hotspotmap: Cluster Classifications for Local Indicators of Spatial...

hotspotR Documentation

Cluster Classifications for Local Indicators of Spatial Association and Local Indicators for Categorical Data


Used to return a factor showing so-called cluster classification for local indicators of spatial association for local Moran's I, local Geary's C (and its multivariate variant) and local Getis-Ord G. This factor vector can be added to a spatial object for mapping. When obj is of class licd, a list of up to six factors for measures of local composition (analytical and permutation), local configuration (analytical and permutation), and combined measures, both the interaction of composition and configuration, and a simplified recoding of these.


hotspot(obj, ...)

## Default S3 method:
hotspot(obj, ...)

## S3 method for class 'localmoran'
hotspot(obj, Prname, cutoff=0.005, quadrant.type="mean",
 p.adjust="fdr", droplevels=TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'summary.localmoransad'
hotspot(obj, Prname, cutoff=0.005,
 quadrant.type="mean", p.adjust="fdr", droplevels=TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'data.frame.localmoranex'
hotspot(obj, Prname, cutoff=0.005,
 quadrant.type="mean", p.adjust="fdr", droplevels=TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'localG'
hotspot(obj, Prname, cutoff=0.005, p.adjust="fdr", droplevels=TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'localC'
hotspot(obj, Prname, cutoff=0.005, p.adjust="fdr", droplevels=TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'licd'
hotspot(obj, type = "both", cutoff = 0.05, p.adjust = "none", 
 droplevels = TRUE, control = list(), ...)



An object of class localmoran, localC or localG


A character string, the name of the column containing the probability values to be classified by cluster type if found “interesting”


Default 0.005, the probability value cutoff larger than which the observation is not found “interesting”


Default "fdr", the p.adjust() method used, one of c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none")


Default TRUE, should empty levels of the input cluster factor be dropped


Default "mean", for "localmoran" objects only, can be c("mean", "median", "pysal") to partition the Moran scatterplot; "mean" partitions on the means of the variable and its spatial lag, "median" on medians of the variable and its spatial lag, "pysal" at zero for the centred variable and its spatial lag


When obj is of class licd, default both, may also be comp for local composition or config for local configuration


When obj is of class licd, default binomial_sidak 2, binomial_overlap TRUE, jcm_sidak 3. binomial_overlap may be set FALSE to avoid the Binomial probability values summing to more than unity - the tests in Boots (2003, p. 141) do overlap (>= and <=), and the Šidák exponents may be set to 1 to prevent by-observation correction for 2 Binomial and 3 Normal probability values per observation


other arguments passed to methods.


A factor showing so-called cluster classification for local indicators of spatial association. When obj is of class licd, a list of up to six factors for measures of local composition (analytical and permutation), local configuration (analytical and permutation), and combined measures, both the interaction of composition and configuration, and a simplified recoding of these.


Roger Bivand

See Also



orig <- spData::africa.rook.nb
listw <- nb2listw(orig)
x <- spData::afcon$totcon

C <- localC_perm(x, listw)
Ch <- hotspot(C, Prname="Pr(z != E(Ci)) Sim", cutoff=0.05, p.adjust="none")
I <- localmoran_perm(x, listw)
Ih <- hotspot(I, Prname="Pr(z != E(Ii)) Sim", cutoff=0.05, p.adjust="none")
Is <- summary(localmoran.sad(lm(x ~ 1), nb=orig))
Ish <- hotspot(Is, Prname="Pr. (Sad)", cutoff=0.05, p.adjust="none")
Ie <- ~ 1), nb=orig))
Ieh <- hotspot(Ie, Prname="Pr. (exact)", cutoff=0.05, p.adjust="none")
G <- localG_perm(x, listw)
Gh <- hotspot(G, Prname="Pr(z != E(Gi)) Sim", cutoff=0.05, p.adjust="none")

r-spatial/spdep documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 6:29 p.m.