
Defines functions tidy_desc valid_package_name check_package_name usethis_description_defaults use_description_defaults use_description

Documented in use_description use_description_defaults

#' Create or modify a DESCRIPTION file
#' @description

#' `use_description()` creates a `DESCRIPTION` file. Although mostly associated
#' with R packages, a `DESCRIPTION` file can also be used to declare
#' dependencies for a non-package project. Within such a project,
#' `devtools::install_deps()` can then be used to install all the required
#' packages. Note that, by default, `use_decription()` checks for a
#' CRAN-compliant package name. You can turn this off with `check_name = FALSE`.

#' usethis consults the following sources, in this order, to set `DESCRIPTION`
#' fields:
#' * `fields` argument of [create_package()] or [use_description()]
#' * `getOption("usethis.description")`
#' * Defaults built into usethis
#' The fields discovered via options or the usethis package can be viewed with
#' `use_description_defaults()`.
#' If you create a lot of packages, consider storing personalized defaults as a
#' named list in an option named `"usethis.description"`. Here's an example of
#' code to include in `.Rprofile`, which can be opened via [edit_r_profile()]:
#' ```
#' options(
#'   usethis.description = list(
#'     "Authors@R" = utils::person(
#'       "Jane", "Doe",
#'       email = "jane@example.com",
#'       role = c("aut", "cre"),
#'       comment = c(ORCID = "YOUR-ORCID-ID")
#'     ),
#'     Language =  "es",
#'     License = "MIT + file LICENSE"
#'   )
#' )
#' ```
#' Prior to usethis v2.0.0, `getOption("devtools.desc")` was consulted for
#' backwards compatibility, but now only the `"usethis.description"` option is
#' supported.
#' @param fields A named list of fields to add to `DESCRIPTION`, potentially
#'   overriding default values. See [use_description()] for how you can set
#'   personalized defaults using package options.
#' @param check_name Whether to check if the name is valid for CRAN and throw an
#'   error if not.
#' @param roxygen If `TRUE`, sets `RoxygenNote` to current roxygen2 version
#' @seealso The [description chapter](https://r-pkgs.org/description.html)
#'   of [R Packages](https://r-pkgs.org)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' use_description()
#' use_description(fields = list(Language = "es"))
#' use_description_defaults()
#' }
use_description <- function(fields = list(),
                            check_name = TRUE,
                            roxygen = TRUE) {
  name <- project_name()
  if (check_name) {

  proj_desc_create(name = name, fields = fields, roxygen = roxygen)

#' @rdname use_description
#' @param package Package name
#' @export
use_description_defaults <- function(package = NULL,
                                     roxygen = TRUE,
                                     fields = list()) {
  fields <- fields %||% list()

  usethis <- usethis_description_defaults(package)

  if (roxygen) {
    if (is_installed("roxygen2")) {
      roxygen_note <- utils::packageVersion("roxygen2")
    } else {
      roxygen_note <- "7.0.0" # version doesn't really matter
    usethis$Roxygen <- "list(markdown = TRUE)"
    usethis$RoxygenNote <- roxygen_note

  options <- getOption("usethis.description") %||% list()

  # A `person` object in Authors@R is not patched in by modifyList()
  modify_this <- function(orig, patch) {
    out <- utils::modifyList(orig, patch)
    if (inherits(patch$`Authors@R`, "person")) {
    #if (has_name(patch, "Authors@R")) {
      out$`Authors@R` <- patch$`Authors@R`

  defaults <- modify_this(usethis, options)
  defaults <- modify_this(defaults, fields)

  # Ensure each element is a single string
  if (inherits(defaults$`Authors@R`, "person")) {
    defaults$`Authors@R` <- format(defaults$`Authors@R`, style = "R")
    defaults$`Authors@R` <- paste0(defaults$`Authors@R`, collapse = "\n")
  defaults <- lapply(defaults, paste, collapse = "")


usethis_description_defaults <- function(package = NULL) {
    Package = package %||% "valid.package.name.goes.here",
    Version = "",
    Title = "What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)",
    Description = "What the package does (one paragraph).",
    "Authors@R" = 'person("First", "Last", email = "first.last@example.com", role = c("aut", "cre"), comment = c(ORCID = "YOUR-ORCID-ID"))',
    License = "`use_mit_license()`, `use_gpl3_license()` or friends to pick a license",
    Encoding = "UTF-8"

check_package_name <- function(name) {
  if (!valid_package_name(name)) {
      "x" = "{.val {name}} is not a valid package name. To be allowed on CRAN, it should:",
      "*" = "Contain only ASCII letters, numbers, and '.'.",
      "*" = "Have at least two characters.",
      "*" = "Start with a letter.",
      "*" = "Not end with '.'."

valid_package_name <- function(x) {
  grepl("^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9.]+$", x) && !grepl("\\.$", x)

tidy_desc <- function(desc) {
  desc$set("Encoding" = "UTF-8")

  # Normalize all fields (includes reordering)
  # Wrap in a try() so it always succeeds, even if user options are malformed
  try(desc$normalize(), silent = TRUE)
r-pkgs/usethis documentation built on May 15, 2024, 2:19 a.m.