
Defines functions .read_ud_db load_units_xml default_units_xml .startup_msg

Documented in load_units_xml

.startup_msg <- function(warn = FALSE) {
  paste("udunits database from" , default_units_xml(warn))

default_units_xml <- function(warn = FALSE) {
  paths = c(

  fallback = system.file("share/udunits/udunits2.xml", package="units")

  w = which(file.exists(paths))
  if (length(w) > 1 && warn)
    warning(paste("multiple udunits databases present:\n - "),
            paste(paths[w], collapse = "\n - "), call.=FALSE)
  p = if (length(w) == 0) fallback else paths[w[1]]

  if (!file.exists(p))
    stop("Failed to identify udunits database: units will not work properly.",
         "\nPlease set the UDUNITS2_XML_PATH environment variable before ",
         "attempting to read the units database")

#' Load a unit system
#' Load an XML database containing a unit system compatible with UDUNITS2.
#' A unit system comprises a root \code{<unit-system>} and a number of children
#' defining prefixes (\code{<prefix>}) or units (\code{<unit>}).
#' See the contents of
#' \code{system.file("share/udunits", package="units")}
#' for examples.
#' @param path a path to a valid unit system in XML format.
#' @examples
#' # load a new unit system
#' load_units_xml(system.file("share/udunits/udunits2-base.xml", package="units"))
#' \dontrun{
#' set_units(1, rad) # doesn'twork
#' }
#' # reload the default unit system
#' load_units_xml()
#' set_units(1, rad) # works again
#' @export
load_units_xml <- function(path = default_units_xml()) {
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
    path <- shortPathName(path)

.read_ud_db <- function(path = default_units_xml(), type) {
  if (! requireNamespace("xml2", quietly = TRUE))
    stop("package 'xml2' is required for this functionality", call.=FALSE)

  db <- xml2::read_xml(path)

  # resolve imports
  imports <- xml2::xml_find_all(db, "import")
  files <- sapply(imports, xml2::xml_text)
  for (i in files) {
    import <- xml2::read_xml(file.path(dirname(path), i))
    for (child in xml2::xml_children(import)) {
      source <- gsub("udunits2-|\\.xml", "", i)
      source <- paste0("<doc><source>", source, "</source></doc>")
      source <- xml2::xml_child(xml2::read_xml(source))
      xml2::xml_add_child(child, source)
      xml2::xml_add_child(db, child)

  # filter by type
  if (!missing(type)) {
    children <- xml2::xml_children(db)
    xml2::xml_remove(children[xml2::xml_name(children) != type])

r-quantities/units documentation built on July 18, 2024, 3:24 a.m.