
Defines functions copy_query fda_fetch fda_query print.fda_query fda_debug fda_filter fda_limit fda_skip fda_api_key fda_url fda_plot extract_ extract_field fda_search fda_count fda_exec

Documented in copy_query extract_field fda_api_key fda_count fda_debug fda_exec fda_fetch fda_filter fda_limit fda_plot fda_query fda_search fda_skip fda_url

#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom memoise memoise
#' @importFrom ggplot2 qplot
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%

#' Pipe operator for chaining together operations.
#' Imported from magrittr, use this to chain together
#' operations in a natural way.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # instead of
#' a(b(c("hello")), "bob")
#' # we can write:
#' c("hello") \%>\% b() \%>\% a("bob")
#' # this also allows for currying common arguments:
#' my_query <-
#'    fda_query("/drug/event.json") \%>\%
#'    fda_api_key("ABC")
#' }
#' @aliases chain_query
#' @rdname chain_query
#' @name %>%
#' @export

#' Make a copy of query (keeps the class).
copy_query = function(query) {
  query = lapply(query, FUN=identity)
  class(query) = "fda_query"

fetch_ <- memoise(fromJSON)

#' Fetch the given URL as JSON.
#' This uses jsonlite to fetch the URL.  The result is coerced into
#' a data frame.
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
fda_fetch <- function(url, catch_errors=TRUE, debug=TRUE) {
  if (debug == TRUE) {
    cat("Fetching:", url, "\n")

  result = httr::GET(url)
  # The API servers return 404 for empty search results, so
  # distinguish that case from 'real' errors.
  if (result$status_code == 404) {
    warning('Received 404 response from FDA servers.\n',
            'Interpreting as an empty result set.')

  fromJSON(httr::content(result, as='text'))

#' Create a new query.
#' Queries can be extended with filters (using fda_filter).
#' They should be terminated using either \code{search} or
#' \code{count(field)}.
#' @param base The API endpoint to query: \itemize{
#'   \item /drug/event.json
#'   \item /drug/enforcement.json
#'   \item /device/event.json
#'   \item /food/event.json
#'  }
#' @return fda_query
#' @export
fda_query <- function(base) {
  q <- list()
  q$base = base
  q$limit = FALSE
  q$skip = FALSE
  q$key = FALSE
  q$count = FALSE
  q$debug = TRUE
  q$filters = vector("character")
  q$operation = function(q) {
    print("No operation defined (try fda_count or fda_search)!")
  class(q) = "fda_query"

#' @export
print.fda_query <- function(x, ...) {
  print(paste("fda_query(", fda_url(x), ")", sep=""))

#' Turn off/on API debugging.
#' When set to TRUE, this will print additional debugging information from
#' the API, such as URLs being fetched.
#' @export
fda_debug <- function(q, should_debug) {
  q = copy_query(q)
  q$debug = should_debug

#' Apply a filter to a query
#' @param name The field to filter on (e.g. "patient.patientonsetage")
#' @param value A value or range to filter on (e.g. "[1+TO+40]")
#' @return fda_query
#' @export
fda_filter <- function(q, name, value) {
  q = copy_query(q)
  q$filters = c(q$filters, paste(name, value, sep=":"))

#' Set the number of results desired by this query.
#' The default number of results returned by the API
#' is 1 (for search requests) and 100 (for count requests).
#' @return fda_query
#' @export
fda_limit <- function(q, limit) {
  q = copy_query(q)
  q$limit = limit

#' Set the number of records to skip.
#' Skip a number of records from a search.
#' If count is used, skip will be ignored.
#' @return fda_query
#' @export
fda_skip <- function(q, skip) {
  q = copy_query(q)
  q$skip = skip

#' Attach an API key to the query.
#' All requests made to the API will have this API key
#' specified.
#' @return fda_query
#' @export
fda_api_key <- function(q, key) {
  q = copy_query(q)
  q$key = key

#' Return the URL that will be fetched for the current query.
#' @return character The url that will be fetched
#' @export
fda_url <- function(q) {
  q = copy_query(q)
  search <- paste("search", paste(q$filters, collapse="+AND+"), sep="=")

  args = c(search);

  if (q$key != FALSE) {
    args = c(args, paste("api_key", q$key, sep="="))

  if (q$limit != FALSE) {
    args = c(args, paste("limit", q$limit, sep="="))

  if (q$skip != FALSE) {
    if(q$count == FALSE) {
      args  = c(args, paste("skip", q$skip, sep="="))

  if (q$count != FALSE) {
    args = c(args, paste("count", q$count, sep="="))

  args = paste(args, collapse="&", sep="")

  url = paste("https://api.fda.gov", q$base, sep="")
  url = paste(url, args, sep="?")

#' Plot a count query.
#' This is just a convenience function which takes the
#' data frame output from fda_exec and gives it to qplot.

#' @return ggplot2
#' @export
fda_plot <- function(df) {
  qplot(term, count, data=df)

extract_ <- function(obj, path) {
  if (length(path) == 0) {
  field = path[1]
  rest = path[-1]
  obj = obj[[field]]
  extract_(obj, rest)

#' Fetch a (nested field) from a list or dataframe.
#' @export
extract_field <- function(obj, path) {
  path = unlist(strsplit(path, ".", fixed=TRUE))
  extract_(obj, path)

#' Fetch search results.
#' When combined with \code{fda_exec}, this query will
#' return a data frame consisting of the matching records.
#' @param field The field to extract.  This should be a
#'   dot (.) delimited path to follow to extract a field:
#'   e.g. 'a.b.c.d', would perform the equivalent of
#'   running a[[b]][[c]][[d]]
#' @return fda_query
#' @export
fda_search <- function(q, field=FALSE) {
  q = copy_query(q)
  q$count = FALSE
  q$operation = function(q) {
    url = fda_url(q);
    result = fda_fetch(url, debug=q$debug)$result
    if (field == FALSE) {
    } else {
      return(extract_field(result, field))


#' Count results from a given field.
#' Returns a new query which will count the given field when
#' handed to \code{fda_exec}
#' @return fda_query
#' @export
fda_count <- function(q, field) {
  q = copy_query(q)
  q$limit = FALSE
  q$count = field

  #' Executes a count operation for a query
  q$operation <- function(q) {
    url = fda_url(q)
    json = fda_fetch(url, debug=q$debug)


#' Execute a query.
#' This actually sends a request to the OpenFDA API servers
#' which incorporates any filters or keys specified in the query
#' and returns the result as a data frame.
#' @return data.frame containing API results
#' @export
fda_exec <- function(q) {

#' openfda: A package for interfacing to the OpenFDA API
#' This package provides a simple wrapper around the OpenFDA API.
#' It uses the \code{magrittr} piping interface to simplify
#' building complex queries.
#' @examples
#' # Queries generally have the following format
#' \dontrun{
#' fda_query(endpoint) %>%
#'    fda_filter(field, value) %>%
#'    fda_count(field) OR fda_search() %>%
#'    fda_exec()
#' }
#' @docType package
#' @name openfda
rOpenHealth/openfda documentation built on May 26, 2019, 8:50 p.m.