
Defines functions plotStability

Documented in plotStability

#' Plot each of the stability of causal path and edge including the threshold
#' of stability and model complexity.
#' @title Plot of edge and causal path stability.
#' @param listOfFronts \code{\link{list}} of models including their fitness
#' and subset index.
#' @param threshold threshold of stability selection. The default is 0.6.
#' @param stableCausal \code{\link{list}} of causal path stability
#' for the whole range of model complexities.
#' @param stableCausal_l1 \code{\link{list}} of causal path stability
#' of length 1 for the whole range of model complexities.
#' @param stableEdge \code{\link{list}} of edge stability
#' for the whole range of model complexities.
#' @param longitudinal \code{TRUE} for longitudinal data,
#' and \code{FALSE} cross-sectional data.
#' @return Plot of causal path and edge stability for
#' every pair of variables, including plots of all edge stabilites
#' and all cauasl path stabilities.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' the_data <- crossdata6V
#' numSubset <- 1
#' num_iteration <- 5
#' num_pop <- 10
#' mut_rate <- 0.075
#' cross_rate <- 0.85
#' longi <- FALSE
#' num_time <- 1
#' the_co <- "covariance"
#' #assummed that variable 5 does not cause variables 1, 2, and 3
#' cons_matrix <- matrix(c(5, 1, 5, 2, 5, 3), 3, 2, byrow=TRUE)
#' th <- 0.1
#' to_plot <- FALSE
#' result <- stableSpec(theData=the_data, nSubset=numSubset,
#' iteration=num_iteration,
#' nPop=num_pop, mutRate=mut_rate, crossRate=cross_rate,
#' longitudinal=longi, numTime=num_time,
#' co=the_co, consMatrix=cons_matrix, threshold=th, toPlot=to_plot)
#' plotStability(listOfFronts=result$listOfFronts, threshold=th,
#' stableCausal=result$causalStab,
#' stableCausal_l1=result$causalStab_l1,
#' stableEdge=result$edgeStab,
#' longitudinal=longi)
#' }
#' @author Ridho Rahmadi \email{r.rahmadi@cs.ru.nl}
#' @export
plotStability <- function(listOfFronts = NULL, threshold = NULL,
                          stableCausal = NULL, stableCausal_l1 = NULL,
                          stableEdge = NULL, longitudinal = NULL) {

  if (!is.null(listOfFronts)) {
    if (!is.list(listOfFronts)) {
      stop("Argument listOfFronts should be a list.")
  } else {
    stop("Argument listOfFronts cannot be missing.")

  if (!is.null(threshold)) {
    if (!is.numeric(threshold) || is.matrix(threshold)) {
      stop("Argument threshold should be positive numeric, e.g., 0.6.")
  } else {
    threshold <- 0.6

  if (!is.null(stableCausal)) {
    if (!is.list(stableCausal)) {
      stop("Argument stableCausal should be a list.")
  } else {
    stop("Argument stableCausal cannot be missing.")

  if (!is.null(stableCausal_l1)) {
    if (!is.list(stableCausal_l1)) {
      stop("Argument stableCausal_l1 should be a list.")
  } else {
    stop("Argument stableCausal_l1 cannot be missing.")

  if (!is.null(stableEdge)) {
    if (!is.list(stableEdge)) {
      stop("Argument stableEdge should be a list.")
  } else {
    stop("Argument stableEdge cannot be missing.")

  if (!is.null(longitudinal)) {
    if (!is.logical(longitudinal)) {
      stop("Argument longitudinal should be either logical TRUE or FALSE.")
  } else {
    stop("Argument longitudinal cannot be missing.")

  # get the number of variables
  # if (longitudinal) {
  #   numVar <- (nrow(stableCausal[[1]])) / 2
  # } else {
  #   numVar <- nrow(stableCausal[[1]])
  # }

  # get the total number of model complexities
  if (longitudinal) {

    numVar <- (nrow(stableCausal[[1]])) / 2

    numComp <- (numVar * numVar) +
      (numVar * (numVar - 1) / 2)

    stringSize <- (numVar * numVar + (numVar * (numVar - 1)))

  } else {

    numVar <- nrow(stableCausal[[1]])

    numComp <- numVar * (numVar-1) / 2
    stringSize <- (numVar*(numVar-1))

  #get at which model complexity the minimum average of BIC is
  minBicAt <- getMinBic(listOfFronts, stringSize)

  # create a matrix of M by N, where M is
  # the number of model complexities
  # and N is the number of edges
  if (longitudinal) {
    numVar <- numVar * 2
    numCol <- numVar * numVar - numVar
    numColEdge <- numVar * (numVar - 1) / 2
  } else {
    numCol <- numVar * numVar - numVar
    numColEdge <- numVar * (numVar - 1) / 2
  #numCol <- numVar * numVar - numVar
  #numColEdge <- numVar * (numVar - 1) / 2
  stableEdgeB <- stableEdge

  mat4PlotEdgeB <-  matrix(0, length(stableEdge), numCol)

  mat4PlotCausal <-  mat4PlotCausal_l1 <- matrix(0, length(stableCausal),

  mat4PlotEdge <-  matrix(0, length(stableEdge), numCol)

  #get the title, later will be changed by the rownames of the data
  theTitle <- NULL
  for(i in 1:numVar) {
    for(j in 1:numVar) {
      if(i != j) {
        theTitle <- c(theTitle, paste('Var',j,'-->Var', i, sep=""))

  for(i in 1:length(stableCausal)) {

    #make NA for diag and remove NA
    diag(stableCausal[[i]]) <-
      diag(stableCausal_l1[[i]]) <- diag(stableEdge[[i]]) <-
      stableEdgeB[[i]][upper.tri(stableEdgeB[[i]], diag=TRUE)] <- NA

    mat4PlotCausal[i, ] <- as.vector(stableCausal[[i]]

    mat4PlotCausal_l1[i, ] <- as.vector(stableCausal_l1[[i]]

    mat4PlotEdge[i,] <- as.vector(stableEdge[[i]][!is.na(stableEdge[[i]])])

    #these are for plot stable edges all in one
    stableEdgeB[[i]][upper.tri(stableEdgeB[[i]], diag=TRUE)] <- NA

    mat4PlotEdgeB[i, ] <- as.vector(stableEdgeB[[i]][!is.na(stableEdgeB[[i]])])

  #plot each causal path and edge in 2 by 4 tables
  par( mfrow = c(2, 4) )

  for(j in 1:numCol) {
    #initialize a plot
    plot(NULL, NULL, xlab = "Model Complexity", ylab="Selection Probability",
         xlim=c(length(stableCausal), 1), ylim=c(0, 1), xaxt = "n")

    #set up the axis
    axis(1, at=(numComp + 1):1, labels=0:numComp)

    #causal stability, color is red
    lines(mat4PlotCausal[, j], title(theTitle[j], font.main = 1),
          xlim=rev(range(1:length(stableCausal))), col=2, lwd=3, lty=3)
    #causal stability length 1, color is green
    lines(mat4PlotCausal_l1[, j],
          xlim=rev(range(1:length(stableCausal_l1))), col=3, lwd=3, lty=3)
    #edge stability, color is blue
    lines(mat4PlotEdge[, j],
          xlim=rev(range(1:length(stableEdge))), col=4, lwd=3, lty=3)
    #bic threshold
    lines(rep(minBicAt, 7), seq(-0.1, 1.1, 0.2))
    #stability threshold
    lines(c(numComp + 5, numComp / 2, numComp / 3, -1),
          rep(threshold, 4))

  #plot all in one edge stability
  par( mfrow = c(1, 1))

  plot(NULL,NULL, main="Edge Stability", xlab = "Model Complexity",
       ylab="Selection Probability", xlim=c(length(stableEdge), 1),
       ylim=c(0, 1), xaxt = "n")

  axis(1, at=(numComp + 1):1, labels=0:numComp)

  for(k in 1:numColEdge) {
    lines(mat4PlotEdgeB[, k], xlim=rev(range(1:length(stableEdge))),
          col=k, lwd=3, lty=3)
  #bic threshold
  lines(rep(minBicAt, 7), seq(-0.1, 1.1, 0.2))
  #stability threshold
  lines(c(numComp + 5, numComp / 2, numComp / 3, -1),
        rep(threshold, 4))
  graphics::text(minBicAt,1.08,expression(paste(pi[bic])), col=1.5, cex=1) #for symbol only
                 col=1.5, cex=1) #for symbol only

  #plot all in one causal path stability
  par( mfrow = c(1, 1))

  plot(NULL,NULL, main="Causal Path Stability", xlab = "Model Complexity",
       ylab="Selection Probability", xlim=c(length(stableCausal), 1),
       ylim=c(0, 1), xaxt = "n")

  axis(1, at=(numComp + 1):1, labels=0:numComp)

  for(k in 1:numCol) {
    lines(mat4PlotCausal[,k], xlim=rev(range(1:length(stableCausal))),
          col=k, lwd=3, lty=3)
  #bic threshold
  lines(rep(minBicAt, 7), seq(-0.1, 1.1, 0.2))
  #stability threshold
  lines(c(numComp + 5, numComp / 2, numComp / 3, -1),
        rep(threshold, 4))
                 col=1.5, cex=1) #for symbol only
                 col=1.5, cex=1) #for symbol only
rahmarid/stablespec documentation built on May 26, 2019, 9:51 p.m.