
Defines functions SS_writewtatage

Documented in SS_writewtatage

#' Write weight-at-age file
#' Write Stock Synthesis weight-at-age file from R object that was probably
#' created using [SS_readwtatage()]
#' @param mylist Object created by [SS_readwtatage()].
#' @template dir
#' @param file Filename for new weight-at-age file, which
#' will be appended to `dir` to create a full file path.
#' Default="wtatage.ss".
#' @template overwrite
#' @template verbose
#' @param warn Deprecated.
#' @author Kelli F. Johnson
#' @export
#' @seealso [SS_readwtatage()]
SS_writewtatage <- function(mylist, dir = NULL, file = "wtatage.ss",
                            overwrite = FALSE, verbose = TRUE,
                            warn = lifecycle::deprecated()) {
  if (verbose) message("running SS_writewtatage\n")

  if (lifecycle::is_present(warn)) {
      when = "1.45.0",
      what = "SS_writewtatage(warn)"
  # Prevent earlier issues of getting stuck with all R
  # output written to the file after the function crashes before closing connection
    if (sink.number() > 0) sink()

  if (is.null(dir)) dir <- getwd() # set to working directory if no input provided
  if (grepl("/$", dir)) {
    outfile <- paste0(dir, file) # bc trailing backslash
  } else {
    outfile <- file.path(dir, file)
  if (file.exists(outfile)) {
    if (!overwrite) {
      stop("file exists:", outfile, "\n  set overwrite=TRUE to replace\n")
    } else {
  } else {
    if (verbose) message("writing new file:", outfile, "\n")

  # record current max characters per line and then expand in case of long lines
  oldwidth <- options()$width
  options(width = 1000)

  if (verbose) message("opening connection to", outfile, "\n")
  zz <- file(outfile, open = "at")
  sink(zz, split = verbose)

  writeLines(paste(NCOL(mylist) - 7, "# maxage"))
  writeLines("# if Yr is negative, then fill remaining years for that Seas, growpattern, Bio_Pattern, Fleet")
  writeLines("# if season is negative, then fill remaining fleets for that Seas, Bio_Pattern, Sex, Fleet")
  writeLines("# will fill through forecast years, so be careful")
  writeLines("# fleet 0 contains begin season pop WT")
  writeLines("# fleet -1 contains mid season pop WT")
  writeLines("# fleet -2 contains maturity*fecundity")

  # Check for terminal line in data frame
  mylist <- mylist[order(mylist[["Yr"]], mylist[["Fleet"]], mylist[["Seas"]]), ]
  if (any(mylist[["Yr"]] < -9998)) {
    mylist <- mylist[c(
      which(mylist[["Yr"]] >= -9998),
      which(mylist[["Yr"]] < -9998)
    ), ]
  } else {
    mylist <- rbind(mylist, mylist[1, ])
    mylist[NROW(mylist), "Yr"] <- -9999
  colnames(mylist)[1] <- paste0("#", colnames(mylist)[1])
  print.data.frame(mylist, row.names = FALSE, strip.white = TRUE, max = dim(mylist)[1] * dim(mylist)[2])

  # restore printing width to whatever the user had before
  options(width = oldwidth)
  if (verbose) message("file written to", outfile, "\n")
r4ss/r4ss documentation built on April 30, 2024, 4:42 a.m.