process_msomStatic: Process Output from msomStatic (annual)

Description Usage Arguments Details

View source: R/process_msomStatic.R


Processes a list structured as run_msom output (level 2) within a year (level 1) to be used to summarize diversity. Note that this function then only processes 1 region at a time, so it expects a list whose length is equal to the number of years for a region. Currently, intended to work with Stan model.


process_msomStatic(reg_out, save_mem = TRUE, obs_yrs)



A list with length equal to number of years in a region, with each element containing output from run_msom


Save memory be deleting intermediate steps as function progresses; default TRUE (only reason for FALSE is for debugging)


Optional vector of integers of calendar years used to process richness from observed data; used to subset years of MSOM analysis


Right now only intended for use with specific structuring of the output, so that it matches the output expected from running each year separately using the Stan version of the msomStatic model.

rBatt/trawlDiversity documentation built on Aug. 14, 2021, 1:01 p.m.