
Defines functions print.cli_tree box_chars tree

Documented in tree

#' Draw a tree
#' Draw a tree using box drawing characters. Unicode characters are
#' used if available. (Set the `cli.unicode` option if auto-detection
#' fails.)
#' A node might appear multiple times in the tree, or might not appear
#' at all.
#' @details
#' ```{asciicast, tree}
#' data <- data.frame(
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
#'   package = c("processx", "backports", "assertthat", "Matrix",
#'     "magrittr", "rprojroot", "clisymbols", "prettyunits", "withr",
#'     "desc", "igraph", "R6", "crayon", "debugme", "digest", "irlba",
#'     "rcmdcheck", "callr", "pkgconfig", "lattice"),
#'   dependencies = I(list(
#'     c("assertthat", "crayon", "debugme", "R6"), character(0),
#'     character(0), "lattice", character(0), "backports", character(0),
#'     c("magrittr", "assertthat"), character(0),
#'     c("assertthat", "R6", "crayon", "rprojroot"),
#'     c("irlba", "magrittr", "Matrix", "pkgconfig"), character(0),
#'     character(0), "crayon", character(0), "Matrix",
#'     c("callr", "clisymbols", "crayon", "desc", "digest", "prettyunits",
#'       "R6", "rprojroot", "withr"),
#'     c("processx", "R6"), character(0), character(0)
#'   ))
#' )
#' tree(data)
#' ```
#' ```{asciicast, tree-root}
#' tree(data, root = "rcmdcheck")
#' ```
#' ## Colored nodes
#' ```{asciicast tree-colored}
#' data$label <- paste(data$package,
#'   style_dim(paste0("(", c("", "1.1.1", "0.2.0", "1.2-11",
#'     "1.5", "1.2", "1.2.0", "1.0.2", "2.0.0", "", "1.1.2",
#'     "2.2.2", "1.3.4", "1.0.2", "0.6.12", "2.2.1", "",
#'     "", "2.0.1", "0.20-35"), ")"))
#'   )
#' roots <- ! data$package %in% unlist(data$dependencies)
#' data$label[roots] <- col_cyan(style_italic(data$label[roots]))
#' tree(data, root = "rcmdcheck")
#' ```
#' ## Trimming
#' ```{asciicast tree-trimming}
#' pkgdeps <- list(
#'   "dplyr@0.8.3" = c("assertthat@0.2.1", "glue@1.3.1", "magrittr@1.5",
#'     "R6@2.4.0", "Rcpp@1.0.2", "rlang@0.4.0", "tibble@2.1.3",
#'     "tidyselect@0.2.5"),
#'   "assertthat@0.2.1" = character(),
#'   "glue@1.3.1" = character(),
#'   "magrittr@1.5" = character(),
#'   "pkgconfig@2.0.3" = character(),
#'   "R6@2.4.0" = character(),
#'   "Rcpp@1.0.2" = character(),
#'   "rlang@0.4.0" = character(),
#'   "tibble@2.1.3" = c("cli@1.1.0", "crayon@1.3.4", "fansi@0.4.0",
#'      "pillar@1.4.2", "pkgconfig@2.0.3", "rlang@0.4.0"),
#'   "cli@1.1.0" = c("assertthat@0.2.1", "crayon@1.3.4"),
#'   "crayon@1.3.4" = character(),
#'   "fansi@0.4.0" = character(),
#'   "pillar@1.4.2" = c("cli@1.1.0", "crayon@1.3.4", "fansi@0.4.0",
#'      "rlang@0.4.0", "utf8@1.1.4", "vctrs@0.2.0"),
#'   "utf8@1.1.4" = character(),
#'   "vctrs@0.2.0" = c("backports@1.1.5", "ellipsis@0.3.0",
#'      "digest@0.6.21", "glue@1.3.1", "rlang@0.4.0", "zeallot@0.1.0"),
#'   "backports@1.1.5" = character(),
#'   "ellipsis@0.3.0" = c("rlang@0.4.0"),
#'   "digest@0.6.21" = character(),
#'   "glue@1.3.1" = character(),
#'   "zeallot@0.1.0" = character(),
#'   "tidyselect@0.2.5" = c("glue@1.3.1", "purrr@1.3.1", "rlang@0.4.0",
#'      "Rcpp@1.0.2"),
#'   "purrr@0.3.3" = c("magrittr@1.5", "rlang@0.4.0")
#' )
#' pkgs <- data.frame(
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
#'   name = names(pkgdeps),
#'   deps = I(unname(pkgdeps))
#' )
#' tree(pkgs, trim = TRUE)
#' ```
#' ```{asciicast tree-trim-mark}
#' # Mark the trimmed nodes
#' pkgs$label <- pkgs$name
#' pkgs$trimmed <- paste(pkgs$name, " (trimmed)")
#' tree(pkgs, trim = TRUE)
#' ```
#' @param data Data frame that contains the tree structure.
#'   The first column is an id, and the second column is a list column,
#'   that contains the ids of the child nodes. The optional third column
#'   may contain the text to print to annotate the node.
#' @param root The name of the root node.
#' @param style Optional box style list.
#' @param width Maximum width of the output. Defaults to the `width`
#'   option, see [base::options()].
#' @param trim Whether to avoid traversing the same nodes multiple times.
#'   If `TRUE` and `data` has a `trimmed` column, then that is used for
#'   printing repeated nodes.
#' @return Character vector, the lines of the tree drawing.
#' @export

tree <- function(data, root = data[[1]][[1]], style = NULL,
                 width = console_width(), trim = FALSE) {
    is.data.frame(data), ncol(data) >= 2,
    is.null(style) || (is_tree_style(style)),

  style <- style %||% box_chars()

  labels <- if (ncol(data) >= 3) data[[3]] else data[[1]]
  trimlabs <- data[["trimmed"]] %||% labels

  seen <- character()
  res <- character()

  pt <- function(root, n = integer(), mx = integer(), used = character()) {

    num_root <- match(root, data[[1]])
    if (is.na(num_root)) return()

    level <- length(n) - 1
    prefix <- vcapply(seq_along(n), function(i) {
      if (n[i] < mx[i]) {
        if (i == length(n)) {
          paste0(style$j, style$h)
        } else {
          paste0(style$v, " ")
      } else if (n[i] == mx[i] && i == length(n)) {
        paste0(style$l, style$h)
      } else {
        "  "

    root_seen <- root %in% seen
    root_lab <- if (trim && root_seen) trimlabs[[num_root]] else labels[[num_root]]
    res <<- c(res, paste0(paste(prefix, collapse = ""), root_lab))

    # Detect infinite loops
    if (!trim && root %in% used) {
      warning(call. = FALSE,
              "Endless loop found in tree: ",
              paste0(c(used, root), collapse = " -> "))
    } else if (! trim || ! root_seen) {
      seen <<- c(seen, root)
      children <- data[[2]][[num_root]]
      for (d in seq_along(children)) {
        pt(children[[d]], c(n, d), c(mx, length(children)), c(used, root))

  if (nrow(data)) pt(root)

  res <- ansi_substr(res, 1, width)

  class(res) <- unique(c("cli_tree", "tree", class(res), "character"))

box_chars <- function() {
  if (is_utf8_output()) {
      "h" = "\u2500",                   # horizontal
      "v" = "\u2502",                   # vertical
      "l" = "\u2514",                   # leaf
      "j" = "\u251C"                    # junction
  } else {
      "h" = "-",                        # horizontal
      "v" = "|",                        # vertical
      "l" = "\\",                       # leaf
      "j" = "+"                         # junction

methods::setOldClass(c("cli_tree", "character"))

#' @export

print.cli_tree <- function(x, ..., sep = "\n") {
  cat(x, ..., sep = sep)
r-pkgs/boxes documentation built on Sept. 20, 2024, 6:41 a.m.