# Matching methods to be called on strata objects, and their helpers
#' Strata Match
#' Match within strata in series using optmatch. Requires optmatch package to
#' be installed.
#' @param object a strata object
#' @param model (optional) formula for matching. If left blank, \emph{all}
#' columns of the analysis set in \code{object} will be used as covariates in
#' the propensity model or mahalanobis match (except outcome, treatment and
#' stratum)
#' @param method either "prop" for propensity score matching based on a glm fit
#' with model \code{model}, or "mahal" for mahalanobis distance matching by
#' the covariates in \code{model}.
#' @param k the number of control individuals to be matched to each treated
#' individual. If \code{"k = full"} is used, fullmatching is done instead of
#' pairmatching
#' @return a named factor with matching assignments
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # make a sample data set
#' set.seed(1)
#' dat <- make_sample_data(n = 75)
#' # stratify with auto_stratify
#' a.strat <- auto_stratify(dat, "treat", outcome ~ X2, size = 25)
#' # 1:1 match based on propensity formula: treat ~ X1 + X2
#' strata_match(a.strat, model = treat ~ X1 + X2, k = 1)
#' # full match within strata based on mahalanobis distance.
#' strata_match(a.strat, model = treat ~ X1 + X2, method = "mahal", k = 1)
strata_match <- function(object, model = NULL, method = "prop", k = 1) {
if (!requireNamespace("optmatch", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("optmatch package is required. Please install it.")
check_inputs_matcher(object, model, k)
message("This function makes essential use of the optmatch package, which has an academic license.")
message("For more information, run optmatch::relaxinfo()")
if (is.null(model)) {
# match on all variables, stratified by stratum
model <- formula(paste(
object$treat, "~ . -", object$outcome,
"- stratum"
matchdist <- make_match_distances(object, model, method)
if (k == "full") {
return(optmatch::fullmatch(matchdist, data = object$analysis_set))
} else {
data = object$analysis_set,
controls = k
#' Match without Stratification
#' Not meant to be called externally. Match a data set without stratifying.
#' Used to compare performance with and without stratification.
#' @inheritParams strata_match
#' @return a named factor with matching assignments
#' @keywords internal
strata_match_nstrat <- function(object, model = NULL, k = 1) {
if (!requireNamespace("optmatch", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("optmatch package is required. Please install it.")
check_inputs_matcher(object, model, k)
message("This function makes essential use of the optmatch package, which has an academic license.")
message("For more information, run optmatch::relaxinfo()")
if (is.null(model)) {
# match on all variables, stratified by stratum
model <- formula(paste(
object$treat, "~ . -", object$outcome,
"- stratum"
strata_formula <- formula(paste(object$treat, "~ stratum"))
"Fitting propensity model:",
Reduce(paste, deparse(model))
# build propensity model
propensity_model <- glm(model,
data = object$analysis_set,
family = binomial()
# optmatch issues incorrect warning. Catch this and suppress it.
withCallingHandlers(matchdist <- optmatch::match_on(propensity_model,
data = object$analysis_set
warning = function(w) {
if (grepl("Error gathering complete data", w$message)) {
data = object$analysis_set,
controls = k
#' Check inputs to any matching function
#' @inheritParams strata_match
#' @return nothing
#' @keywords internal
check_inputs_matcher <- function(object, model, k) {
if (!is.strata(object)) {
stop("object must be a strata object")
if (!is.null(model)) {
if (!inherits(model, "formula")) {
stop("model must be a formula")
check_prop_formula(model, object$analysis_set, object$treat)
if (!k == "full") {
if (is.na(suppressWarnings(as.integer(k)))) stop("k must be an integer for pair matching, or \"full\" for full matching")
if (k < 1) stop("When pair matching, k must be 1 or greater")
#' Make match distances within strata
#' Makes the match distance with strata specifications for \code{strata_match}.
#' This function is largely unecessary to call outside of stratamatch, but it is
#' exported for the benefit of the user to aid in debugging.
#' @inheritParams strata_match
#' @return a match distance matrix for optmatch
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dat <- make_sample_data(n = 75)
#' # stratify with auto_stratify
#' a.strat <- auto_stratify(dat, "treat", outcome ~ X2, size = 25)
#' md <- make_match_distances(a.strat, treat ~ X1 + X2, method = "mahal")
make_match_distances <- function(object, model, method) {
strata_formula <- formula(paste(object$treat, "~ stratum"))
if (method == "prop") {
"Fitting propensity model:",
Reduce(paste, deparse(model))
# build propensity model
propensity_model <- glm(model,
data = object$analysis_set,
family = binomial()
# optmatch issues incorrect warning. Catch this and suppress it.
withCallingHandlers(matchdist <- optmatch::match_on(propensity_model,
within = optmatch::exactMatch(strata_formula,
data = object$analysis_set
warning = function(w) {
if (grepl("Error gathering complete data", w$message)) {
} else if (method == "mahal") {
"Using Mahalanobis distance:",
Reduce(paste, deparse(model))
matchdist <- optmatch::match_on(model,
data = object$analysis_set,
within = optmatch::exactMatch(strata_formula,
data = object$analysis_set
} else {
stop(paste("Method", method, "not suppported."))
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