
#' Trim Climate Change Natural Flow Files
#' `trimCCNFFiles()` trims the climate change natural flow input data to 
#' start and/or end in a different year.
#' The climate change natural flows were developed to start in January 1950. 
#' Unlike the other natural flow files used in CRSS, the data are associated 
#' with specific years, i.e., the index sequential method is not used on the 
#' climate change hydrology. Sometimes it is necessary to trim the data to 
#' start, and end in a particular year. The function will return data starting 
#' in January of the \code{startYear} and ending in December of \code{endYear}. 
#' While the function is typically used on climate change natural flow files, it
#' will still work with other natural flow input files.
#' @note 
#' Assumes folder numbers will always start at 1. Additionally, it only attempts 
#' to trim files that have expected natural flow or natural salt file names. 
#' These are the file names returned by `\link{nf_file_names}()` and 
#' `\link{natsalt_file_names}()`.
#' @param startYear The desired start year. Should be after 1950 and before 2099.
#' @param endYear The desired end year. Should be after 1950 and before 2099.
#' @param iFolder The path to the trace files, e.g., '/dmi/VIC/'.
#' @param nTraces The number of traces to process. The default is 112, which is 
#'   the number of traces in the CMIP3 climate change hydrology.
#' @param force Boolean. If `TRUE` the function will trim the files as specified,
#'   but if it is `FALSE`, then the function stops without trimming any files.
#' @return The number of files that were processed
#' @examples 
#' # Trim all 112 traces found in 'CRSS/dmi/VIC' to start in Jan-2017 and 
#' # end in Dec-2019
#' \dontrun{
#' trimCCNFFiles(2017,2019,'CRSS/dmi/VIC/')
#' }
#' @export
trimCCNFFiles <- function(startYear, 
                          nTraces = 112, 
                          force = FALSE)
  if (!force)
    stop("crssi_create_cmip_nf_files is prefered.\n",
         "Re-run trimCCNFFiles() with 'force = TRUE', if you must use it.")
  if (endYear < startYear){
    stop("In trimCCNFFiles, endYear cannot be before startYear.")
  if(startYear < 1950)
    stop("startYear should not be before 1950")
  if(endYear > 2099)
    stop("endYear should not be after 2099")
  # create list of all folder names to process.
  allFolders <- paste0(iFolder,'/trace',1:nTraces)
  # call trimFilesInFolder for all folders
  xx <- simplify2array(
    lapply(allFolders, trimFilesInFolder, startYear, endYear)
  message("\n", "Files sucessfully trimmed.", "\n",
    "**Do not forget to re-create the hydrology increment trace files.")
  sum(simplify2array(lapply(seq_len(length(xx)), function(x) sum(xx[[x]]))))

#' @keywords internal
trimFilesInFolder <- function(folder, startYear, endYear)
  allFiles <- list.files(folder)
  # remove the files that aren't either natural flow, or natural salt files, or 
  # hydrology increment
  validFiles <- c(nf_file_names(), natsalt_file_names())
  allFiles <- allFiles[allFiles %in% validFiles]
  allFiles <- file.path(folder, allFiles)
  # call trimSindleFile for every file found in the folder
  xx <- simplify2array(lapply(allFiles, trimSingleFile, startYear, endYear))

# will trim the data in a single file and write out the new file
# ff is the file to trim
#' @keywords internal

trimSingleFile <- function(ff, startYear, endYear)
  # read in the flow or salinity data
  nf <- as.matrix(utils::read.table(ff, sep = '\t', skip = 2))
  # read in the header info and maintain units; 
  # necessary so the code works for flow and salinity files
  headerInfo <- scan(ff, what = 'char', nlines = 2, sep = '\t', quiet = TRUE)
  dataStartYear <- as.numeric(strsplit(
    strsplit(headerInfo[1], ' ', fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2], 
    fixed = TRUE
  # check to see if the year you want to start the data in is after the year that
  # the data actual starts in
  if(dataStartYear > startYear)
    stop("startYear is before the actual start year listed in the files you are trying to trim in iFolder")
  # convert flows to zoo object to make sumsetting to trimmed data easier
  nf.months <- zoo::as.yearmon(dataStartYear + seq(0,length(nf)-1)/12)
  # nf.months is as long as the data you have; if endYear is greater than this,
  # then you don't have enough data to extend to endYear
  if(endYear > as.numeric(format(nf.months[length(nf.months)], "%Y")))
    stop("endYear is after the last year of the data in iFolder.")
  nfZ <- zoo::zoo(nf,nf.months)
  # create subset of months to trim data
  trimMonths <- get_yearmon_series(startYear, endYear)
  nfZ <- nfZ[trimMonths]
  nf <- as.matrix(nfZ)
  # change header info to have the new start date
  startInfo <- strsplit(headerInfo[1],' ',fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  startDate <- paste0(startYear,'-1-31')
  headerInfo[1] <- paste(startInfo[1],startDate,startInfo[3])
  headerInfo <- paste0(headerInfo[1],'\n', headerInfo[2])
  colnames(nf) <- headerInfo
  # writes out to the same folder it reads in from
  utils::write.table(nf, ff,quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
rabutler/CRSSIO documentation built on May 26, 2019, 8:51 p.m.