
Defines functions SSplotRecdevs

Documented in SSplotRecdevs

#' Plot recruitment deviations
#' Plot recruitment deviations and associated quantities including derived
#' measures related to bias adjustment.
#' @template replist
#' @param subplots vector controlling which subplots to create
#' @template plot
#' @template print
#' @param add add to existing plot (not yet implemented)
#' @param uncertainty include plots showing uncertainty?
#' @param minyr optional input for minimum year to show in plots
#' @param maxyr optional input for maximum year to show in plots
#' @param forecastplot include points from forecast years?
#' @param col1 first color used
#' @param col2 second color used
#' @param col3 third color used
#' @param col4 fourth color used
#' @template legendloc
#' @template labels
#' @template pwidth
#' @template pheight
#' @template punits
#' @template res
#' @template ptsize
#' @template cex.main
#' @template plotdir
#' @template verbose
#' @author Ian Taylor, Ian Stewart
#' @export
#' @seealso [SS_plots()], [SS_fitbiasramp()]
SSplotRecdevs <-
  function(replist, subplots = 1:3, plot = TRUE, print = FALSE, add = FALSE,
           uncertainty = TRUE, minyr = -Inf, maxyr = Inf, forecastplot = FALSE,
           col1 = "black", col2 = "blue", col3 = "green3", col4 = "red",
           legendloc = "topleft",
           labels = c(
             "Year", # 1
             "Asymptotic standard error estimate", # 2
             "Log recruitment deviation", # 3
             "Bias adjustment fraction, 1 - stddev^2 / sigmaR^2"
           ), # 4
           pwidth = 6.5, pheight = 5.0, punits = "in", res = 300, ptsize = 10,
           cex.main = 1, plotdir = "default",
           verbose = TRUE) {
    # Plot of recrecruitment deviations,  asymptotic error check, and bias adjustment

    # table to store information on each plot
    plotinfo <- NULL
    if (plotdir == "default") plotdir <- replist[["inputs"]][["dir"]]

    parameters <- replist[["parameters"]]
    recruit <- replist[["recruit"]]
    startyr <- replist[["startyr"]]
    endyr <- replist[["endyr"]]
    sigma_R_in <- replist[["sigma_R_in"]]

    recdevEarly <- parameters[substring(parameters[["Label"]], 1, 13) %in% c("Early_RecrDev"), ]
    early_initage <- parameters[substring(parameters[["Label"]], 1, 13) %in% c("Early_InitAge"), ]
    main_initage <- parameters[substring(parameters[["Label"]], 1, 12) %in% c("Main_InitAge"), ]
    recdev <- parameters[substring(parameters[["Label"]], 1, 12) %in% c("Main_RecrDev"), ]
    recdevFore <- parameters[substring(parameters[["Label"]], 1, 8) == "ForeRecr", ]
    recdevLate <- parameters[substring(parameters[["Label"]], 1, 12) == "Late_RecrDev", ]

    if (nrow(recdev) == 0 || max(recdev[["Value"]]) == 0) {
      if (verbose) message("Skipped SSplotrecdevs - no rec devs estimated")
    } else {
      if (nrow(recdev) > 0) {
        # early
        recdev[["Yr"]] <- as.numeric(substring(recdev[["Label"]], 14))
        if (nrow(recdevEarly) > 0) {
          recdevEarly[["Yr"]] <- as.numeric(substring(recdevEarly[["Label"]], 15))
        } else {
          recdevEarly[["Yr"]] <- integer(0) # empty value to add column to data.frame with 0 rows
        if (nrow(early_initage) > 0) {
          early_initage[["Yr"]] <- startyr - as.numeric(substring(early_initage[["Label"]], 15))
          recdevEarly <- rbind(early_initage, recdevEarly)
        # main
        if (nrow(main_initage) > 0) {
          main_initage[["Yr"]] <- startyr - as.numeric(substring(main_initage[["Label"]], 14))
          recdev <- rbind(main_initage, recdev)
        # forecast
        if (nrow(recdevFore) > 0) {
          recdevFore[["Yr"]] <- as.numeric(substring(recdevFore[["Label"]], 10))
        } else {
          recdevFore[["Yr"]] <- NULL
        if (nrow(recdevLate) > 0) {
          recdevLate[["Yr"]] <- as.numeric(substring(recdevLate[["Label"]], 14))
          recdevFore <- rbind(recdevLate, recdevFore)

        Yr <- c(recdevEarly[["Yr"]], recdev[["Yr"]], recdevFore[["Yr"]])
        if (forecastplot) {
          goodyrs <- ifelse(Yr >= minyr & Yr <= maxyr, TRUE, FALSE)
        } else {
          # TRUE/FALSE of in range or not
          goodyrs <- Yr <= endyr + 1 & Yr >= minyr & Yr <= maxyr
        xlim <- range(Yr[goodyrs], na.rm = TRUE)
        ylim <- range(c(recdevEarly[["Value"]], recdev[["Value"]], recdevFore[["Value"]])[goodyrs],
          na.rm = TRUE

        recdevfunc <- function(uncertainty) {
          # recdevs with uncertainty intervals
          alldevs <- rbind(recdevEarly, recdev, recdevFore)[goodyrs, ]

          colvec <- c(
            rep(col2, nrow(recdevEarly)),
            rep(col1, nrow(recdev)),
            rep(col2, nrow(recdevFore))
          ## alldevs[["Parm_StDev"]][is.na(alldevs[["Parm_StDev"]])] <- 0
          val <- alldevs[["Value"]]
          Yr <- alldevs[["Yr"]]
          if (uncertainty) {
            std <- alldevs[["Parm_StDev"]]
            recdev_hi <- val + 1.96 * std
            recdev_lo <- val - 1.96 * std
            ylim <- range(recdev_hi, recdev_lo, na.rm = TRUE)
          } else {
            ylim <- range(val, na.rm = TRUE)
          plot(Yr, Yr,
            type = "n", xlab = labels[1],
            ylab = labels[3], ylim = ylim
          abline(h = 0, col = "grey")
          if (uncertainty) arrows(Yr, recdev_lo, Yr, recdev_hi, length = 0.03, code = 3, angle = 90, lwd = 1.2, col = colvec)
          lines(Yr, val, lty = 3)
          points(Yr, val, pch = 16, col = colvec)

        # the following code only applies when uncertainty was computed
        if (uncertainty) {
          recdevfunc3 <- function() {
            # std. dev. of recdevs
            par(mar = par("mar")[c(1:3, 2)])
            ymax <- 1.1 * max(recdev[["Parm_StDev"]], recdevEarly[["Parm_StDev"]], recdevFore[["Parm_StDev"]], sigma_R_in, na.rm = TRUE)
            plot(recdev[["Yr"]], recdev[["Parm_StDev"]],
              xlab = labels[1],
              main = "Recruitment deviation variance", cex.main = cex.main,
              ylab = labels[2], xlim = xlim, ylim = c(0, ymax), type = "b"
            if (nrow(recdevEarly) > 0) {
              lines(recdevEarly[["Yr"]], recdevEarly[["Parm_StDev"]], type = "b", col = col2)
            if (forecastplot & nrow(recdevFore) > 0) {
              lines(recdevFore[["Yr"]], recdevFore[["Parm_StDev"]], type = "b", col = col2)
            abline(h = 0, col = "grey")
            abline(h = sigma_R_in, col = col4)

            ## # bias correction (2nd axis, scaled by ymax)
            ## lines(recruit[["year"]],ymax*recruit[["biasadj"]],col=col3)
            ## abline(h=ymax*1,col=col3,lty=3)
            ## ypts <- pretty(0:1)
            ## axis(side=4,at=ymax*ypts,label=ypts)
            ## mtext("Bias adjustment fraction",side=4,line=3,cex=par()$cex)
        } # end if uncertainty==TRUE

        if (plot) { # if plotting to screen or PDF
          if (1 %in% subplots) recdevfunc(uncertainty = FALSE)
          if (uncertainty) {
            if (2 %in% subplots) recdevfunc(uncertainty = TRUE)
            if (3 %in% subplots) recdevfunc3()
        if (print) { # if printing to PNG files
          if (1 %in% subplots) {
            file <- "recdevs1_points.png"
            caption <- "Recruitment deviations"
            plotinfo <- save_png(
              plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
              pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
              caption = caption
            recdevfunc(uncertainty = FALSE)
          if (uncertainty) {
            if (2 %in% subplots) {
              file <- "recdevs2_withbars.png"
              caption <- "Recruitment deviations with 95% intervals"
              plotinfo <- save_png(
                plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                caption = caption
              recdevfunc(uncertainty = TRUE)
            if (3 %in% subplots) {
              file <- "recdevs3_varcheck.png"
              caption <-
                  "Recruitment deviations variance check.<br>",
                  "See later figure of transformed variance values for comparison",
                  "with bias adjustment settings in the model."
              plotinfo <- save_png(
                plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                caption = caption
          } # end if uncertinaty
        } # end if print
      } # end if nrow(recdevs)>0
    } # end if max(recdev)>0
    if (!is.null(plotinfo)) plotinfo[["category"]] <- "RecDev"
  } # end function
r4ss/r4ss documentation built on April 30, 2024, 4:42 a.m.