
Defines functions SSunavailableSpawningOutput

Documented in SSunavailableSpawningOutput

#' Plot unavailable spawning output
#' Calculate and plot the unavailable spawning output- separating out ones that
#' are unavailable because they're too small to be selected from ones that are
#' too big to be selected
#' @template replist
#' @template plot
#' @template print
#' @template plotdir
#' @template pwidth
#' @template pheight
#' @template punits
#' @template res
#' @template ptsize
#' @template cex.main
#' @author Megan Stachura, Andrew Cooper, Andi Stephens, Neil Klaer, Ian G. Taylor
#' @export

SSunavailableSpawningOutput <-
           plot = TRUE, print = FALSE,
           plotdir = "default",
           pwidth = 6.5, pheight = 5.0, punits = "in", res = 300, ptsize = 10, cex.main = 1) {
    # table to store information on each plot
    plotinfo <- NULL
    ageselex <- replist[["ageselex"]]
    accuage <- replist[["accuage"]]
    catch <- replist[["catch"]]
    fleet_type <- replist[["fleet_type"]]
    if (!"kill_bio" %in% names(catch)) {
      # model is 3.24 with less info
      catch[["kill_bio"]] <- catch[["Obs"]]
      # Check to make sure all the catch units are the same
      catch.units.same <- all(replist[["catch_units"]][1] ==
      if (!catch.units.same) {
        warning("Catch units for all fleets are not equal. Calculated weighted
             mean selectivity for calculating unavailable spawning
             output may not be accurate.")
      # define fleet_type which is missing from 3.24
      fleet_type <- c(
        rep(1, replist[["nfishfleets"]]),
        rep(3, replist[["nfleets"]] - replist[["nfishfleets"]])

    if (plotdir == "default") plotdir <- replist[["inputs"]][["dir"]]

    # Run the code for each area
    for (area in 1:replist[["nareas"]]) {
      # step 1: calculate catch by fleet by year

      timeseries <- replist[["timeseries"]]

      # get the fishing fleets that fish in this area and aren't surveys (type=3)
      fleets.this.area <- replist[["fleet_ID"]][replist[["fleet_area"]] == area &
        fleet_type != 3]
      years.with.catch <- sort(unique(catch[["Yr"]][catch[["Fleet"]] %in% fleets.this.area &
        catch[["kill_bio"]] > 0]))

      # Step 2: Female numbers at age matrix by year
      num.at.age <- replist[["natage"]]

      # old line which used "subset"
      ## num.at.age.female <- subset(num.at.age, Sex==1 & Era=="TIME" & BegMid=="B" & Area==area & Yr %in% years.with.catch)
      # replacement line without "subset"
      num.at.age.female <- num.at.age[num.at.age[["Sex"]] == 1 & num.at.age[["Era"]] == "TIME" &
        num.at.age$"Beg/Mid" == "B" & num.at.age[["Area"]] == area &
        num.at.age[["Yr"]] %in% years.with.catch, ]
      years <- num.at.age.female[["Yr"]]
      seas <- num.at.age.female[["Seas"]]
      first.col <- which(names(num.at.age.female) == "0")
      num.at.age.female <- num.at.age.female[, first.col:ncol(num.at.age.female)]
      if (max(seas) > 1) {
        row.names(num.at.age.female) <- paste(years, seas, sep = "")
      } else {
        row.names(num.at.age.female) <- years

      # step 3: create an average derived age-based selectivity across fleets
      #         and years using a weighted average catch by fleet by year
      mean.selectivity <- matrix(
        ncol = ncol(num.at.age.female),
        nrow = nrow(num.at.age.female), NA

      for (y in seq_along(years.with.catch)) {
        # Get the female selectivity at age in this year for all fleets
        year.get <- years.with.catch[y]
        age.selectivity.female.year <-
          ageselex[ageselex[["Sex"]] == 1 &
            ageselex[["Factor"]] == "Asel2" &
            ageselex[["Yr"]] == year.get &
            ageselex[["Fleet"]] %in% fleets.this.area, ]
        catch.by.fleet.year <- rep(0, length(fleets.this.area))

        for (ifleet in seq_along(fleets.this.area)) {
          f <- fleets.this.area[ifleet]
          catch.by.fleet.year[ifleet] <- catch[["kill_bio"]][catch[["Fleet"]] == f &
            catch[["Yr"]] == year.get]
        # Weight the selectivity at length by fleet for this year based on
        # the propotion of catch that came from each fleet in this year
        for (a in 8:ncol(age.selectivity.female.year)) {
          mean.selectivity[y, a - 7] <- sum(catch.by.fleet.year *
            age.selectivity.female.year[, a] /

      # step 4: multiply the numbers at age matrix by the average selectivity
      #         curves to derive exploitable numbers at age

      exploitable.females.at.age <- num.at.age.female * mean.selectivity

      # step 5: generate spawning output estimates from exploitable numbers at age

      # old line which used "subset"
      ## biology.at.age.female <- subset(replist[["endgrowth"]], Sex==1)
      # replacement line without "subset"
      biology.at.age.female <- replist[["endgrowth"]][replist[["endgrowth"]][["Sex"]] == 1, ]

      exploitable.spawning.output.by.age <- matrix(
        nrow = nrow(exploitable.females.at.age),
        ncol = ncol(exploitable.females.at.age),
      for (y in 1:nrow(exploitable.females.at.age)) {
        for (a in 1:ncol(exploitable.females.at.age)) {
          exploitable.spawning.output.by.age[y, a] <- biology.at.age.female$"Mat*Fecund"[a] *
            exploitable.females.at.age[y, a]

      exploitable.spawning.output <- rowSums(exploitable.spawning.output.by.age)

      # step 6: subtract the results of step 5 from the spawning output from
      #         the assessment to determine unavailable spawning output

      total.spawning.output.by.age <- matrix(
        nrow = nrow(num.at.age.female),
        ncol = ncol(num.at.age.female), NA
      for (y in 1:nrow(num.at.age.female)) {
        for (a in 1:ncol(num.at.age.female)) {
          total.spawning.output.by.age[y, a] <- biology.at.age.female$"Mat*Fecund"[a] *
            num.at.age.female[y, a]

      total.spawning.output <- rowSums(total.spawning.output.by.age)

      # Calculate the cryptic spwning output, by age and total across ages
      cryptic.spawning.output <- total.spawning.output -
      cryptic.spawning.output.by.age <- total.spawning.output.by.age -

      # If due to rounding error any of the cryptic spawning output values
      # are less than zero, change them to zero
      cryptic.spawning.output[cryptic.spawning.output < 0] <- 0
      cryptic.spawning.output.by.age[cryptic.spawning.output.by.age < 0] <- 0

      # Step 7: Calculate unavailable mature fish with small and big fish separated

      # Get the age that corresponds to the peak mean selectivity for each year
      # If there are multiple ages with the same maximum selectivity, this will
      # give you the first (youngest) maximum
      max.selectivity.cols <- apply(mean.selectivity, 1, function(x) which.max(x))
      small.cells <- matrix(0,
        nrow = nrow(cryptic.spawning.output.by.age),
        ncol = ncol(cryptic.spawning.output.by.age)
      large.cells <- matrix(0,
        nrow = nrow(cryptic.spawning.output.by.age),
        ncol = ncol(cryptic.spawning.output.by.age)
      for (i in 1:nrow(small.cells)) {
        small.cells[i, 1:(max.selectivity.cols[i] - 1)] <- 1
        large.cells[i, max.selectivity.cols[i]:ncol(small.cells)] <- 1
      small.unavailable.mature.by.age <- cryptic.spawning.output.by.age * small.cells
      large.unavailable.mature.by.age <- cryptic.spawning.output.by.age * large.cells

      # If due to rounding error any of the cryptic spawning output values
      # are less than zero, change them to zero
      small.unavailable.mature.by.age[small.unavailable.mature.by.age < 0] <- 0
      large.unavailable.mature.by.age[large.unavailable.mature.by.age < 0] <- 0

      small.unavailable.mature <- rowSums(small.unavailable.mature.by.age)
      large.unavailable.mature <- rowSums(large.unavailable.mature.by.age)

      # Step 8:  Plot the results

      # Wrap up the plotting commands in a function
      CrypticPlots <- function() {
        ### Plot total and cryptic spawning output
        layout(matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE))
        par(mar = c(5, 5, 1, 1), oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
        data <- rbind(
          small.unavailable.mature, large.unavailable.mature,
        colnames(data) <- years
        stackpoly(years, as.matrix(t(data)),
          main = "",
          xlab = "Year", ylab = "",
          ylim = c(0, max(total.spawning.output) * 1.25),
          col = c("red", "green4", "blue"),
          las = 1
        mtext("Spawning Output", 3, line = 0.25)

          c("Unavailable Small", "Unavailable Large", "Available"),
          bty = "n", fill = c("red", "green4", "blue")

        ### Plot the portion of the spawning output that is cryptic by year
        portion.unavailable <- (cryptic.spawning.output / total.spawning.output)
        portion.unavailable.small <- (small.unavailable.mature /
        portion.unavailable.large <- (large.unavailable.mature /
        plot(years, portion.unavailable,
          xlab = "Year", ylab = "",
          ylim = c(0, 1.1), type = "l", lwd = 2, las = 1, yaxs = "i"
        mtext("Proportion of Spawning Output Unavailable", 3, line = 0.25)
        lines(years, portion.unavailable.small, col = "red", lwd = 2)
        lines(years, portion.unavailable.large, col = "green4", lwd = 2)
        legend("topright", c(
          "Unavailable Small", "Unavailable Large",
          "Unavailable Total"
        bty = "n", col = c("red", "green4", "black"), lty = c(1, 1, 1)

        ### Plot cryptic spawning output by age by year as a bubble plot
        multiplier <- 2 / max(cryptic.spawning.output.by.age, na.rm = TRUE)
        # allow bubbles to extend beyond boundaries of plot region
        par(xpd = NA)
        plot(1, 1,
          type = "n", ylim = c(0, ceiling(accuage * 1.1)),
          xlim = c(min(years.with.catch), max(years.with.catch)),
          las = 1, ylab = "Age", xlab = "Year", bty = "n", yaxs = "i"
        mtext("Unavailable Spawning Output by Age and Year",
          outer = FALSE, line = 0.75
        for (y in seq_along(years.with.catch)) {
          for (a in 0:accuage) {
            # plot circles for small unavailable spawning output
            radius.small <- small.unavailable.mature.by.age[y, a + 1] *
              x = years.with.catch[y], y = a, circles = radius.small,
              fg = "black", bg = "red", lty = 1, lwd = 0.001,
              inches = FALSE, add = TRUE

            # plot circles for large unavailable spawning output
            radius.large <- large.unavailable.mature.by.age[y, a + 1] *
              x = years.with.catch[y], y = a, circles = radius.large,
              fg = "black", bg = "green4", lty = 1, lwd = 0.001,
              inches = FALSE, add = TRUE

        # Plot the bubble plot legend
        y.legend <- ceiling(accuage * 1.05)
        larger.circle <- signif(max(cryptic.spawning.output.by.age), digits = 2)
          x = min(years.with.catch) +
            0.3 * (max(years.with.catch) - min(years.with.catch)),
          y = y.legend + larger.circle * multiplier,
          circles = larger.circle * multiplier,
          fg = "black", bg = "white", lty = 1,
          lwd = 0.001, inches = FALSE, add = TRUE
          x = min(years.with.catch) +
            0.3 * (max(years.with.catch) - min(years.with.catch)),
          y = y.legend + larger.circle * multiplier,
          labels = larger.circle,
          pos = 3

        smaller.circle <- larger.circle / 2
          x = min(years.with.catch) +
            0.2 * (max(years.with.catch) - min(years.with.catch)),
          y = y.legend + smaller.circle * multiplier,
          circles = smaller.circle * multiplier,
          fg = "black", bg = "white", lty = 1,
          lwd = 0.001, inches = FALSE, add = TRUE
          x = min(years.with.catch) +
            0.2 * (max(years.with.catch) - min(years.with.catch)),
          y = y.legend + smaller.circle * multiplier,
          labels = smaller.circle,
          pos = 3

          x = min(years.with.catch) +
            0.65 * (max(years.with.catch) - min(years.with.catch)),
          y = y.legend + smaller.circle * multiplier,
          circles = smaller.circle * multiplier,
          fg = "black", bg = "red", lty = 1,
          lwd = 0.001, inches = FALSE, add = TRUE
          x = min(years.with.catch) +
            0.65 * (max(years.with.catch) - min(years.with.catch)),
          y = y.legend + smaller.circle * multiplier,
          labels = "Small",
          pos = 3

          x = min(years.with.catch) +
            0.85 * (max(years.with.catch) - min(years.with.catch)),
          y = y.legend + smaller.circle * multiplier,
          circles = smaller.circle * multiplier,
          fg = "black", bg = "green4", lty = 1,
          lwd = 0.001, inches = FALSE, add = TRUE
          x = min(years.with.catch) +
            0.85 * (max(years.with.catch) - min(years.with.catch)),
          y = y.legend + smaller.circle * multiplier,
          labels = "Large",
          pos = 3

        # Add a line to show where the cut off between small and large unavailable
        lines(years.with.catch, max.selectivity.cols - 1.5)
        # restore clipping to plot region
        par(xpd = FALSE)

        ##### Plot mean selecitivities by length by year
        cols <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "orange"),
          bias = 1, space = c("rgb", "Lab"),
          interpolate = c("linear", "spline"),
          alpha = FALSE
        cols.legend <- c(cols[1], cols[length(cols)])
        cols <- adjustcolor(cols, alpha.f = 0.3)

        plot(0, 0,
          type = "n", ylim = c(0, 1.1), xlim = c(0, accuage),
          xlab = "Age", ylab = "Selectivity", las = 1, yaxs = "i"
        mtext("Weighted Mean Selectivity by Year", 3, outer = FALSE, line = 0.25)
        for (i in 1:nrow(mean.selectivity)) {
          lines(0:accuage, mean.selectivity[i, ], col = cols[i])
          legend = c(min(years.with.catch), max(years.with.catch)), bty = "n",
          col = c(cols.legend[1], cols.legend[2]), lty = c(1, 1)

        # Plot title
        title.text <- "Unavailable Spawning Output"
        if (replist[["nareas"]] > 1) {
          title.text <- paste0(title.text, ", Area ", area)
        mtext(title.text, side = 3, outer = TRUE, line = 0.5)

      if (plot) {

      if (print) {
        if (replist[["nareas"]] > 1) {
          file <- paste0("UnavailableSpawningOutput_Area", area, ".png")
          caption <- paste("Unavailable Spawning Output, Area", area)
        } else {
          file <- paste0("UnavailableSpawningOutput.png")
          caption <- paste("Unavailable Spawning Output")
        plotinfo <- save_png(
          plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
          pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
          caption = caption

    # Return the plot info
    if (!is.null(plotinfo)) plotinfo[["category"]] <- "Sel"
r4ss/r4ss documentation built on April 30, 2024, 4:42 a.m.