "\u00B2\n", sep = "")
  cat("num. files  :", dim(object@data)[1], "\n")

setMethod("show", "LASheader",  function(object)
  x = object@PHB

  gpstype   = if (x[["Global Encoding"]][["GPS Time Type"]]) "Standard GPS Time" else "GPS Week Time"
  synthetic = if (x[["Global Encoding"]][["Synthetic Return Numbers"]]) "true" else "no"
  WKT       = if (x[["Global Encoding"]][["WKT"]]) "CRS is WKT" else "CRS is GeoTIFF"
  aggregate = if (x[["Global Encoding"]][["Aggregate Model"]]) "true" else "false"

  cat("File signature:          ", x$`File Signature`, "\n")
  cat("File source ID:          ", x$`File Source ID`, "\n")
  cat("Global encoding:\n")
  cat(" - GPS Time Type:" , gpstype, "\n")
  cat(" - Synthetic Return Numbers:" , synthetic, "\n")
  cat(" - Well Know Text:" , WKT, "\n")
  cat(" - Aggregate Model:" , aggregate, "\n")
  cat("Project ID - GUID:       ", x$`Project ID - GUID`, "\n")
  cat("Version:                  ", x$`Version Major`, ".", x$`Version Minor`, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("System identifier:       ", x$`System Identifier`, "\n")
  cat("Generating software:     ", x$`Generating Software`, "\n")
  cat("File creation d/y:        ", x$`File Creation Day of Year`, "/", x$`File Creation Year`, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("header size:             ", x$`Header Size`, "\n")
  cat("Offset to point data:    ", x$`Offset to point data`, "\n")
  cat("Num. var. length record: ", x$`Number of variable length records`, "\n")
  cat("Point data format:       ", x$`Point Data Format ID`, "\n")
  cat("Point data record length:", x$`Point Data Record Length`, "\n")
  cat("Num. of point records:   ", x$`Number of point records`, "\n")
  cat("Num. of points by return:", x$`Number of points by return`, "\n")
  cat("Scale factor X Y Z:      ", x$`X scale factor`, x$`Y scale factor`, x$`Z scale factor`, "\n")
  cat("Offset X Y Z:            ", x$`X offset`, x$`Y offset`, x$`Z offset`, "\n")
  cat("min X Y Z:               ", x$`Min X`, x$`Min Y`, x$`Min Z`, "\n")
  cat("max X Y Z:               ", x$`Max X`, x$`Max Y`, x$`Max Z`, "\n")

  nvlr  <- length(object@VLR)
  nevlr <- length(object@EVLR)

  if (nvlr == 0)
    cat("Variable Length Records (VLR):  void\n")
    cat("Variable Length Records (VLR):\n")

    for (i in 1:nvlr)
      vlr = object@VLR[[i]]

      cat("   Variable Length Record", i, "of", nvlr, "\n")
      #cat("       Reserve:            ",  vlr$reserved, "\n")
      #cat("       User ID:             ", vlr$`user ID`, "\n")
      #cat("       record ID:           ", vlr$`record ID`, "\n")
      #cat("       Length after header: ", vlr$`length after header`, "\n")
      cat("       Description:", vlr$description, "\n")

      if (vlr$`record ID` == 34735)
        cat("       Tags:\n")
        lapply(vlr[[6]], function(xx)
          cat("          Key", xx$key, "value", xx$`value offset`, "\n")
      else if (vlr$`record ID` == 34736)
        cat("       data:                ", vlr[[6]], "\n")
      else if (vlr$`record ID` == 34737)
        cat("       data:                ", vlr[[6]], "\n")
      else if (vlr$`record ID` == 4)
        cat("       Extra Bytes Description:\n")
        lapply(vlr$`Extra Bytes Description`, function(xx)
          cat("          ", xx$name, ": ", xx$description, "\n", sep = "")
      else if (vlr$`record ID` == 2112)
        cat("       WKT OGC COORDINATE SYSTEM: ", strtrim(vlr$`WKT OGC COORDINATE SYSTEM`, 70), " [...] (truncated)\n", sep = "")

  if (nevlr == 0)
    cat("Extended Variable Length Records (EVLR):  void\n")
    cat("Extended Variable Length Records (EVLR):\n")

    for (i in 1:nevlr)
      vlr = object@EVLR[[i]]

      cat("   Extended Variable length record", i, "of", nevlr, "\n")
      #cat("       Reserve:            ",  vlr$reserved, "\n")
      #cat("       User ID:             ", vlr$`user ID`, "\n")
      #cat("       record ID:           ", vlr$`record ID`, "\n")
      #cat("       Length after header: ", vlr$`length after header`, "\n")
      cat("       Description:", vlr$description, "\n")

      if (vlr$`record ID` == 34735)
        cat("       Tags:\n")
        lapply(vlr[[6]], function(xx)
          cat("          Key", xx$key, "value", xx$`value offset`, "\n")
      else if (vlr$`record ID` == 34736)
        cat("       data:                ", vlr[[6]], "\n")
      else if (vlr$`record ID` == 34737)
        cat("       data:                ", vlr[[6]], "\n")
      else if (vlr$`record ID` == 4)
        cat("       Extra Bytes Description:\n")
        lapply(vlr$`Extra Bytes Description`, function(xx)
          cat("          ", xx$name, ": ", xx$description, "\n", sep = "")
      else if (vlr$`record ID` == 2112)
        cat("       WKT OGC COORDINATE SYSTEM: ", strtrim(vlr$`WKT OGC COORDINATE SYSTEM`, 70), " [...] (truncated)\n", sep = "")


setMethod("show", "LAScluster", function(object)
  cat("class   : LAScluster\n")
  cat("name    :", object@name, "\n")
  cat("center  :", object@center$x, ",", object@center$y, "\n")
  cat("extent  :", object@bbox[1], ",", object@bbox[3], ",", object@bbox[2], ",", object@bbox[4], "(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)\n")
  cat("extent+ :", object@bbbox[1], ",", object@bbbox[3], ",", object@bbbox[2], ",", object@bbbox[4], "(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)\n")
  cat("size    :", object@width, "x", object@height, "\n")
  cat("files   :", basename(object@files), "\n")
  cat("filter  :", object@filter, "\n")
r-lidar/lidR documentation built on Feb. 7, 2025, 8:57 p.m.