
Defines functions s2_list

Documented in s2_list

#' @title Retrieve list of available S2 products.
#' @description The function retrieves the list of available Sentinel-2
#'  products satisfying given search criteria. 
#' @details **Important**: to search and download from Google Cloud, Google Cloud SDK
#'  must be installed and configured following the indications in
#'  \url{https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install}.
#'  Notice also that querying Google Cloud can be very slow (while downloading
#'  them is generally faster than from SciHub).
#' @param spatial_extent A valid spatial object object of class `sf`,
#'  `sfc` or `sfg`
#' @param tile `string array` Sentinel-2 Tiles to be considered string (5-length character)
#' @param orbit `string array` Sentinel-2 orbit numbers to be considered
#' @param time_interval Dates to be considered, as a temporal vector (class [POSIXct] or
#'  [Date], or string in `YYYY-mm-dd` format) of length 1 (specific day) or 2 (time interval).
#' @param time_period (optional) Character:
#'  * "full" (default) means that all
#'  the images included in the time window are considered;
#'  * "seasonal" means that only the single seasonal periods in the
#'  window are used (i.e., with a time window from 2015-06-01 to
#'  2017-08-31, the periods 2015-06-01 to 2015-08-31, 2016-06-01
#'  to 2016-08-31 and 2017-06-01 to 2017-08-31 are considered).
#' @param level Character vector with one of the following:
#'     - "auto" (default): check if level-2A is available on SciHub:
#'         if so, list it; if not, list the corresponding level-1C
#'         product
#'     - "L1C": list available level-1C products
#'     - "L2A": list available level-2A products
#' @param server (deprecate) Character vector of length 1, with the names of
#'  the servers on which SAFE archives are searched. 
#'  Currently, only `"gcloud"` (Google Cloud) is supported.
#'  Old `"scihub"` (ESA Sentinel Hub) can no more be used, since November 2023,
#'  when the Copernicus Sentinel Data is no longer available and has been 
#'  replaced by the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem.
#'  See also the section "Details".
#' @param apihub _deprecated_
#' @param service _deprecated_
#' @param max_cloud Integer number (0-100) containing the maximum cloud
#'  level of the tiles to be listed (default: no filter).
#' @param availability Character argument, determining which products have
#'  to be returned: 
#'  - `"online"` : only archive names already available for download are returned;
#'  - `"lta"`: only archive names stored in the
#'      Long Term Archive
#'      are returned;
#'  - `"check"`: all archive names are returned, checking if they are
#'      available or not for download (see "Value" to know 
#'      how to distinguish each other);
#'  - `"ignore"` (default): all archive names are returned, without doing the check
#'      (running the function is faster).
#'  If not provided, `"ignore"` is the default value unless 
#'  `server = c("scihub","gcloud")` (in which case `"check"` is used).
#' @param tmpdir (optional) Path where intermediate files (xml) will be created
#'  (it is used only if argument `server` includes `"gcloud"`).
#'  Default is a temporary directory.
#'  If `tmpdir` is a non-empty folder, a random subdirectory will be used.
#' @param output_type Deprecated (use `as.data.table` to obtain a data.table).
#' @return An object of class [safelist].
#'  The attribute `online` contains logical values: in case 
#'  `availability != "ignore"`, values are TRUE / FALSE for
#'  products available for download / stored in the Long Term Archive; 
#'  otherwise, values are set to NA.
#' @author Lorenzo Busetto, phD (2019) - Inspired by 
#'  function `getSentinel_query` of package 
#'  [`getSpatialData`](https://github.com/16EAGLE/getSpatialData) by J. Schwalb-Willmann
#' @author Luigi Ranghetti, phD (2019)
#' @references L. Ranghetti, M. Boschetti, F. Nutini, L. Busetto (2020).
#'  "sen2r": An R toolbox for automatically downloading and preprocessing 
#'  Sentinel-2 satellite data. _Computers & Geosciences_, 139, 104473. 
#'  \doi{10.1016/j.cageo.2020.104473}, URL: \url{https://sen2r.ranghetti.info/}.
#' @note License: GPL 3.0
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom methods is as
#' @importFrom sf st_as_sfc st_sfc st_point st_as_text st_bbox st_coordinates
#'  st_geometry st_intersection st_geometry st_convex_hull st_transform st_cast
#'  st_union st_centroid st_is_valid st_make_valid
#' @importFrom httr RETRY authenticate content
#' @importFrom XML htmlTreeParse saveXML xmlRoot
#' @importFrom utils head read.table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' pos <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(9.85,45.81)), crs = 4326)
#' time_window <- as.Date(c("2020-08-01", "2020-08-11"))
#' # Full-period list
#' if (is_gcloud_configured()) {
#'   example_s2_list <- s2_list(
#'     spatial_extent = pos,
#'     tile = "32TNR",
#'     time_interval = time_window,
#'     orbit = "065"
#'   )
#' } else {
#'   example_s2_list <- as(character(), "safelist")
#' }
#' print(example_s2_list)
#' # Print the dates of the retrieved products
#' safe_getMetadata(example_s2_list, "sensing_datetime")
#' # Seasonal-period list
#' if (is_gcloud_configured()) {
#'   example_s2_list <- s2_list(
#'     spatial_extent = pos,
#'     tile = "32TNR",
#'     time_interval = time_window,
#'     time_period = "seasonal"
#'   )
#' } else {
#'   example_s2_list <- as(character(), "safelist")
#' }
#' print(example_s2_list)
#' # Print the dates of the retrieved products
#' safe_getMetadata(example_s2_list, "sensing_datetime")
#' }

s2_list <- function(spatial_extent = NULL,
                    tile = NULL,
                    orbit = NULL, # spatial parameters
                    time_interval = c(Sys.Date() - 10, Sys.Date()), 
                    time_period = "full", # temporal parameters
                    level = "auto",
                    server = "gcloud",
                    apihub = NA,
                    service = "apihub",
                    max_cloud = 100,
                    tmpdir = NA,
                    output_type = "deprecated") {
  if (!level %in% c("auto", "L2A", "L1C")) {
      type = "error",
      "`level` must be \"auto\", \"L2A\" or \"L1C\""
  if (!time_period %in% c("full", "seasonal")) {
      type = "error",
      "`level` must be \"full\" or \"seasonal\""
  if (missing(availability)) {
    if (length(server) == 2 && server[1] == "scihub" && server[2] == "gcloud") {
      availability <- "check"
    } else {
      availability <- "ignore"
  if (!availability %in% c("ignore", "check", "online", "lta")) {
      type = "error",
      "`availability` must be one among \"online\", \"lta\", ",
      "\"check\" and \"ignore\""

  # check the used service
  if (!service %in% c("apihub", "dhus")) {
      type = "error",
      "Argument 'service' can be only \"apihub\" or \"dhus\"; ",
      "switching to \"apihub\"."
    service <- "apihub"
  if (inherits(try(as.Date(time_interval), silent = TRUE), "try-error")) {
      type = "error",
      "`time_interval` must be of class `Date`, `POSIXct` or `character` ",
      "cohercible to Date (YYYY-mm-dd)."
  } else if (inherits(time_interval, "character")) {
    time_interval <- as.Date(time_interval)
  if (anyNA(match(server, c("gcloud", "s2cogs")))) {
      type = "error",
      "`server` must be \"gcloud\" (\"apihub\" is no longer available)."
  # to avoid NOTE on check
  . <- online <- id_tile <- id_orbit <- 
    sensing_datetime <- ingestion_datetime <- centroid <- footprint <- NULL
  # Do not use the {s2} spherical geometry package (to avoid errors)
  # (when the interface between {sf} and {s2} will be stable, this should be removed)
  if (requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) {
      invisible(capture.output(sf_use_s2_prev <- sf::sf_use_s2(FALSE)))
    }, silent = TRUE)
  # convert input NA arguments in NULL
  for (a in c("spatial_extent","tile","orbit","time_interval","apihub")) {
    if (suppressWarnings(all(is.na(get(a))))) {
  # check if spatial_extent was provided
  spatial_extent_exists <- if (!exists("spatial_extent")) {
  } else if (is.null(spatial_extent)) {
  } else if (is(spatial_extent, "POLYGON")) {
    if (length(spatial_extent) == 0) {
    } else {
  } else {
  # verify that spatial_extent is `sf` or `sfc`, and convert to `sfc`
  if (spatial_extent_exists) {
    if (!inherits(spatial_extent, c("sf", "sfc"))){
        type = "error",
        "`spatial_extent` is not a `sf` or `sfc` object."
    } else {
      spatial_extent <- st_transform(
  # if not, retrieve it from tile
  if (all(!spatial_extent_exists, is.null(tile))) {
      type = "error",
      "At least one parameter among spatial_extent and tile must be specified."
  # load tiles borders if needed.
  if (any(!spatial_extent_exists, is.null(tile), "gcloud" %in% server)) {
    # extract and import tiles kml
    s2tiles <- s2_tiles()
  # determine required tiles if needed
  if (is.null(tile)) {
    tile <- tiles_intersects(spatial_extent, .s2tiles = s2tiles)
  # take the the selected tiles as extent if needed
  # (this will result in the selection of more tiles, cause to overlapping
  # areas; it is filtered in s2_download, but it is slow: FIXME).
  # It is not possible to use tile centroids, because tile of external areas
  # of orbits could not be included).
  if (!spatial_extent_exists & !is.null(tile)) {
    spatial_extent <- suppressWarnings(
      sf::st_cast(sf::st_geometry(s2tiles[s2tiles$tile_id %in% tile,]), "POLYGON")
  spatial_extent <- suppressMessages(sf::st_union(spatial_extent))
  if (any(!st_is_valid(spatial_extent))) {
    spatial_extent <- st_make_valid(spatial_extent)
  # checks on dates
  # TODO add checks on format
  if (length(time_interval) == 1) {
    time_interval <- rep(time_interval,2)
  # split time_interval in case of seasonal download
  time_intervals <- if (time_period == "full") {
      "start" = time_interval[1],
      "end" = time_interval[2],
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  } else if (time_period == "seasonal") {
      "start" = seq(time_interval[1], time_interval[2], by = "year"),
      "end" = rev(seq(time_interval[2], time_interval[1], by = "-1 year")),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  if (!is.null(orbit)) {
    orbit <- as.integer(orbit)
    if (any(is.na(orbit))) {
        type = "error",
        "`orbit` must be integer or cohercible to integer."
  if (!is.numeric(max_cloud)) {
      type = "error",
      "`max_cloud` must be integer [0,100]."
  # List of output dt (one per server method)
  out_dt_list <- list()
  ## ESA SciHub specific methods
  if ("scihub" %in% server) {
    out_dt_list[["scihub"]] <- .s2_list_scihub(
      spatial_extent = spatial_extent, 
      time_intervals = time_intervals, 
      tile = tile, 
      orbit = orbit, 
      max_cloud = max_cloud, 
      apihub = apihub, 
      service = service,
      availability = availability,
      .s2tiles = s2tiles
    out_dt_list[["scihub"]][,server:=rep("scihub", nrow(out_dt_list[["scihub"]]))]
  ## Google Cloud specific methods
  if ("gcloud" %in% server) {
    out_dt_list[["gcloud"]] <- .s2_list_gcloud(
      time_intervals = time_intervals,
      tile = tile,
      orbit = orbit,
      level = level,
      max_cloud = max_cloud,
      tmpdir = tmpdir
    out_dt_list[["gcloud"]][,server:=rep("gcloud", nrow(out_dt_list[["gcloud"]]))]
  ## AWS s2-COGs specific methods
  if ("s2cogs" %in% server) {
    if (eval(parse(text = 'requireNamespace("sen2r.addons", quietly = TRUE)'))) {
      out_dt_list[["s2cogs"]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0(
        "  spatial_extent = spatial_extent,",
        "  time_intervals = time_intervals,",
        # "  s2bands = s2bands,", # TODO implement!
        "  tile = tile,",
        "  orbit = orbit,",
        "  max_cloud = max_cloud,",
        "  tmpdir = tmpdir",
    } else {
        type = "error",
        "Please install package 'sen2r.addons' to use server = \"s2cogs\"."
  ## Merge dt (in case of multiple servers)
  # order by the order of input "server" argument (this is used in duplicated:
  # first "server" value is taken in case of douplicated availability)
  out_dt <- rbindlist(out_dt_list)
  out_dt$server <- factor(out_dt$server, levels=server) # order by argument server
  if (nrow(out_dt) == 0) {return(as(setNames(character(0), character(0)), "safelist"))}
  # compute date (to ignore duplicated dates)
  out_dt[,date := as.Date(substr(as.character(out_dt$sensing_datetime), 1, 10))]
  out_names <- copy(names(out_dt)); out_names <- out_names[out_names != "server"]
  # fix footprint topology errors
  invalid_entries <- out_dt[,which(!st_is_valid(st_as_sfc(footprint, crs = 4326)))]
  if (length(invalid_entries) > 0) {
    out_footprint_fixed <- st_as_text(st_make_valid(st_as_sfc(out_dt[invalid_entries, footprint], crs = 4326)))
    out_dt[invalid_entries, footprint := out_footprint_fixed]
  if (nrow(out_dt) == 0) {return(as(setNames(character(0), character(0)), "safelist"))}
  # first, order by level (L2A, then L1C) and ingestion time (newer first)
  out_dt <- out_dt[order(-level,server,-ingestion_datetime),]
  # second, order by availability (LTA SciHub products are always used as last choice)
  out_dt <- rbind(
    out_dt[is.na(online) | online == TRUE,],
    out_dt[online == FALSE,]
  if (level == "L1C") {
    out_dt <- out_dt[level == "1C",]
  } else if (level == "L2A") {
    out_dt <- out_dt[grepl("^2Ap?$", level),]
  } # for level = "auto", do nothing because unuseful products are filtered below
  # filter (univocity)
    out_dt[,centroid := st_centroid(st_as_sfc(footprint, crs = 4326))]
  out_dt <- out_dt[,head(.SD, 1), by = .(
    date, id_tile, id_orbit, 
    apply(round(st_coordinates(centroid), 2), 1, paste, collapse = " ")
  out_dt <- out_dt[,out_names,with=FALSE]
  if (nrow(out_dt) == 0) {return(as(setNames(character(0), character(0)), "safelist"))}
  out_dt <- out_dt[order(sensing_datetime),]
  out_dt[,date := NULL]
  # filter by availability
  if (availability == "online") {
    out_dt <- out_dt[online == TRUE,]
  } else if (availability == "lta") {
    out_dt <- out_dt[online == FALSE,]
  # return output
  if (output_type =="data.table") { # deprecated
  } else if (output_type =="data.frame") { # deprecated
  } else if (output_type =="vector") { # deprecated
    as.character(as(out_dt, "safelist"))
  } else {
    as(out_dt, "safelist")
ranghetti/fidolasen documentation built on March 27, 2024, 9:37 p.m.